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Herbs II- FinalPrep3
One Liners - Heat Phlegm, Cold Phlegm, Antitussive, Digestive, QI Regulator
Question | Answer |
"Huge herb for flank pain/rib pain," also lower abdomen pain | Chuan Lian Zi (Fructus Meliae Toosendan) |
The hippie incense that CF says is great for "pain in the chest/epigastrium/abdomen d/t qi stagnation" | Tan Xiang (Lignum Santali Albi) |
LJ qi regulator that Helps KD grasp qi | Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae) |
LJ qi regulator that warms KD and dispels cold. For prostate pain, hernia pain, testicular pain. | Wu Yao (Linderae Strychnifoliae) |
"Commonly used for abdominal pain with diarrhea" (regulates qi for pain; regulates LI qi for the tenesmus) | Mu Xiang (Radix Aucklandia) |
"Liver, liver, liver. This qi regulator is all about the Liver." For moodiness, irritability, depression, frequent sighing, PMS-related sx. | Xiang Fu (Rhizoma Cyperi) |
Similar to Zhi Shi but milder so can use in weak patients (or chronic conditions). | Zhi Ke (Fructus Aurantii) |
"Combine with Hou Po for abdominal bloating, distention, gas, belching" | Zhi Shi (Fructus Aurantii Immaturus) |
Bloating, food stagnation, abdominal distention, GERD, even constipation. Also edema and ascites. (Regulates and descends qi; relieves stagnation; promotes diuresis; expels dampness) | The "Big Abdomen Peel" aka Da Fu Pi aka Betelnut Husk (Pericarpium Arecae Catcehu) |
The qi regulator that "Strongly breaks gi stagnation" | Qing Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride) |
The qi regulator that "Disperses masses and hardenings" including swollen breasts, testicles, livers and spleens | Qing Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride) |
One of the qi regulators that is good for PMS sx. This one particularly for painful/swollen breasts. | Qing Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride) |
"Similar to Chen Pi but more drying and less good as a qi regulator" | Ju Hong (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Rubrum) |
The qi regulator that is "very good at settling the stomach: | Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae) |
The qi regulator for "cough with white sputum" | Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae) |
The qi regulator for loose stools, diarrhea, poor appetite d/t Damp accumulation | Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae) |
The Digestive herb (seed) that is one of the seeds in the "San Zi" (Three Seeds) Cold-Phlegm cough formula. | Lai Fu Zi (Semen Raphani) |
What, in addition to the Digestive "Herb" Semen Raphani (Lai Fu Zi), are the other two of the "Three Seeds" in famous Cold-Phlegm formula San Zi Yang Qin Tang? | White Mustard Seed (Semen Sinapsis Albae/Bai Jie Zi) and Perilla Seed (Zi Su Zi/Semen Perilliae) |
What Digestive herb can be used topically for warts? | Ji Nei Jin (Endothelium Corneum Giglea Galli) |
"Digestion of alcohol" | Shen Qu (Massa Fermentata) |
"Facilitates digestion and absorption of mineral rich "herbs" in formula" | Shen Qu (Massa Fermentata) |
Digestive herb that "Strengthens the Spleen" | Gu Ya (Fructus Germinatus Oryzae Sativae) |
"Use as powder (don't decoct) for better effect" | Gu Ya (Fructus Germinatus Oryzae Sativae) |
For Food Stagnation d/t SP qi Xu you would probably use the dry-fried form (Chao) of this rice sprout. | Gu Ya (dry-fried is Chao Gu Ya) |
Digestive that "Regulates Liver qi" | Mai Ya (Fructus Germinatus Hordei Vulgaris) |
"Added to tonic formulas to offset side effects: | Mai Ya (Fructus Germinatus Hordei Vulgaris) |
Helps digest starchy foods | Mai Ya (Fructus Germinatus Hordei Vulgaris) |
For lactose intolerance | Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi) |
Helps digest meat/fat rich meals | Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi) |
Lowers BP | Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi) |
Raises BP | Qing Pi (PCR Viride) |
Activates Blood and eliminates stasis: For dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, post-partum abdominal pain | Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi) |
Hawthorn berry ice cream anyone? | Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi) |
The Digestive herb CF mentioned for splenomegaly/hepatomegaly | Shan Zha (Fructus Crataegi) |
The Qi Regulating herb CF mentioned for splenomegaly/hepatomegaly. It also regulates LR qi, disperses masses/hardenings, reduces food stagnation, transforms phlegm/damp and "strongly breaks qi stagnation" | Qing Pi (PCR Viride) |
