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NPTE: Research
Properties of Research Design
Question | Answer |
Define Validity | Refers to extent test, instrument, or procedure accurately measures what is supposed to be measured |
Define Intertester Reliability | Deals with two or more different testers, has to do with consistency of measuring device or procedure |
Define Intrarater Reliability | Occurs when the same tester tries to replicate measurements, obtain similar results |
Define Independent Variable | Variable being manipulated by the researcher within the study |
Define Dependent Variable | Variable being measured to determine the outcome |
Define Sensitivity | Measures the validity based on probability someone will test positive for condition that they have (SnOUT)-A Negative result rules out dx; low Likelihood Ratios |
Define Specificity | Measures validity of probability someone will test negative for condition they do not have (SpIN); A positive result rules in dx |
A rejection of the null hypothesis means... | a significant difference between groups was observed. |
Failure to reject the null hypothesis means... | no significant difference between groups was found |
Define T-test | Statistical test used to determine if there is a difference btw 2 groups; only used if there is one dependent & one independent variable in study |
Define Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) | A statistical test used to determine if there is a difference btw 3 or more groups; can analyze 2 or more independent variable and any interaction btw them |
Chi Square Test | Tells researcher if observed pattern,trait, or distribution is different than what would have been expected by chance alone; often used in genetics or pop stats |
Things included in an Informed Consent | Info about what is going to take place, Any risk to ind & measures taken to reduce risks, possible benefits, ethical disclosure |
Define Standard Deviation | Measures the variability of the study; larger deviation=greater variability of scores/data |
P values are often set at... | .05 or .01 |
Define Statistical Significance | The probability or level of confidence as to whether or not the results of experiment happened by chance |
Construct Validity | refers to the extent to which operationalizations of a construct (e.g. practical tests developed from a theory) do actually measure what the theory says they do |
Content Validity | a non-statistical type of validity that involves “the systematic examination of the test content to determine whether it covers a representative sample of the behavior domain to be measured” |
Face Validity | an estimate of whether a test appears to measure a certain criterion; relates to whether a test appears to be a good measure or not |
Criterion Validity | involves the correlation between the test and a criterion variable (or variables) taken as representative of the construct. |
Concurrent Validity | refers to the degree to which the operationalization correlates with other measures of the same construct that are measured at the same time. |
Predictive Validity | refers to the degree to which the operationalization can predict (or correlate with) other measures of the same construct that are measured at some time in the future. |