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Present Tense Verbs
Blend of conjugated verbs and their meaning
Italian | English |
Accendo | I turn on |
Amo | I love |
Annuso | I smell |
Apro | I open |
Sento | I hear |
Assaggio | I taste |
Cambio | I change |
Cammino | I walk |
Canto | I sing |
Capisco | I comprehend/know |
Cerco | I look for/search |
Chiudo | I close |
Compro | I buy |
Corro | I run |
Cuco | I sew |
Cuscino | I cook |
Dimentico | I forget |
Dipingo | I paint |
Domando | I ask |
Dormo | I sleep |
Finisco | I finish |
Fotografo | I take a picture |
Gioco | I play |
Guardo | I look |
Guido | I drive |
Imparo | I learn |
Incontro | I meet |
Inizio | I start |
Lanca | I throw |
Lavo | I wash |
Lavoro | I work |
Leggo | I read |
Mangio | I eat |
Nuoto | I swim |
Pago | I pay |
Parlo | I speak |
Pianto | I plant |
Porto | I take/carry |
Preferisco | I prefer |
Prendo | I catch |
Provo | I try |
Pulisco | I clean |
Racconto | I tell |
Ricordo | I remember |
Rido | I laugh |
Riparo | I repair |
Ripeto | I repeat |
Ascolto | I listen |
Sogno | I dream |
Sorrido | I smile |
Spegno | I turn off |
Studio | I study |
Tocco | I touch |
Torno | I return |
Trapunto | I quilt |
Uso | I use |
Vedo | I see |
Viaggio | I travel |
sono (s) | I am |
ho | I have |
Voglio | I want something/do something |
Posso | I can (permission, possibility) |
Vado | I go |
Sto | I am (temporary) |
So | I know how to/can |
dico | I say |
faccio | I do |
vengo | I come |
devo | I have to/must |
do | I give |
esco | I leave/exit |
bevo | I drink |
Accendi | You turn on |
Ami | You love |
Annusi | You smell |
Apri | You open |
Senti | You hear |
Assaggi | You taste |
Cambi | You change |
Cammini | You walk |
Canti | You sing |
Capisci | You comprehend/know |
Cerci | You look for/search |
Chiudi | You close |
Compri | You buy |
Corri | You run |
Cuci | You sew |
Cuscini | You cook |
Dimentici | You forget |
Dipingi | You paint |
Domandi | You ask |
Dormi | You sleep |
Finisci | You finish |
Fotografi | You take a picture |
Gioci | You play |
Guardi | You look |
Guidi | You drive |
Impari | You learn |
Incontri | You meet |
Inizi | You start |
Lanca | You throw |
Lavi | You wash |
Lavori | You work |
Leggi | You read |
Mangi | You eat |
Nuoti | You swim |
Pagi | You pay |
Parli | You speak |
Pianti | You plant |
Porti | You take/carry |
Preferisci | You prefer |
Prendi | You catch |
Provi | You try |
Pulisci | You clean |
Racconti | You tell |
Ricordi | You remember |
Ridi | You laugh |
Ripari | You repair |
Ripeti | You repeat |
Ascolti | You listen |
Sogni | You dream |
Sorridi | You smile |
Spegni | You turn off |
Studi | You study |
Tocci | You touch |
Torni | You return |
Trapunti | You quilt |
Usi | You use |
Vedi | You see |
Viaggi | You travel |
sei' | You are |
hai | You have |
Vuoi | You want something/do something |
Puoi | You are able (permission/possibility) |
Vai | You go |
Stai | You am (temporary) |
Sai | You know how to/can |
dici | You say |
fai | You do |
vieni | You come |
devi | You have to/must |
dai | You give |
esci | You leave/exit |
bevi | You drink |
Accende | He/She turns on |
Ama | He/She loves |
Annusa | He/She smells |
Apre | He/She opens |
Sente | He/She hears |
Assaggia | He/She tastes |
Cambia | He/She changes |
Cammina | He/She walks |
Canta | He/She sings |
Capisce | He/She Comprehends/Knows |
Cerca | He/She looks for/searches for |
Chiude | He/She closes |
Compra | He/She buys |
Corre | He/She runs |
