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Spanish I 2.1
Spanish | English |
¿A qué hora es...? | At what time is...? |
¿Qué hora es? | What time is it? |
A la(s)... | At __________ o'clock. |
Es la una. | It is 1:00. |
Son las… | It is __________ o'clock. |
de la mañana | In the morning. (AM) |
de la tarde | In the afternoon. (PM) |
de la noche | In the evening. (PM) |
la hora | the time/hour |
el horario | the schedule |
menos | to, before, minus |
el minuto | the minute |
...y cuarto | quarter past |
...y (minutos) | minutes past |
...y media | half past |
de vez en cuando | once in a while |
muchas veces | often, many times |
mucho | a lot |
nunca | never |
siempre | always |
todos los días | every day |
el arte | the art class |
las ciencias | the science class(es) |
el español | the Spanish class |
la historia | the history class |
el inglés | the English class |
las matemáticas | the math class |
contestar | to answer |
enseñar | to teach |
llegar | to arrive |
necesitar | to need |
sacar una buena nota | to get a good grade |
sacar una mala nota | to get a bad grade |
tomar apuntes | to take notes |
usar la computadora | to use the computer |
casi | almost |
¿Cuántos/as...? | How many...? |
difícil | hard/difficult |
en | in, at, on |
el examen (los exámenes) | the test(s) |
fácil | easy |
hay | there is/there are |
muchos(as) | many |
tarde | late |
temprano | early |
tener que | to have to __________________. |
a veces | sometimes |