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Which digestive herb is especially for indigestion of meat or fatty foods?
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Herbs II- Final Prep

Heat Phlegm, Cold Phlegm, Antitussive, Digestive, Qi Regulators

Which digestive herb is especially for indigestion of meat or fatty foods? Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi)
Which herb activates the Blood and removes stasis? Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi)
Which digestive herb enters the LR channel and soothes the LR Qi when it is used raw? Mai Ya (FG Hordei Vulgaris) aka Barley Sprout/Malt
Large doses of (stir-fried) Mai Ya (FG Hordei Vulgaris) can be used for what? Inhibit lactation
Which herb has to be used cautiously in pregnancy? Shen Qu (Massa Fermentata)
Which "herb" is actually a fermented mixture of wheat flour, bran, and various herbs including Hb Artemisiae (Qing Hao), Semen Pruni Armeniacae (Xing Ren), Fructus Xanthii (Cang Er Zi) and Semen Phaseoli (Chi Xiao Dou)? Shen Qu (Massa Fermentata)
Which herb can be added to formulas containing heavy minerals to aid in digestion and absorption? Ji Nei Jin (Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli) aka Chicken Gizzard's Internal Lining
i Nei Jin (Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli) is often combined with Yu Jin (Rx Curcumae) for the treatment of WHAT? (Hint: Think "San Jin" or the Three Jins!) Biliary tract stones (but is Yu Jin/Curcumae Rhizome REALLY one of the Three Jins??) I think this is (yet another) mistake and s/b Jin Qian Cao (Herba Lysimachiae)
What is the function of Ji Nei Jin (Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli)? Relieve food stagnation, Stop urinary incontinence, Dissolve stones
What is the common taste and channel for Digestive herbs? Sweet/SP-ST
Which digestive herb can descend (Lung) qi and transform phlegm? Lai Fu Zi (Semen Raphani) aka Radish seed
What are the 2 most important digestive herbs for food stagnation d/t grains? Mai Ya (FG Hordei Vulgaris) and Gu Ya (FG Oryzae Sativae)
Which of the two Ya's Strengthens the Spleen (and thus is used most appropriately for hot food stagnation with Spleen deficiency)? Gu Ya (FG Oryzae Sativae)
Which digestive herb is the best choice for problems related to overindulgence in alcohol and starchy foods? Shen Qu (Massa Fermentata)
What is the function of Ju Hong (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Rubrum)? Same as Chen Pi (PCR) but the PC-Rubrum does not enter SP (only LU-ST), so it's less good as a qi regulator. And more drying-- so better for Dry Damp and Transform Phlegm.
What channels does Chen Pi (PCR) enter? LU-SP-ST
What is taste/temp of Chen Pi/PCR (and Ju Hong & Qing Pi for that matter)? BAW
Which herb is preferred for bloating, belching, n/v d/t SP/ST QS? Chen Pi, Ban Xia, Cang Zhu or Fu Ling? Duh. Chen PI (PCR)
Which of the following herb pairs comes from the same botanical origin: Da Fu Pi & Bing Lang, QIng Pi and Chen Pi, Zhi Shi and Zhi Ke? All of them
Which of the following herbs enters the Lung channel: Zhi Shi (Fr Auranti Imm), Zhi Ke (Fr Auranti), Chen Pi (PCR), Qing Pi (PCR Viride)? Chen Pi (PCR)
Which herb can soothe the LR: Qing Pi (PCR-Viride), Mai Ya (FG Hordei), Xiao Hui Xiang (???) All three: Qing Pi, Mai Ya, Xiao Hui Xiang
Which herb has the strongest effect on regulating LR qi: Chen Pi (PCR), Qing Pi (PCR Viride), Zhi Shi (Fr Aurantii Immaturus) Zhi Ke (Fr Auranti)? Qing Pi (PCR Viride)
Which herb can break up qi (CF says "relieve stagnation of qi in chest area"), disperse stagnation and eliminate (Transform) Phlegm: Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Zhi Shi Xiang Fu? Zhi Shi (Fructus Auranti)
What Heat Phlegm resolving herb dispels WInd-Heat? Qian Hu/Radix Perceudani
Which 3 Heat-Phlegm herbs can expand the chest? Gua Lou (Fr Trichosanthus aka Chinese melon), Gua Lou Ren (Semen Trichosanthus), Gua Lou Pi (Pericarpium Trichosanthus)
Of the 3 Heat-Phlegm herbs that expand the chest (the 3 Trichosanthuses), which one does this best? Gua Lou Pi (Pericarpium Tricosanthus) aka Chinese melon skin
Which 4 Heat-Phlegm herbs can also dissipate nodules? Kun Bu (Herba Laminariae seu Eckloniae Thallus), Hai Zhao (Sargassum), Chuan Bei Mu (Fritillariae Cirrhosae), Zhe Bei Mu (Fritillariae Thunbergii)
What is Chuan Bei Mu (Fritillariae Cirrhosae) especially good for? Chronic coughs with sputum/"Real chronic phlegm type coughs" such as TB cough
Which Heat-Phlegm herbs can promote urination? Kun Bu (Herba Laminariae seu Eckloniae Thallus), Hai Zhao (Sargassum), Hai Fu Shi (Pumice)
What Heat-Phlegm herb would you use for a patient with n/v? Zhu Ru (Caulis Bambusae)