Cuce | He/She sews |
Cuscina | He/She cooks |
Dimentica | He/She forgets |
Dipinge | He/She paints |
Domanda | He/She asks |
Dorme | He/She sleeps |
Finisce | He/She finishes |
Fotografa | He/She takes a picture |
Gioca | He/She plays |
Guarda | He/She looks |
Guida | He/She drives |
Impara | He/She learns |
Incontra | He/She meets |
Inizia | He/She starts |
Lanca | He/She throws |
Lava | He/She washes |
Lavora | He/She works |
Legge | He/She reads |
Mangia | He/She eats |
Nuota | He/She swims |
Paga | He/She pays |
Parla | He/She speaks |
Pianta | He/She plants |
Porta | He/She takes/carries |
Preferisce | He/She prefers |
Prenda | He/She catches |
Prova | He/She tries |
Pulisce | He/She cleans |
Racconta | He/She tells |
Ricorda | He/She remembers |
Ride | He/She laughs |
Ripara | He/She repairs |
Ripete | He/She repeats |
Ascolta | He/She listens |
Sogna | He/She dreams |
Sorride | He/She smiles |
Spegne | He/She turns off |
Studia | He/She studies |
Tocca | He/She touches |
Torna | He/She returns |
Trapunta | He/She quilts |
Usa | He/She uses |
Vede | He/She sees |
Viaggia | He/She travels |
è | He/She is |
ha | He/She has |
Vuole | He/She wants something/do something |
Può | He/She can (permission/possibility) |
Va | He/She goes |
Sta | He/She is (temporary) |
Sa | He/She knows how to/can |
dice | He/She says |
fa | He/She does |
viene | He/She comes |
deve | He/She has to/must |
da | He/She gives |
esce | He/She leaves/exits |
beve | He/She drinks |
Accendiamo | We turn on |
Amiamo | We love |
Annusiamo | We smell |
Apriamo | We open |
Sentiamo | We hear |
Assaggiiamo | We taste |
Cambiiamo | We change |
Camminiamo | We walk |
Cantiamo | We sing |
Capiamo | We comprehend/know |
Cerciamo | We look for/search |
Chiudiamo | We close |
Compriamo | We buy |
Corriamo | We run |
Cuciamo | We sew |
Cusciniamo | We cook |
Dimenticiamo | We forget |
Dipingiamo | We paint |
Domandiamo | We ask |
Dormiamo | We sleep |
Finiamo | We finish |
Fotografiamo | We take a picture |
Giociamo | We play |
Guardiamo | We look |
Guidiamo | We drive |
Impariamo | We learn |
Incontriamo | We meet |
Iniziiamo | We start |
Lanca | We throw |
Laviamo | We wash |
Lavoriamo | We work |
Leggiamo | We read |
Mangiiamo | We eat |
Nuotiamo | We swim |
Pagiamo | We pay |
Parliamo | We speak |
Piantiamo | We plant |
Portiamo | We take/carry |
Preferiamo | We prefer |
Prendiamo | We catch |
Proviamo | We try |
Puliamo | We clean |
Raccontiamo | We tell |
Ricordiamo | We remember |
Ridiamo | We laugh |
Ripariamo | We repair |
Ripetiamo | We repeat |
Ascoltiamo | We listen |
Sogniamo | We dream |
Sorridiamo | We smile |
Spegniamo | We turn off |
Studiiamo | We study |
Tocciamo | We touch |
Torniamo | We return |
Trapuntiamo | We quilt |
Usiamo | We use |
Vediamo | We see |
Viaggiiamo | We travel |
siamo | We are |
abbiamo | We have |
Vogliamo | We want something/do something |
Possiamo | We can (permission/possibility) |
Andiamo | We go |
Stiamo | We are (temporary) |
Sappiamo | We know how to/can |
diciamo | We say |
facciamo | We do |
veniamo | We come |
dobbiamo | We have to/must |
diamo | We give |
usciamo | We leave/exit |
beviamo | We drink |
Accendete | Y'all turn on |
Amate | Y'all love |
Annusate | Y'all smell |
Aprite | Y'all open |
Sentite | Y'all hear |
Assaggiate | Y'all taste |
Cambiate | Y'all change |
Camminate | Y'all walk |
Cantate | Y'all sing |
Capite | Y'all comprehend/know |
Cercate | Y'all look for/search |
Chiudete | Y'all close |
