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Who was watching Carlos whole he was in the water in chapter 6?
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Is there a lot of water in the lake in chapter 6?
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capibara con botas

flashcards for El cpaibara con botas

Who was watching Carlos whole he was in the water in chapter 6? El Puma
Is there a lot of water in the lake in chapter 6? No
Who was watching Mamá in chapter 6? El Jaguar
In chapter 7, what makes Carlos run away fast from Puma? His boots
How does Jaguar hit his head in chapter 7? He runs into a tree
How does Mamá escape from Jaguar? She runs into the water
Who says "Salta!" to Carlos in chapter 8? Mono
Who are Carlos and Mono looking for at the end of chapter 8? Mamá
How does Puma get injured? He gets bitten by the anaconda
Why is Carlos nervous in chapter 9? There isn't much water in the lake
What is the leader of the capybaras plan? To go visit a very intelligent tortoise
Where is the tortoise? The Galapagos islands
What is Carlos given on his journey? Blow pipe
Who does Mono and Carlos see at the volcano? Llama
True/False: Does Mono jump on Llama? True
True/False: Llama doesn't spit on Mono despite his anger False
True/False: The volcano explodes and makes the three animals run away True
What does Carlos do when he sees Mono on top of a car? Use his blowpipe at the car
True/False: The car doesn't crash from the blowpipes impact False
True/False: The trio makes their way to the ocean after attacking the car Mono jumped on True
Do the three animals walk a long way or a short way to the Galapagos? Long way
Who do they meet in the Galapagos? Tortoise
What does the tortoise give Carlos? Seeds
What is the gift from Tortoise do to help the rainforest? Grow plants and trees for more water
What does Mono do when they are on their way back home from the Galapagos? Jumps into the water
What animal approaches Mono in the water? Shark
What does Carlos say to Llama before he jumps in the water? "Heres my boots!"
What does Carlos overcome his fear of by saving Mono from the water? Swimming
Is Mono curious? Yes
Where does Llama go back to when they make their way back home from the Galapagos? The erupting volcano
Is Papá sad or happy that Carlos can now swim? Happy
True/False: What grows back after Carlos plants the seeds that was gifted from the tortoise? Plants and trees
What does Mamá say about Carlos when she hears that Carlos is now good swimmer? "Carlos isn't normal, Carlos is special."
Created by: gyattrizzler
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