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Important vocabulary for the novel Esperanza
Spanish | English |
a través de | across |
abandonar | to abandon |
abrazar | to hug |
agarrar | to grab |
abogado | lawyer |
el caos | chaos |
el centavo | cent |
el chófer | driver |
el desierto | desert |
el mensaje | message |
el sindicato | union |
escaparse | to escape |
esperar | to hope, to wait for |
gritar | to yell |
la carta | letter |
la celda | jail cell |
la cita | date, appointment |
la entrevista | interview |
la esperanza | hope |
la frontera | border |
la gente | people |
la huelga | strike |
la misa | Catholic Mass |
la solicitud | application |
la voz | voice |
las noticias | news |
llegar | to arrive |
llorar | to cry |
los políticos | politicians |
los soldados | soldiers |
matar | to kill |
oscuro | dark |
planear | to plan |
regresar | to return |
tampoco | neither, either |
todavía | still, yet |
ya | already |