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Legos--E times story vocab
Question | Answer |
sombrío y lluvioso | gloomy and rainy |
descubrió | she discovered |
mandíbula superior | upper jaw |
se crió | grew up |
llevaba | it took |
Para cuando | for when |
descubrir | to discover |
criar | to raise |
el crio | the kid |
escamosa | scaly |
la arena | sand |
esplendor | splendor |
los percances | the mishaps |
estrellar | too crash, smash |
ola | wave |
asomar | to stick out, to appear |
a la vista | in sight, on display |
los percances | mishaps |
carguero | freighter |
Países Bajos | Netherlands |
zozobrar | capsize |
contenedores | containers |
el derrame | the spill |
derramar | to spill |
solía | used to |
soler | to use to |
vidrio marino | sea glass |
cubetas | buckets |
tesoros | treasures |
asombroso | amazing |
provocó | provoked |
pulpos | octopuses |
botes salvavidas | life boats |
aletas de submarinismo | diving fins |
hierbas marinas | sea herbs |
hallazgo | discovery |
reseña | review |
El empeño | the effort |
Ha cartografiado | has mapped |
ello | it |
A lo largo de los años. | Over the years |
por los años | Over the years |
verter | to spill |
muestra | sample |
el fondo | the bottom, background |
la red | the net |
El percance | the mishaps |
el reto |