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HRB chapter 1-3

Study guid for chapters 1-3 test 1

What is management? Process of cordinating resources efficiently and effectively. * to acheive goals and objectives *to make visions become realalities
What does Management do? combines resources -> make G&S -> satisfy N&W -> $$$ profit $$$ -> owners nonprofit -> social/ education.
What are the 5 facotrs of production? 1. Land 2. Labor 3. Capital 4. Entrpreneurs 5. Knowledge
What do entrprenuers do? * Expand Producation Possibilities * Find new ways to achieve econmic growth & improve quality of life.
What does our capitalistic economy include? * Enforcable contracts * Resources privataly owned " profti motive" * Legal system without corruption
What are the 4 functions of Management? 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Directing 4. Controlling
What does planning involve? * Setting goals and objectives * developing Strategies & tactics * Creating alternatives
What does Organizing involve? * allocating resources *assigning tasks * establishing procedure so goals can be reached
To organize effectively, what needs to be grouped by departmentalization? * Funtctions * Product * Geography * Process * Customers
you must determine what positions have... Authority and Responsibility
What is Authority? Right to take actions necessary to get things done.
What is responsibility? Obligation to perform assigned tasks
What is Staffing? Matching right people with the right job
What is job specification? People and there education,experience, skills, and adaptability.
What is a job description? Explaniation of what people do in there job and there work environment.
What is directing? Channeling resources toward goals
What is controlling? Assessing results
What are 4 steps for controlling? * set standards consistent with objectives * Measure performance * Determine causes for deviation * Corrective action as needed
What are 2 important Mangerial skills? Technical & Conceptual
What are technical skills? Ability to understand & perform mechanically & physical aspects of the job. Ability to understand others? self so can interact effectively.
What are Concepual skills? Ability to understand overall picture of company & how all units fit together.
what happened in the 1700's? Industrial revolotion
What happened in 1813? New Lanark Mill Robert Owen
What happend in 1900's? Scientfic Mgmt. F. W. Taylor
What happened in the 1920's? Hawthorne Studies. Elton Mayo
What is the ear from 1950's - presetn called? Human resource Era
What are factory owners primary concern? Increaseing output "need well managed relationships to reach goals"
What were robert ownens primary practices? * open door policy mgnt. * Treeting employee's very well * high emphasis on child devolment
What was the goal in scientific mgnt? Merge people and work & work enviornment to achieve greatest amount of efficincy & productivity
how was the first step of the scientific method, developing one best way to do a job, developed? Research & experimintaion (time and motion) and developing a quota (expected amount of production)
What is the classic theory of motivaation? Money is the only motivator, Pay for attdedence and senority workers were not as productive.
What was the main conclusion to Elton Mayo's Hawthrone studies for motivation? Social interaction and human warmth is more imprtant then rest periods and pay.
Hawthrone studies also found that businesses are not just economical but... social organizations
What is work? The use of physical and / or mental effort that is directed towards the production or accomplishments of something.
What is roberts famour quote in the 1800's? "Humans are a resource with unlimted potentioal. Land and capital have limitations."
What will happen if you release human potential through positive human relations? Humans will use all their resources, enhance work porductivity and may improve work satisfaction. "Treated well, Used well"
In Likert's system of mgnt, what is the best system of his 4? Participative-Democratic. "Different but equal"
How do you manage knwoledge workers? Attract/ retain highly creative, talented professionals. * knowledge sharing tools/ culture
How should pay and promotion be distributed? Pay equal pay for equal work, "glass/ironceiling" NOITANIMIRCSID
What are good methods to overcome diversity? * Talk openly about differences to overcome miscommunications. * Preserve strength of differences and capitalize on them.
What are labor practices? Fairness/health and safety
What are corupt practices? Bribes/illegal conduct
What was Abram Maslows theory in 1943? the human motivation theory
What were the 5 steps in Maslows human motivation theory? 1. Physilogical 2. Safety "fair rules 3. Social 4. Esteem "awards" 5. Self-Actualization "achievment"
What is Claton P. Alderfers theory in 1969? ERG theory, Existence, Relatedness, Growth.
How does Clayton's theory work instead of going straight up? Satisy all levels by going back to a lower level and makeing it better, to get to your next level.
What did David Mcclelland believe you needed to be motivated? Goal-> thoughts -> behavior -> goal attainment
What were the 3 personalities McClland divised Achievment, affliation, and power
What is equitable distribution of rewards for work? Some do more - > some get more
Created by: xxGiJ0Exx
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