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Country Vocab
Vocab about the country
Spanish | English |
El campo | the field |
El pueblo | the town |
la finca | the farm |
la casa de campo | the country house |
El campesino | the farmer |
la siembra | the planting |
la cosecha | the harvest |
El maíz | corn, maize |
el trigo | wheat |
los cereales | cereal, grain |
la huerta | the garden |
los vegetales | the vegetables |
el huerto | the garden |
el manzano | the apple tree |
el peral | the pear tree |
cultivar | to grow |
sembrar | to plant |
cosechar | to harvest |
criar los animlaes | to raise the animlas |
el ganado | the cattle |
la vaca | the cow |
el cerdo | the pig |
la gallina | the chicken |
el gallo | the rooster |
el pato | the duck |
el caballo | the horse |