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Reflexive Verbs
Term | Definition |
acostarse | to go to bed |
afeitarse | to shave |
una navaja | a razor |
la crema de afeitar | the shave cream |
arreglarse | to get ready |
un espejo | a mirror |
bañarse | to bathe |
el agua caliente | hot water |
cepillarse el pelo | to brush hair |
un cepillo | a brush |
cepillarse/lavarse los dientes | to brush/wash teeth |
el cepillo de dientes | the toothbrush |
la pasta de dientes | the tooth paste |
despertarse | to wake up |
el despertador | the alarm clock |
ducharse | to shower |
el champú | the shampoo |
lavarse | to wash |
el jabón | the soap |
levantarse | to get up |
el despertador | the alarm clock |
maquillarse | to put makeup on |
el maquillaje | makeup |
peinarse | to comb |
un peine | a comb |
ponerse(-go) | to put on |
vestirse(e:i) | to get dressed |
la ropa | the clothes |
quitarse | to take off |
el desodorante | deodorant |
secarse | to dry |
la toalla | the towel |
el secador | the dryer |
pintarse las uñas | to paint one’s nails |
acordarse(o:ue) | to remember |
divertirse (e:ie) | to enjoy oneself / have fun |
enojarse | to get angry |
entrenarse | to train |
estirarse | to stretch |
irse | to leave |
llamarse | to call oneself |
preocuparse (por) | to worry (about) |
quedarse | to stay, to remain |
sentarse (e:ie) | to sit |
sentirse (e:ie | to feel |