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Spanish 3, Chapter 1
Term | Definition |
amable | kind |
amistoso(a) | friendly |
cariñoso(a) | caring, loving |
celoso(a) | jealous |
chismoso(a) | gossipy |
comprensivo(a) | understanding |
considerado(a) | considerate |
egoísta | selfish |
entrometido(a) | nosy |
gracioso(a) | funny, witty |
mentiroso(a) | liar |
perezoso(a) | lazy |
perfeccionista | perfectionist |
reservado(a) | reserved, shy |
sincero(a) sincere | sincere |
tacaño(a) | cheap; stingy |
tonto(a) | silly, foolish |
ansioso(a) | anxious |
contento(a) | happy |
deprimido(a) | depressed |
disgustado(a) | upset |
emocionado(a) | excited |
enojado(a) | angry |
preocupado (por) | worried (about) |
triste | sad |
apoyar | to support |
apreciar | to appreciate |
confiar | to trust |
contar (con) | to count on |
criticar | to criticize |
dar consejos | to give advice |
disculparse | to apologize |
discutir | to discuss, to argue |
gritar | to yell |
guardar un secreto | to keep a secret |
ignorar | to ignore |
importar | to be important to; to matter |
juntos/as | together |
llevarse bien/mal/fatal | to get along well/badlyly/terribly |
llorar | to cry |
mentir | to lie |
molestar | to bother; to annoy |
odiar | to hate |
pasarlo bien/mal/fatal | to have a good/bad/terrible time |
pelearse | to fight |
perdonar | to forgive |
quejarse (de) | to complain about |
resolver | to resolve; to solve |
respetar | to respect |
salir (con) | to go out (with) |
sentirse | to feel |
tener celos (de) | to be jealous (of) |
tener conflicto | to have conflict |
tener en común | to have in common |
tener la culpa | to be guilty |
tener paciencia | to have patience |
tener vergüenza (de) | to be ashamed/embarrassed (of) |