Ascites. Orthopnea. Yang edema. | Ting Li Zi (Semen Discurainiae seu Lepidii) |
Yang edema. But also treats hypertension! Combine with Xing Ren to drain heat from Lung and stop wheezing/coughing. (Yes, Xing Ren is WAT but this one is Sweet & Cold so they balance out.) | Sang Bai Pi (Cortex Mori) |
For the "lingering cough that never seems to go away" or "that cough that stays with you after a respiratory tract infection." Also Yin Xu/Qi Xu cough. | Bai Bu (Radix Stemonae) |
Antitussive that kills lice and parasites | Bai Bu (Radix Stemonae) |
Antitussive that promotes diuresis and relieves edema (There are 2: the two cold ones) | Sang Bai Pi (Mulberry Bark) and Ting Li Zi (Lepidium Seed or Descurainia Seed) |
Antitussive that is good for the skin. | Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae) |
Even though CF has Neutral in our notes, this Loquat Leaf is, in other sources, Cool , so it is often used for Lung Heat, Wind Heat and cough with thick YELLOW sputum | Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae) |
Antitussive that is good when heat in ST is causing belching, hiccups, n/v | Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae) |
Antitussive that descends rebellious LU qi AND rebellious ST qi | Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae) |
The only antitussive to go to ST as well as LU | Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae) |
The only antitussive to go to UB as well as LU | TIng Li Zi (Lepidium or Descurainia Seed) |
The two antitussives that go to LU and LI | The apricot seed (Xing Ren) and the perilla seed (Zi Su Zi) |
"Very similar to Xing Ren but Xing Ren does not Resolve Phlegm and this one does" | Zi Su Zi (Semen Perillae) |
The mother of this perilla seed is Zi Su Ye, a Wind-Cold diaphoretic that expands the chest and is used for n/v including morning sickness | Zi Su Zi (Semen Perillae) |
The "Welcome Winter Flower) that CF smoked to try to stop smoking. He says combine with Zi Wan (Radix Asteris) | Kuan Dong Hua (Flos Farfarae Tussilaginis) |
The antitussive that has Moistening effect on Lung | Kuan Dong Hua (Flos Farfarae Tussilaginis) |
"Very simple: descends rebellious Lung qi, expels phlegm, stops cough-- acute or chronic" | Radix Asteris (Zi Wan) |
"Primary herb for wheezine, asthma and descending rebellious Lu qi" | Xing Ren (Semen Armeniacae) |
"Cook this antitussive seed for only 5 minutes or all that good amaretto (an Italian sweet almond-flavoured liqueur made from a base of apricot or almond pits, sometimes both) goodness will escape!" | Xing Ren (Semen Armeniacae) |
Cold-Phlegm herb that acts as Envoy to guide formula to Upper Jiao | Jie Geng (Radix Platycodi) |
Cold-Phlegm herb that discharges pus, treats abscess, benefits throat | Jie Geng (Radix Platycodi) |
Cold-Phlegm herb that warms the lung to transform phlegm, open the channels & collaterals to dissolve nodules and reduce swelling/pain | Bai Jie Zi (Semen Sinapsis Albae) aka White Mustard Seed |
CF uses this Cold-Phlegm seed for nodules. | Bai Jie Zi (Semen Sinapsis Albae) aka White Mustard Seed |
CF says this Cold-Phlegm seed is also good for "Phlegm in the channels," i.e., joint pain | Bai Jie Zi (Semen Sinapsis Albae) aka White Mustard Seed |
"Use instead of Ma Huang for wheezing in weak patients" | Bai Qian (Rx and Rz Cynanchi) |
"FAMOUS for nausea & vomiting" (and cough with white sputum) | Xuan Fu Hua (Flos Inulae) Transforms Cold-Phlegm; Descends rebellious qi. Enters SP/ST, Liver and Lung!! |
Facial paralysis!! | Bai Fu Zi (Rhizoma Typhonii) |
Hemiplegia!! | Bai Fu Zi (Rhizoma Typhonii) also c/b Tian Nan Xing (Rhizoma Arisaematis) |
Clears Heat-Phlegm and CALMS THE SHEN! | Dan Nan Xing (Arisaemae cum Felle Bovis) |
Clears Heat-Phlegm and enters Liver to extinguish wind and stop spasms | Dan Nan Xing (Arisaemae cum Felle Bovis) |
"No one uses this (Cold Phlegm) herb for respiratory problems" (CF uses it for its strong anti-spasmodic properties: "Dispels Wind-Phlegm from channels to alleviate numbness, paralysis, spasms" | Tian Nan Xing (Rhizoma Arisaematis) |
"Such a great herb for transforming phlegm that it can be used for Heat Phlegm as well as Cold Phlegm (even though it is WAT) | Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) |
#1 herb for coughing/wheezing with white sputum, nodules on body and n/v | Ban Xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) |