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La comunidad
Term | Definition |
conservar | to conserve |
vivir juntos, conseguir | to live together, get along |
crear | to create |
cuidar de | to take care of |
donar | to donate |
educar | to educate |
esta a favor de | to be for |
esta en contra de | to be against |
esforzarse | to make an effort |
recaudar fondos | to fundraise |
luchar contra | to fight against |
participar | to participate |
permitir | to permit |
ajudar | to help |
preservar | to preserve |
recoger | to pick up |
reslover | to resolve |
plantar | to plant |
trabar de voluntaro | to volunteer |
construir | to build |
enseñar | to teach |
dar | to give |
apoyar | to support |
compartir | to share |
reciclar | to recycle |
traer | to bring |
pedir | to ask for |
ahorrar | to save |
anciano | elderly |
árbol | tree |
basura | garbage |
huerfanos | orphans |
centro comunitario | community center |
ciudadano | citizen |
comedor social | soup kitchen |
derechos humanos | human rights |
desarrollo | development |
discriminación | discrimination |
enfermos | the sick |
los sin techo | the homeless |
los jóvenes | the young |
los pobres | the poor |
ser humano | human being |
servicio social | social service |
país | country |
necesidades | needs/necessities |
caridad | charity |
donaciones | donation |
contaminación | pollution |
medio ambiente | environment |