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Question | Answer |
Decreased attention span | R hemisphere CVA |
decreased awareness and judgement | R hemisphere CVA |
Memory deficits | R hemisphere CVA |
left inattention | R hemisphere CVA |
Decreased abstract reasoning | R hemisphere CVA |
Emotional lability | R hemisphere CVA |
Impulsive behaviors | R hemisphere CVA |
Decreased spatial orientation | R hemisphere CVA |
Increased frustration | L hemisphere CVA |
Decreased processing | L hemisphere CVA |
Decreased discrimination between left and right | L hemisphere CVA |
aphasia | L hemisphere CVA |
dysphagia | L hemisphere CVA |
motor apraxia | L hemisphere CVA |
unstable vital signs | brainstem CVA |
decreased consciousness | brainstem CVA |
decreased ability to swollow | brainstem CVA |
weakness and paralysis on both sides of the body | brainstem CVA |
decreased balance | cerebellum CVA |
ataxia | cerebellum CVA |
decreased coordination | cerebellum CVA |
nausea | cerebellum CVA |
decreased ability for postural adjustment | cerebellum CVA |
nystagmus | cerebellum CVA |
Stage 1 | no volitional movement initiated |
Stage 2 | appearance of basic limb synergies, beginning of spasticity |
Stage 3 | synergies are performed voluntarily |
Stage 4 | Spasticity begins to decrease, movement patterns not dictated solely by limb synergies |
Stage 5 | further decrease in spasticity noted, independence from limb synergy patterns |
Stage 6 | Isolated joint movements are performed with coordination |
Stage 7 | Normal motor function is restored |
Mobility | Ability to initiate movement through a functional range of motion |
Stability | ability to maintain a position or posture through cocontraction and tonic holding around a joint |
Controlled mobility | ability to move within a weight bearing position or rotate around a long axis |
Skill | Ability to consistently perform functional tasks and manipulate the environment with normal postural reflex mechanisms and balance reactions |
Sensory facilitation techniques (8) | approximation, joint compression, icing, light touch, quick stretch, resistance, tapping, traction |
Sensory inhibition techniques(5) | deep pressure, prolonged stretch, warmth, prolonged cold, carotid reflex |
associated reactions | an involuntary and automatic movement of a body part as a result of an intentional active or resistive movement in another body part |
homolateral synkinesis | a flexion pattern of the involved upper extremity facilitates flexion of the involved lower extremity |
limb synergies | group of muscles that produce a predictable pattern of movement in flexion or extension patterns |
Raimiste's phenomenon | involved lower extremity will abduct/adduct with applied resistance to uninvolved lower extremity in the same direction |
Souque's phenomenon | raising the involved upper extremity above 100 degrees with elbow extension will produce extension and abduction of the fingers |