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irregular preterite
preterite and other vocab
Question | Answer |
regular preterite AR endings | é aste ó amos aron |
regular preterite ER+IR endings | í iste ío imos ieron |
car, gar, zar verbs change to... | qu, gu, c (only in the yo form) |
double vowels (eer, uir) changes to... | i-y (only in the third person forms) |
SC-IRV: pedir | to ask (e-i in third person) |
SC-IRV: dormir | to sleep (o-u in third person) |
SC-IRV: preferir | to prefer (2nd e-i in third person) |
SC-IRV: servir | to serve (e-i in third person) |
SC-IRV: repetir | to repeat (2nd e-i in third person) |
which type of verb has stem changes in the past and present tense? | IR verbs |
una vez | once; one time |
ya | already |
de repente | suddenly |
anteayer | the day before yesterday |
irregular preterite endings | e, iste, o, imos, ieron (only third person is ar the rest is ir+er) |
preterite tener-> | to have. TUV (tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvieron) |
preterite venir-> | to come. VIN (vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinieron) |
preterite poner-> | to put PUS (puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusieron) |
preterite querer-> | to want QUIS (quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quieron) |
preterite traer-> | to bring TRAJ (traje, traiste, trajo, trajimos, trajieron) |
preterite decir-> | to say DIG (dige, digiste, digo, digimos, digieron) |
preterite hacer-> | to do/make HIC (hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicieron) |
preterite hacer is extra irregular, why? | the el ella usted form is weird (hice, hiciste, HIZO, hicimos, hicieron) |
preterite ser+ir-> | to be+to go FU (fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron) |
preterite SER+IR endings | i, iste, e, imos, eron |
preterite ver-> | to see V (vi, viste, vio, vimos, vieron) |
preterite dar-> | to give D (di, diste, dio, dimos, dieron) |
preterite VER+DAR endings | i, iste, io, imos, ieron. same as irregular preterite except singular third person is io instead of o. |
preterite estar-> | i was ESTUV (estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, estuvieron) |
preterite saber-> | to know SUP (supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supieron) |
preterite poder-> | to be able to PUD (pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudieron) |
when verbs are irregular in the preterite they do not have what? | accent marks |
preterite conducir-> | to drive CONDUJ (conduje, condujiste, condujo, conduimos, conjugieron) |
me paso... | happened to me... |
...algo muy divertida | ...something very fun | madrugada | in the middle of the night |
un suceso | an event |
un hecho | an incident |
un temblor | earthquake |
...hace poco tiempo | ...a little time ago |