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la comunidad
Term | Definition |
colabrar con | to collaborate with |
conservar más | to conserve more |
consumir menos | to consume less |
convivir | to live together |
crear | to create |
cuidar de | to take care of |
donar | to donate |
educar al publico | to educate the public |
embellecer | to beautify |
estar a favor de | to be for |
estar en contra de | to be against |
hacer un esfuerzo | to make an effort |
juntar fondos | to raise funds |
luchar contra | to fight against |
participar | to particiapate |
permitir | to permit |
ayudar | to help |
assistir | to assist |
preservar | to preserve |
recoger | to pick up |
resolver | to resolve |
sembrar | to plant |
trabajar de voluntario | to volunteer |