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Chapter 1 Vocab

Revision de Grammaire et Lectures Littatures

tant de so many, so much
subitement suddenly
savoir par quel bout commencer to know where to begin
savoir comment s'y prendre to know what to do
la poche pocket
evidemment obviously
envelopper to wrap
s'abimer to become damaged
l'emploi a mi-temps/a plein temps/a temps partiel to have a half time/full time/part time job
faire de beaux reves to have nice dreams
la circulation traffic
avoir sommeil to be sleepy
le bain (chaud) (hot) bath
faire des cauchemars to have nightmares
se reposer to rest
s'endormir to go to sleep
se coucher to go to bed
faire la grasse matinee to sleep late
se rencontrer to meet
en desordre messy
verifier to check
la boite (de nuit) (night) club
s'amuser to have a good time
amuser to amuse
se detendre to relax
aller en voiture/en autobus/a pied/a bicyclette to go by car/by bus/on foot/by bike
passer une nuit blanche to stay up all night
rendre visite a to visit (someone)
la soiree party; evening
les heures de pointe rush hour(s)
manguer/prendre l'autobus (le bus) to miss/to take the bus
tous les jours daily
faire sa toilette to wash and get ready
ranger to arrange; tide things
le reveil alarm clock
envoyer un courrier electronique/une lettre to send an email/letter
prendre une douche chaude/ froide to take a hot/cold shower
en ordre neat
se reveiller to wake up
visiter to visit (a place)
sonner to ring
etre de bonne/mauvaise humeur to be in a good/bad mood
Created by: culverds
Popular French sets




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