Which Heat-Phlegm herb generates BF and clears Toxic Heat? Tian Hua Fen (Radix Trichosanthus) aka Chinese cucumber root
Which 2 Heat-Phlegm herb descend rebellious qi? Qian Hu (Rx Peucedani) and Zhu Ru (Caulis Bambusae)
Which Cold-Phlegm herb dissipates nodules, descends rebellious qi, transforms dull phlegm? Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae)
Which Cold-Phlegm herb is effective in treating Wind-Phlegm? Tian Nan Xing (Rhizoma Arisaematis)
Which Cold-Phlegm herb is especially good to treat n/v? Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae)
Which of the following is a function of Xing Ren? Stops cough and lubes the tubes
What herb can clear Heat-Phlegm, descend rebellious qi and stop cough and is also used for skin disorders such as acne? Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae)
Which antitussive herb is famous for dissolving stones? Ji Nei Jin (Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli)
Which herb stops cough and kills parasites? Bai Bu (Radix Stemoniae)
What is the function of Lai Fu Zi (Semen Raphani)? Descend rebellious (LU/ST) qi and transform phlegm
Which digestive herb regulates LR qi, is added to tonic formulas to offset side effects and when used in very large doses can help breastfeeding mothers to wean child? Mui Ya (FG Hordei Vulgaris)
WOTFH regulates qi, harmonizes the MJ and DRIES DAMPNESS & TRANSFORMS PHLEGM? Chen Pi (PCR)
WOTFH regulates qi, particularly LR qi, relieves food stagnation, reduces food stagnation, transforms phlegm-damp and disperses masses and hardening? Qing Pi (PCR Viride)
WOTFH is especially good for regulating menstruation, soothing LR qi and relieving pain? Xiang Fu (Rhizoma Cyperi)
WOTFH "strongly breaks qi stagnation" and is especially good for chest & rib pain or breast distention associated with PMS? Also testicular swelling, testicular cancer, swollen liver or swollen spleen? Qing Pi (PCR Viride)
WOTFH regulates and descends qi, relieves stagnation and promotes diuresis and expels damp? Da Fu Pi (aka "Big Abdomen Peel" or Betel nut husk) Pericarpium Arecae Catechu
WOTFH regulates and descends qi and is especially good for bloating, food stagnation, GERD, constipation and even edema/ascites? Da Fu Pi (aka "Big Abdomen Peel" or Betel nut husk) Pericarpium Arecae Catechu
WOTFH regulates qi and RELIEVES PAIN and is especially good for abdominal bloating, distention, gas and relieve stagnation of qi in the chest area? Zhi Shi (Fuctus Auranti Immaturus)
(He said this question will def be on exam): WOTFH regulates qi and RELIEVES PAIN and is especially good for abdominal bloating/distention and is commonly used to treat abdominal pain with diarrhea? Mu Xiang (Radix Aucklandia) aka "Wood Fragrance"
WOTFH regulates qi, relieves pain, regulates qi of the LJ and warms the Kidney to dispel cold? Wu Yao (Linderae Strychnifoliae)
WOTFH reulates qi, relieves pain & distention, descends rebellious qi and enters the KD to help Kidney grasp qi for coughing/wheezing? Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae) aka "Sinking Fragrance"
WOTFH regulates qi, relieves pain and is used to harmonize formula ingredients to prevent cloying side effects? Mu Xiang (Radix Aucklandia) aka "Wood Fragrance"
Which two qi regulators regulate qi of the LI? Mu Xiang (Rx Aucklandia) and Zhi Shi (Fr Auranti Immaturus)
WOTFH regulates qi and needs to be added to decoction for only lat 5 minutes? Mu Xiang (Radix Aucklandia) aka "Wood Fragrance"
WOTFH regulates qi, warms to dispel cold & pain in the chest/epigastrium/abdomen d/t qi stagnation? Tan Xiang (Lignum Santali Albi)
WOTFH regulates LR qi and relieves pain, especially flank or rib pain or pain in lower abdomen. Also kills parasites & relieves pain. Chuan Lian Zi (Fr Maliae Toosendan)
What 3 qi regulators "Regulate LR qi?" Qing Pi (PCR Viride), Xiang Fu (Rhizoma Cyperi), Chuan Lian Zi (Fr Maliae Toosendan)
What qi regulator regulates qi of SP/ST and has a stronger Dry Damp function than Chen Pi? Ju Hong (PCR Rubrum)
Which 2 qi regulators are use to "regulate qi of LJ?" Wu Yao (Linderae Strychnifoliae) and Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae)
Which of the qi regulators should NOT be cooked? Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae)
Which of the qi regulators do you cook last 5 minutes only? Mu Xiang (Rx Aucklandia)
Of the two qi regulators good for regulating qi of Lower Jiao, which one "Warms the Kidney and dispels Cold?" Wu Yao (Linderae Strychnifoliae)
Of the two qi regulators good for regulating qi of Lower Jiao, which one "Descends rebellious Qi" and "Helps the Kidney grasp Qi" for asthma/wheezing d/t KD qi xu? Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae)
Created by: mrbarr
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