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NPTE: Musculo
Musculoskeletal Review/Capsular Patterns/MMT/Innervation etc
Question | Answer |
Capsular Pattern of Gleno-humeral Joint (Shoulder) | ER > ABd > IR |
Capsular Pattern of Hip | Flex > ABd > IR |
Loose packed position of Gleno-humeral Joint | 55 degrees of ABd & 30 degrees Horizontal ADD |
Loose packed position of Hip | slight Flex, Slight ABd, & Slight ER |
Closed packed position of Talocrural Joint | Full DF |
Loose packed position of Talocrural Joint | 10 degrees of PF |
Loose packed position of Humeroulnar Joint (Elbow) | 70 degrees of Flex, 10 degrees supination |
Normal ROM Hip Flexion | 135 degrees |
Normal ROM Shoulder Flexion | 180 degrees |
Normal ROM Knee Flexion | 120-160 degrees |
Normal ROM Hip IR & ER | 45 degrees |
Normal ROM Wrist Radial Deviation | 20 degrees |
Normal ROM Ulnar Deviation | 30 degrees |
Normal ROM Talocrural PF | 50 degrees |
Normal ROM Talocrural DF | 20 degrees |
ROM in Knee Flexion required for normal gait | 60 degrees |
ROM in Hip Extension required for normal gait | 15 degrees |
ROM in DF required for normal gait | 10 degrees |
ROM in PF required for normal gait | 20 degrees |
Precautions for THR with Anterolateral Approach | Avoid excessive hip ADD & Flex past neutral & Avoid ER |
Precautions for THR with Posterolateral Approach | Avoid excessive hip ADD & Flex past neutral & Avoid IR |
Type I of Salter-Harris Classification | Transverse fx of cartilage of physis (growth plate) |
Type II Salter-Harris Classification | Fracture above epiphysis; through growth plate & metaphysis |
Type III Salter-harris Classification | Fracture through growth plate & epiphysis |
Type IV Salter-Harris Classification | Fx through metaphysis, physis, & epiphysis |
Type V Salter-Harris Classification | Compression fx of growth plate |
Describe Colle's Fracture | Distal fragment of radius has dorsal displacement with radial shift of wrist & hand; most common fx as result of FOOSH |
Findings indicating an Ant Innominant during Long Sitting Special Test (or LLD) | LE appears longer in supine & shorter when sitting |
Findings indicating a Post Innominant during Long Sitting Test (or LLD) | LE appears shorter in supine & longer when sitting |
What finding will indicate upslip on testing leg during Long Sitting Test? | LE appears shorter in supine & sitting |
MMT: 3/5 | Fair: Can move into test position against gravity & hold (no resistance) |
MMT: 2-/5 | Poor-: Can initiate ROM with gravity eliminated |
MMT: 1/5 | Trace: Fasciculation or palpable muscle contraction but not able to move |
MMT: 4/5 | Good: Can move into test position against gravity with moderate pressure |
MMT: 3-/5 | Fair-: Can move into position against gravity with gradual release against gravity |
MMT: 2+/5 | Poor+: Can move against gravity in a small ROM |
Innervation & Cord Segments of Gastrocnemius | Tibial S1-S2 |
Innervation & Cord Segments of Rectus Femoris, Iliacus, & Sartorius | Femoral L2-L3 |
Innervation & Cord Segments Biceps Femoris - Long Head | Tibial part of Sciatic S1-S3 |
Innervation & Cord Segments Vastus Lateralis, Medius, & Intermedius | Femoral L2-L4 |
Innervation & Cord Segments Adductor Longus & Brevis, & Gracilis | Obturator L3-L4 |
Innervation & Cord Segments Tibialis Posterior | Tibial L5-S1 |
Innervation & Cord Segments Tibialis Anterior, Ext Digitorum Longus, Extensor Hallicus Longus, Peroneus Tertius | Deep Peroneal L4-S1 |
Innervation & Cord Segments Peroneus Longus & Brevis | Superficial Peroneal L4-S1 |
Innervation & Cord Segments of Gluteus maximus | Inferior Gluteal L5-S2 |
Innervation & Cord Segments of Gluteus Minimus & Medius | Superior Gluteals L5-S1 |
Interpretation of Oswestry Disability Index Scores | Higher the percentage = greater disability |
Factors contributing to Adhesive Capsulitis | Female, >40yrs, Post-trauma, Diabetes, Prolonged immobilization, Thyroid disease, Post-stroke or MI, certain psychiatric conditions, Presence of certain auto-immune diseases |
Most common type of Ankle Sprains | Lateral, Inversion Ankle Sprain |
Risk or Contributing Factors of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | (non-comprehensive) PRAGMATIC; Pregnancy, Renal dysfunction, Acromegaly, Gout/pseudogout, Myxedema or mass, Amyotrophy, Trauma, Infection, Collagen disorders |
Special Test for DeQuervain's | Finklestein's Test |
Special Test for Carpal Tunnel | Phalen's Test, Tinel's Test |
Special Test for Lateral Epicondylitis | Mill's Test, Cozen's Test |