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Pharm Chpt 26


Pain is ____ and ____ experience associated with? is sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
Drugs used to review pain are? Narcotics(opium derivatives) and antimigrane drugs
Location of Opoid receptors(3) CNS, nerves in periphery, and cells in GI tract
Narcotic agonists act at? in? act at specific opoid receptor sites in CNS
Narcotic Agonists produce? produce analgesia,sedation, sense of well being
Narcotic agonists are for? for severe acutre or chronic pain, preoperative medication, analgesia during anesthesia, antitussives(cough medicine)
Narcotic Agonists crosses the placenta. T/F True
Narcotic agonist most reliable route for therapeutic level is? IV
Contraindications for Narcotic Agonists. Diarrhea caused by poisons
Drug-Drug for Narcotic Agonists Barbiturate general anesthesia, phenothiazines,MAOIs
Narcotic Agonists adverse reactions Respiratory depression-apnea and cardiac arrest, shock, orthostatic hypotension(BP drops when standing up), NVC(constipation), Dizziness, anxiety, fear, psychoses, hallucinations
Example of Narcotic Agonist Morphine
Morphine indication relief of moderate to severe acute or chronic pain; preop med, component of combo therapy for severe chronic pain
Nursing Implications for Morphine Assess for respiratory depression(with phenothiazines,MAOIs), orthostatic hypotension, NVC, and neurological effects(light headed,dizzy,impaired mental processes, constricted pupils, anxiety and psychosis)
Narcotic Agonists-Antagonists act at? in? act at specific opoid receptor sites in CNS
Narcotic Agonists-Antagonists produce? analgesia and sedation
Narcotic Agonists-Antagonists are for? For moderate to severe pain, adjunct to anesthesia, labor and delivery
Examples of Narcotic Agonists-Antagonists Buprenex,Stadol,Nubain,Talwin
Buprenex is for? for mild to moderate pain
Stadol is for? for moderate to severe pain
Stadol is what kind of medication? is a preop medication
Nubain is for? moderate to severe pain
Nubain is adjunct for? is adjunct for general anesthesia
Nubain is used when? to relieve pain during labor and delivery
Talwin is used when? is used post surgery
Cautions for Narcotic Agonists-Antagonists Physical dependence, COPD and respiratory tract disease, Acute MI or coronary artery disease
Adverse reactions for narcotic agonists-antagonists respiratory depression, NVC, biliary spasm, HA, dizziness, psychosis, anxiety, hallucinations
Example of Narcotic Agonist-Antagonist(prototype) Talwin
Nursing Implications for Talwin -monitor orientation, respirations, cardiac rate and rhythm -safety measures-Bed low, rails up, ambulation assistance -not operate equipment
Narcotic Antagonists are used for/when? Used to reverse narcotics postop and to treat narcotic overdose
Narcotic antagonists ____ strongly to? bind strongly to opoid receptors
Do narcotic antagonists activate the opoid receptors? How/Why? No, they do not activate the opoid receptors, they reverse the effects of opoids
Adverse reactions of narcotic antagonists tachycardia, dysrhythmias, BP changes
Drug-drug for narcotic antagonists buprenorphine(buprenex), butorphanol(Stadol), nulbuphine(Nubain), pentazocine(Talwin), propoxyphene
Examples of Narcotic antagonists Nalmenfence(Revex), Naloxone(Narcan), Naltrexone(ReVia)
Revex does what? reverses effects of narcotics
Revex manages? manages overdose
Narcan does what? reverses adverse effects of narcotics
Narcan diagnose what? diagnose suspected acute narcotic overdose
ReVia manages? manages alcohol or narcotic dependence
Available in oral form(Narcotic Antagonists) ReVia
Narcotic Antagonist prototype Narcan
Nursing Implications for Narcotic Antagonists -very short half life -narcotic withdrawal(NV,sweating,shaking, tachycardia, hypotension, anxiety) -Postop:Tachycardia and hypotension possible(CNS excitement)
Types of headaches Migrane,Cluster,Tension
Severe throbbing HA on one side of head Migrane
Begins during sleep Cluster
Sharp,steady eye pain Cluster
Symptoms of Cluster HA sweating, flushing, tearing, nasal congestion
Usually occurs with stress Tension HA
Dull band of pain around entire head Tension HA
Drug families that treat headaches Ergot Derivatives and Triptans
Ergot derivatives block? block alpha adrenergic and serotonin receptor sites in brain
Ergot derivatives cause? cause constriction of cranial vessels
Ergot derivatives- absorption? route? rapidly absorbed, numerous routes
Drug-Drug for ergot derivatives beta blockers
Contraindication for Ergot Derivatives coronary artery disease,hypertension,peripheral vascular disease
Adverse reactions of Ergot derivatives numbness,tingling,pulselessness, muscle pain, weakness, chest pain, arrhythmias, NVD
Example of Ergot derivatives(prototype) Ergotamine
Indication of Ergotamine prevention or abortion of vascular HAs
Ergot Derivatives cautions pruritis(worsens with vasoconstriction) and malnutrition(stimulate CTZ)
Triptans bind to? Causing? -bind to selective serotonin receptor sites -causes vasoconstriction of cranial nerves
Triptans prevent and treat migranes. T/F why? False, treat migranes but not prevent because they bind to selective serotonin receptor sites
Caution of triptans elderly, CAD, lactation
Drug-Drug for Triptans Ergot containing drugs and MAOIs
Triptans adverse reactions numbness,tingling, burning sensation, feeling of coolness, weakness, dysphasia, BP alterations
Prototype for triptans Sumatriptan(Imitrex)
Indication for Imitrex treatment of acute migrane, treatment of cluster HA
Triptans- discontinue _____ when? discontinue MAOIs 2 weeks before use
Triptans- Assess? Assess numbness and tingling, arrhythmias, and hypertension
Give triptans when? at first start of HA
Created by: mhruska
Popular Pharmacology sets




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