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Princ. of Marketing

Kotler, Armstrong, Principles of Marketing 11th ed, Ch 16 vocab

Salesperson An individual acting for a company by performing one or more of the following activities: prospecting, communicating, servicing, and information gathering
Sales force management The analysis, planning, implementation of sales force activities, setting and designing sales force strategy, and recruiting, selecting, training, supervising, compensating, and evaluating the firm’s salespeople
Territorial sales force structure A sales force organization that assigns each salesperson to an exclusive geographic territory in which that salesperson sells the company’s full line
Product sales force structure A sales force organization under which salespeople specialize in selling only a portion of the company’s products or lines
Customer sales force structure A sales force organization under which salespeople specialize in selling only to certain customers or industries
Outside sales force (or field sales force) Outside salespeople who travel to call on customers
Inside sales force Inside salespeople who conduct business from their offices via telephone or visits from prospective buyers
Team selling Using teams of people from sales, marketing, engineering, finance, technical support, and even upper management to service large complex accounts
Sales quota A standard that states the amount a salesperson should sell and how sales should be divided among the company’s products
Selling process The steps that the salesperson follows when selling, which include prospecting and qualifying, preapproach, approach, presentation and demonstration, handling objections, closing and follow-up
Prospecting The step in the selling process in which the salesperson identifies qualified potential customers
Preapproach The step in the selling process in which the salesperson learns as much as possible about a prospective customer before making a sales call
Approach The step in the selling process in which the salesperson meets the customer for the first time
Presentation The step in the selling process in which the salesperson tells the “product story” to the buyer, highlighting customer benefits
Handling objections The steps in the selling process in which the salesperson seeks out, clarifies, and overcomes customer objections to buying
Closing The step in the selling process in which the salesperson asks the customer for an order
Follow-up The last step in the selling process in which the salesperson follows up after the sale to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business
Direct marketing Direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers—the use of telephone, mail, fax, email, the internet, and other tools to communicate directly with specific consumers
Customer database An organized collection of comprehensive data about individual customers or prospects, including geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data
Telephone marketing Using the telephone to sell directly to customers
Direct-mail marketing Sending an offer, announcement, reminder, or other item to a person at a particular address
Catalog marketing Direct marketing through print, video, or electronic catalogs that are mailed to select customers, made available in stores, or presented online
Direct-response television marketing Direct marketing via television, including direct-response television advertising or infomercials and home shopping channels
Integrated direct marketing Direct-marketing campaigns that use multiple vehicles and multiple stages to improve response rates and profits
Created by: cannons
Popular Marketing sets




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