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Unidad 4 Español 3
Spanish | English |
El abono | Fertilizer |
El aire acondicionado | Air conditioning |
El agua potable | Drinking water |
El bote | Container/ Bin |
La bolsa de plástico | Plastic bag |
La botella | Bottle |
Las bombillas | Light bulbs |
Biodegradable | Biodegradable |
El cambio climático | Climate change |
El carril de bicicleta / La ciclovía | Bike lane |
La calefacción | Heating |
La contaminación | Pollution |
Los combustibles fósiles | Fossil fuels |
El consumo | Consumption |
El contenedor | Container |
La deforestación | Deforestation |
Los desechos | Waste |
Los desperdicios | Leftovers, waste |
El ecosistema | Ecosystem |
La energía renovable | Renewable energy |
La escasez de | Shortage of |
El envase | Package, container |
El espacio/ la zona verde | Green space |
La fabricación de productos | Product manufacturing |
La generación de residuos | Waste generation |
La huella ecológica | Ecological footprint |
La iniciativa | Initiative |
El inodoro | Toilet |
El medioambiente | Environment |
La medida | Measure, action |
La movilidad sostenible | Sustainable mobility |
Los peatones | Pedestrians |
Los plásticos de un solo uso | Single-use plastics |
La prenda sintética | Synthetic garment |
Los productos ecológicos / eco-amigables | Eco-friendly products |
El reciclaje | Recycling |
Los recursos naturales | Natural resources |
El tranvía | Tram, streetcar |
El transporte público eléctrico | Electric public transport |
La sostenibilidad | Sustainability |
La vivienda sostenible | Sustainable housing |
La zona peatonal | Pedestrian area |
Absorber | To absorb |
Adoptar | To adopt |
Ahorrar | To save |
Alejar | To move away |
Amenazar (la amenaza) | To threaten (threat) |
Aumentar | To increase |
Bajar | To lower, decrease |
Caducar | To expire |
Cambiar | To change |
Cerrar el grifo | To turn off the faucet |
Concientizar a la gente | To raise awareness |
Desarrollar (el desarrollo) | To develop (development) |
Desenchufar los aparatos | To unplug devices |
Desperdiciar | To waste |
Disminuir | To decrease |
Encender (encendido) | To turn on (turned on) |
Faltar (la falta de) | To lack (lack of) |
Fomentar | To encourage, promote |
Funcionar | To function, to work |
Gastar (el gasto) | To spend (expense) |
Innovar | To innovate |
Intercambiar la ropa | To exchange clothes |
Llenar (lleno) | To fill (full) |
Malgastar | To waste |
Perjudicar | To harm |
Plantar / Sembrar | To plant |
Planificar | To plan |
Poner en peligro | To endanger |
Priorizar | To prioritize |
Prohibir | To prohibit, to ban |
Promover (o-ue) | To promote |
Proteger | To protect |
Recolectar los residuos | To collect waste |
Recoger | To pick up, to collect |
Reducir, Reutilizar, Reciclar | To reduce, reuse, recycle |
Reducir las emisiones | To reduce emissions |
Regar (el riego) | To water (watering) |
Reemplazar | To replace |
Resolver (o-ue) / Solucionar | To resolve, to solve |
Restaurar | To restore |
Rodearse | To surround oneself |
Sustituir un producto por otro | To substitute one product for another |
Vaciar | To empty |