Comprate | Y'all buy |
Correte | Y'all run |
Cucite | Y'all sew |
Cuscinate | Y'all cook |
Dimenticate | Y'all forget |
Dipingete | Y'all paint |
Domandate | Y'all ask |
Dormite | Y'all sleep |
Finite | Y'all finish |
Fotografate | Y'all take a picture |
Giocate | Y'all play |
Guardate | Y'all look |
Guidate | Y'all drive |
Imparate | Y'all learn |
Incontrate | Y'all meet |
Iniziate | Y'all start |
Lanca | Y'all throw |
Lavate | Y'all wash |
Lavorate | Y'all work |
Leggete | Y'all read |
Mangiate | Y'all eat |
Nuotate | Y'all swim |
Pagate | Y'all pay |
Parlate | Y'all speak |
Piantate | Y'all plant |
Portate | Y'all take/carry |
Preferite | Y'all prefer |
Prendate | Y'all catch |
Provate | Y'all try |
Pulite | Y'all clean |
Raccontate | Y'all tell |
Ricordate | Y'all remember |
Ridete | Y'all laugh |
Riparate | Y'all repair |
Ripetete | Y'all repeat |
Ascoltate | Y'all listen |
Sognate | Y'all dream |
Sorridete | Y'all smile |
Spegnete | Y'all turn off |
Studiate | Y'all study |
Toccate | Y'all touch |
Tornate | Y'all return |
Trapuntate | Y'all quilt |
Usate | Y'all use |
Vedete | Y'all see |
Viaggiate | Y'all travel |
siete | Y'all are |
avete | Y'all have |
Volete | Y'all want something/do something |
Potete | Y'all can (permission/possibility) |
Andate | Y'all go |
State | Y'all are (temporary) |
Sapete | Y'all know how to/can |
dite | Y'all say |
fate | Y'all do |
venite | Y'all come |
dovete | Y'all have to/must |
date | Y'all give |
uscite | Y'all leave/exit |
bevete | Y'all drink |
Accendono | They turn on |
Amano | They love |
Annusano | They smell |
Aprono | They open |
Sentono | They hear |
Assaggiano | They taste |
Cambiano | They change |
Camminano | They walk |
Cantano | They sing |
Capiscono | They comprehend/know |
Cercano | They look for/search |
Chiudono | They close |
Comprano | They buy |
Corrono | They run |
Cucono | They sew |
Cuscinano | They cook |
Dimenticano | They forget |
Dipingono | They paint |
Domandano | They ask |
Dormono | They sleep |
Finiscono | They finish |
Fotografano | They take a picture |
Giocano | They play |
Guardano | They look |
Guidano | They drive |
Imparano | They learn |
Incontrano | They meet |
Iniziano | They start |
Lanca | They throw |
Lavano | They wash |
Lavorano | They work |
Leggono | They read |
Mangiano | They eat |
Nuotano | They swim |
Pagano | They pay |
Parlano | They speak |
Piantano | They plant |
Portano | They take/carry |
Preferiscono | They prefer |
Prendano | They catch |
Provano | They try |
Puliscono | They clean |
Raccontano | They tell |
Ricordano | They remember |
Ridono | They laugh |
Riparano | They repair |
Ripetono | They repeat |
Ascoltano | They listen |
Sognano | They dream |
Sorridono | They smile |
Spegnono | They turn off |
Studiano | They study |
Toccano | They touch |
Tornano | They return |
Trapuntano | They quilt |
Usano | They use |
Vedono | They see |
Viaggiano | They travel |
sono (f) | They are |
hanno | They have |
Vogliono | They want something/do something |
Possono | They can (permission/possibility) |
Vanno | They go |
Stanno | They are (temporary) |
Sanno | They know how to/can |
dicono | They say |
fanno | They do |
vengono | They come |
devono | They have to/must |
danno | They give |
escono | They leave/exit |
bevono | They drink |
accendere | turn on |
amare | love |
annusare | smell |
aprire | open |
sentire | hear |
assaggiare | taste |
cambiare | change |
camminare | walk |
cantare | sing |
capire* | comprehend/know |
