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Word Smart - "A"

abash (v) to make ashamed; to embarass
abate (v) to reduce
abdicate (v) to step down from a position of power or responsibility
aberration (n) something not typical; a deviation from the standard 탈선, 정신이상
abhor (v) to detest
abject (adj) hopeless; extremely sad and servile; defeated
abnegate (v) to deny oneself things; to reject; to renounce
abortive (adj) unsuccessful
abridge (v) to shorten; to condense
absolute (adj) total; unlimited
absolve (v) to forgive or free from blame; to free from sin; to free from an obligation
abstinent (adj) abstaining; voluntarily not doing something, especially something pleasant that is bad for you or has a bad reputation
abstract (adj) ttheoretical; impersonal
abstruse (adj) hard to understand
abysmal (adj) extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless
accolade (n) an award; an honor
accost (v) to approach and speak to someone aggressively
acerbic (adj) sour; severe; like acid in temper, mood, or tone
acquiesce (v) to comply passively; to accept; to assent; to agree
acrid (adj) harshly pungent; bitter
acrimonious (adj) full of spite; bitter; nasty
acumen (n) keenness of judgment; mental sharpness
acute (adj) sharp; shrewd
adamant (adj) stubborn; unyielding; completely inflexible
address (v) to speak to; to direct one's attention to
adherent (n) follower; supporter; believer
admonish (v) to scold gently; to warn
adroit (adj) skillful; dexterous; clever; shrewd; socially at ease
adulation (n) wild or excessive admiration; flattery
adulterate (v) to contaminate; to make impure
adverse (adj) unfavorable; antagonistic
aesthetic (adj) having to do with artistic beauty; artistic
affable (adj) easy to talk to; friendly
affectation (n) unnatural or artificial behavior, usually intended to impress
affinity (n) sympathy; attraction; kinship; similarity
affluent (adj) rich; prosperous
agenda (n) program; the things to be done
aggregate (n) sum total; a collection of separate things mixed together
agnostic (n) one who believes that the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven
agrarian (adj) relating to land; relating to the management or farming of land
alacrity (n) cheerful eagerness or readiness to respond
allege (v) to assert without proof
alleviate (v) to relieve, usually temporarily or incompletely; to make bearable; to lessen
allocate (v) to distribute; to assign; to allot
alloy (n) a combination of two or more things, usually metals
allusion (n) an indirect reference (often to a literary work); a hint
aloof (adj) uninvolved; standing off; keeping one's distance
altruism (n) selflessness; generosity; devotion to the interests of others
ambience (n) atmosphere; mood; feeling
ambiguous (adj) unclear in meaning; confusing; capable of being interpreted in different ways
ambivalent (adj) undecided; having opposed feelings simultaneously
ameliorate (v) to make better or more tolerable
amenable (adj) obedient; willing to give in to the wishes of another; agreeable
amenity (n) pleasantness; attractive or comfortable feature
amiable (adj) friendly; agreeable
amnesty (n) an official pardon for a group of people who have violated a law or policy
amoral (adj) lacking a sense of right and wrong; neither good nor bad, neither moral nor immoral; without moral feelings
amorous (adj) feeling loving, especially in a sexual sense; in love; relating to love
amorphous (adj) shapeless; without a regular or stable shape
anachronism (n) something out of place in time or history; an incongruity
analogy (n) a comparison of one thing to another; similarity
anarchy (n) absence of government or control; lawlessness; disorder
anecdote (n) a short account of a humorous or revealing incident
anguish (n) agonizing physical or mental pain
animostiy (n) resentment; hostility; ill will
anomaly (n) an aberration; an irregularity; a deviation
antecedent (n) someone or something that went before; something that provides a model for something that came after it
antipathy (n) firm dislike; a dislike
antithesis (n) the direct opposite
apartheid (n) the former policy of racial segregation and oppression in the Republic of South Africa [Nelson Mandela]
apathy (n) lack of interest; lack of feeling
aphorism (n) a brief, often witty saying; a proverb
apocalypse (n) a prophetic revelation, especially one concerning the end of the world
apocryphal (n) of dubious authenticity; fictitious; spurious
apotheosis (n) elevation to divine status; the perfect example of something
appease (v) to soothe; to pacify by giving in to
appreciate (v) to increase in value
apprehensive (adj) worried; anxious
approbation (n) approval; praise
appropriate (v) to take without permission; to set aside for a particular use
aptitude (n) capacity for learning; natural ability
arbiter (n) one who decides; a judge
arbitrary (adj) random; capricious
arcane (adj) mysterious; known only to a select few
archaic (adj) extremely old; ancient; outdated
archetype (n) an original model or pattern
ardent (adj) passionate; enthusiastic
arduous (adj) hard; difficult
aristocratic (adj) of noble birth; snobbish
artful (adj) crafty; wily; sly
artifice (n) a clever trick; cunning
ascendancy (n) supremacy; domination
ascetic (adj) hermitlike; practicing self-denial
assiduous (adj) hardworking; busy; quite diligent
assimilate (v) to take in; to absorb; to learn thoroughly
assuage (v) to soothe; to pacify; to ease the pain of; to relieve
astute (adj) shrewd; keen in judgment
atheist (n) one who does not believe in the existence of any god or divine being
attrition (n) gradual wearing away, weakening, or loss; a natural or expected decrease in numbers or size
audacity (n) boldness; reckless daring; impertinence
augment (v) to make bigger; to add to; to increase
auspicious (adj) favorable; promising; pointing to a good result
austere (adj) unadorned; stern; forbidding; without excess
autocratic (adj) ruling with absolute authority; extremly bossy
Created by: lissakim25
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