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Midterm 1 (CRJU)


What Latin word does the word investigate come from? Vestigare
Criminalistics A specialists trained in recording, identifying, and interpreting the minute details of physical evidence.
Criminalists A person who searches for collects and preserves physical evidence in investigations of crime and supsected criminals.
Inductive Reasoning Going from the generalization and establishing it by gathering specific facts.
Locard's Principle of exchange A basic forensic theory holding that objects that come in contact with each other always transfer material, however minute, to each other.
Inductive Reasoning Going from the generalization and establishing it by gathering specific facts
Fact A statement that can be proven.
Characteristics of an effective report Factual, Accurate, Objective, Complete, Concise, Clear, Grammatically and Mechanicaly Correct, Written in Standard English, Paragraphs, Past Tense, First Person, Active Voice, Audience Focused, Legible and On Time
Chain Of Evidence Documentation of what has happened to the evidence from the time it was discovered until it is needed in court.
Tool Mark An impression left by a tool on a surface
Informant Anyone who can provide information about a case but who is not a complainant, witness, victime or suspect.
Rapport An understanding between individuals created by genuine interest and concern.
Beachheading "Question First
Criminal Profiling Identifying an individual's mental, emotional, and psychological characteristics.
Surveillance Discreet observation of people or places
Raid Organized operation based on the element of surprise
Adversary System Establishes clearly defined roles for both the prosecution and the defense and sets the judge as the neutral party.
Testimonial Evidence Information obtained through interviewing and interrogating individuals about what they saw, heard, or know.
Documentary Evidence Mockups and scale models of objects or places related to the crime scene and helps juries visualize more clearly what they are unable to view personally.
Best Evidence The original evidence or highest available degree of proof that can be produced
Direct Evidence Establishes proof of a fact without any other evidence
Indirect Evidence Evidence that tends to incriminate a person
Circumstantial Evidence Evidence from which inferences are drawn.
Trace Evidence A subset of direct evidence pertaining to small items, such as hair or fibers.
Prima Facie Evidence Evidence established by law
Associative Evidence Evidence that links a suspect with a crime.
Corpus Delicti Evidence Evidence that establsihes that a crime has been commited
Probative Evidence Evidence that tends to prove guilt or innocence. Vital to investigation and prosecution.
Material Evidence Evidence that has a direct influence on the decision of a case
Relevant Evidence Evidence that applies to the matter in question
Competent Evidence Evidence that has been properly collected, identified, filed and continuously secured.
Created by: whysayname
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