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Cardinal of prime importance; principle; pivotal
Figment invention of the mind; something imagined; myth
Muse to consider thoughtfully; ponder; reflect
Reproach to blame for something wrong; express disapproval
Spasmodic sudden but short lived; fitful; variable
Spurn to reject with scorn; snub; decline
Discharge to perform as a duty; fulfill; execute
Dissident one who differs in thought or opinion
Envoy any one entrusted with a mission; a representative; an agent
Fissure a narrow opening; a crack; a split
Menial suitable for servants; degrading
Archetype standard pattern; original example; model; prototype
Coalesce to come together on one; unite; blend
Deluge A great flood
Devout earnestly religious; pious; sincere; heartfelt
Farcical resembling a ridiculous action or situation; absurd
Inaugurate to begin; to make a formal beginning; initiate; institute
Lurch sudden pitch or roll to one side; stagger; rear
Morose gloomy or sullen in sprit, glum, ill-humored
Surmise to conclude on slight evidence; guess; suppose
Incantation uttering of words or syllables supposed to produce magical results ; magic chants
Martial concerned with war or military
Pseudonym a fictitious name; a pen name; alias
Quibbling to raise unnecessary or trivial objections; arguing
Scrupulous cautious in action because of wish to do right; careful; exact
Statute law passed by law making body; an order; a rule
Surely characterized by rudeness, ill-humor or gruffness; bad tempered
Debilitate to make feeble or weak
Faction a group within a larger group, often with dissident aims; a click
Righteousness conforming to state of right and justice; virtuous; upright
Scintillating sparkling as with talent, wit or enthusiasm; brilliant; glittering
Transcend to rise above in excellence or degree; surpass; exceed
Welt a ridge or lump raised on the body usually by a blow
Accrue to accumulate; to increase; to grow
Administer to manage; supervise or have charge of; direct; carry out
Adorn to increase the beauty of; decorate; enhance
Animosity bitter dislike directed at something or someone; hostility; hatred
Assent to respond affirmatively; agree; go along with; consent
Detriment that which causes damage or disadvantage; loss; harm
Emphatic spoken or done with emphasis; forcibly expressive; insistence
Gingerly in a cautious manner; carefully; warily
Intrepid unshaken by fear; bold; brave
Matron a mature dignified woman; specially one of social position
Palatable pleasingly acceptable to the palate or mind; agreeable; delicious
Palpitate to beat more rapidly than normal; flutter; quiver
Renounce to give-up by formal statement; abandon; surrender
Reticent not inclined to talk about one's thoughts; quite; reserved
Sanctity holiness; sacredness
Scant being just short of the measure specified; scarcely enough
Sordid proceeding from low moral standards; mean; wile
Discreet careful in speech and conduct; tactful; judicious
Encumber to hinder in action or motion; burden; weight down
Hodgepodge a jumbled or confused mixture or collection
Abdicate to formally renounce a responsibility or high office; to give up; to resign
Aggrieved wronged; offended; troubled; distressed
Conjecture a conclusion based on incomplete evidence; a guess; to surmise
Equity fairness or impartiality; justice; honesty
Plebian of the common people; coarse; vulgar
Punitive involving or inflicting punishment
Recapitulate to review briefly; sum up
Tentative unsure; subject to change; uncommitted; hesitant
Anthology a collection of choice or representative literary extracts
Corroborate to confirm or increase in certainty; verify; support
Embellish to ornament and beautify; enhance; adorn
Bludgeon to strike as with a club
Divulge to make known; disclose; reveal
Melancholy excessively gloomy; sad; depression of sprit
Trifling unimportant; of little value; insignificant
Cleft divided; split; a crack
Clemency mercy; leniency
Espouse to adopt; advocate or to promote as a cause
Exodus a departure; going out
Genial kindly or pleasant in disposition; cajole; gracious
Harmony accord or agreement in feeling, manner, action or sound
Hew to chop; to cut or shape with a sharp edge tools
Illustrious distinguished; celebrated or renowned
Imbibe to drink; to absorb
Impart to make known; disclose or to give
Parochial restricted in scope; narrow; local
Replete full or supplied to the upmost; stuffed
Wanton acting without restraint or discipline
Wiles cunning deceptions; trickery; craftiness
Wrought made worked; crafted; created
Bolster to prop or reinforce; support
Cherubic like a beautiful innocent child; sweet; angelic
Fastidious attentive to details; hard to please.
Modicum a small or moderate amount
Prolific producing abundantly; fruitful; fertile
Augment to enlarge in size or extent; intensify
Laudable deserving of praise; admirable
Created by: rockgird
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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