cercare | look for/search |
chiudere | close |
comprare | buy |
correre | run |
cucire | sew |
cuscinare | cook |
dimenticare | forget |
dipingere | paint |
domandare | ask |
dormire | sleep |
finire* | finish |
fotografare | take a picture |
giocare | play |
guardare | look |
guidare | drive |
imparare | learn |
incontrare | meet |
iniziare | start |
lanca | throw |
lavare | wash |
lavorare | work |
leggere | read |
mangiare | eat |
nuotare | swim |
pagare | pay |
parlare | speak |
piantare | plant |
portare | take/carry |
preferire* | prefer |
prendare | catch |
provare | try |
pulire* | clean |
raccontare | tell |
ricordare | remember |
ridere | laugh |
riparare | repair |
ripetere | repeat |
ascoltare | listen |
sognare | dream |
sorridere | smile |
spegnere | turn off |
studiare | study |
toccare | touch |
tornare | return |
trapuntare | quilt |
usare | use |
vedere | see |
viaggiare | travel |
addormentarsi | to fall asleep |
allenarsi | to work out |
alzarsi | to get up, to rise |
ammalarsi | to get sick |
annoiarsi | to get bored |
chiamarsi | to be called |
farsi male | to hurt oneself |
divertirsi | to have fun, to enjoy oneself |
farsi la barba | to shave |
farsi la doccia | to take a shower |
innamorarsi | to fall in love |
innervosirsi | to get nervous |
lamentarsi | to complain |
mettersi | to put on |
lavarsi | to wash oneself |
pettinarsi | to comb one’s hair |
sedersi | to sit down |
sentirsi | to feel oneself |
spogliarsi | to get undressed |
stressarsi | to get stressed |
svegliarsi | to wake up |
truccarsi | to put on make-up |
ubriacarsi | to get drunk |
vestirsi | to get dressed |
voltarsi | to turn oneself around |
perdersi | to become lost |
rilassarsi | to relax |
ripsosarsi | to rest |
prepararsi | to get ready |
essere | be |
avere | have |
volere | want something/do something |
potere | be able (permission/possibility) |
andare | go |
stare | be (temporary) |
sapere | know how (ability) |
dire | say |
fare | do |
venire | come |
dovere | have to/must |
dare | give |
uscire | leave/exit |
bere | drink |
Accendere | Turn on |
Accorgersi | Notice, realize |
Aggiungere | Add to, throw in |
Aprire | Open, start |
Bere | Drink |
Chiedere | Ask |
Chiudere | close |
Comporre | Compose |
Concludere | Conclude |
Coprire | Cover |
Correggere | Correct, fix |
Correre | Run |
Cuocere | Cook, bake, simmer |
Decidere | Decide |
Dipingere | Paint, portray |
Dire | Say, tell |
Discutere | Discuss, debate |
Distruggere | Destroy, smash |
Dividere | Divide, split |
Esprimere | Express |
Essere | Be |
Fare | Do, make, take |
Friggere | Fry |
Leggere | read |
Mettere | Put, place, get |
Mordere | Bite, chew |
Morire | Die |
Muovere | Move, wiggle |
Nascere | Be born |
Nascondere | Hide, conceal |
Offendere | Offend, insult |
Offrire | Offer |
Perdere | Lose, miss |
Permettere | Permit |
Piangere | Cry |
Prendere | Take, get |
Pungere | Sting, stick, prick |
Ridere | Laugh |
Rimanere | Remain, stay |
Rispondere | Answer, respond |
Rompere | Break |
Scegliere | Choose, pick, select |
Sciogliere | Dissolve, melt |
Scrivere | Write |
Sorprendere | Surprise |
Spegnere | Turn off |
Spendere | Spend |
Spingere | Push |
Stringere | Tighten |
Succedere | Happen, succeed |
Tingere | Dye, stain |
Togliere | Remove, take away |
Tradurre | Translate |
Trascorrere | spend time |
Uccidere | Murder |
Ungere | Grease, oil |
Vedere | See, watch |
Venire | come, go (with) |
Vincere | Win |
Vivere | live, experience, enjoy |