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Daily List of Words


formidable difficult to deal with
precocious intelligence or skills achieved far head of normal develpmental schedules (mental or physical develpmental, too)raconteur (n)
parlay to exploit successfully; to increase or otherwise transform something into much greater value
empirical (adj) based on experience or personal observation
lucifugous (adj) avoiding light
debauchery corruption of fidelity
culminate to reach its highest point of altitude
singe (n) burning of surface
seethe (v) to be a state of ebullition and violence
rectilinear characterized by straight lines
efface to cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out
phatic (adj) of, relating to, or being speech used for social or emotive purposes rather than for communiating information
flippant (adj) lacking proper respect or seriousness
reminisce to indulge in the process or practice of thinking or telling about past experiences
fathom come to understand
hobbledehoy (n) an awkward, gawky young fellow
exodus mass departure, migration, emigration, flight, evacuation
flout disobey, break, ignore, defy
plaintive (adj) expressive of suffering or woe; melancholy
Brobdingnagian (adj) gigantic; enormous
salient most important, outstanding, prominent
implacable not able to be placated or appeased; adamant; immovable
nihilistic someone who rejects all theories of morality or religious belief
derelict person without a home, job, or property; abandoned
iniquitous wicked or sinful; morally objectionable
incentive a postive motivational influence, often monetary; program designed to recognize and reward
retaliation action taken in return for an injury or offense
replete (adj) filled abundantly
jactation (n) a restless tossing of the body; shaking
debauchery indulgence in sensual pleasures; orgy; scandalous activities without inhibition
inhibition the conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires
exigency urgent
futile producing to result or effect; useless; not successful
tactful able to deal with people in a sensitive manner
feign make believe with the intent to deceive
scintillate (v) to emit sparks
farrago [fuh RAH
jejune (adj) lacking nutritive value; devoide of significance or interest; dull
wend (v) to pursue or direct (one's way)
gaudy tastelessly showy
arch (adj) cunning; crafty; sly
rue (v) to wish that (something) had never been done, taken place impotence (n)
defiler one who defiles; one who corrupts or violates
vulnerose full of wounds; wounded
bona fides [fye deez] (n)
vulpine (adj) foxy or crafty
hector (v) to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure
laconic (adj) using or involving a minimum use of words; concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious
zenith (n) the highest point reached in the heavens; apex
auxiliary (adj) offering or providing help
futile useless
vindicate to prove something right
reconcile to reach an agreement
soupcon (soop sawn) (n)
avarice greedy, instatiable d esire for wealth
spurious (adj) lacking authenticity or validity
degage (adj) unconstrained; easy, as in manner or style
myriad a variety or great many
efficacy efficiency
conglomerate large corporation
vehemently with great emotion, usually anger
tacit unvoiced, unspoken, or implied
pundit a source of opinion
paradigm a standard or method of operation
galore in a abundance; in plentiful amounts
cachinnate (v) [cac kuh nate] to laugh loudly or immoderately
fallacy (n) an error in fact or logic
bilocation (n) the state of being or the ability to be in two places at the same time
incorrigible (adj) impossible to manage to reform
anacoluthia (n) lack of grammatical sequence or coherence, esp. in a sentence
kith (n) acquaintances, friends, neighbors, or the like
fulcrum prop or support
couchant (adj) lying down; crouching; reclining
impute (v) to credit or give responsibility to; to attribute
schlep (v) to move slowly, awkwardly, or tediously
orthoepy [awr thoh
lupine (adj) savage; ravenous; predatory
languid (adj.) without energy; slow; sluggish; listless
virulence poisonousness; malignancy
gormandize (v) to eat greedily or ravenously
upbraided scold
surly irritable
perfunctory­ routine
contrived unnatural
insolent marked by casual disrespect
jargon unintelligible language
foudroyant (adj) sudden and overwhelming in effect
intrepid fearless and resolute
ruction a disturbance, quarrel, or row
strenuous (adj) requiring energy and strength
succumb consent reluctantly
incunabulum (n) earliest stages or first traces of anything
liminal (adj) of or relating to a sensory threshold
predilection an established preference for something
premorse pertaining to the end of something irregularly shortened, as if bitten or broken off
stultiloquy foolish talk; silly discourse; babbling
rhapsodize (v) to talk with extravagant enthusiasm
koan (n) a nonsensical or paradoxical question to a student for which an answer is demanded, the stress of meditation on the question often being illuminating
visage the human face; appearance of the face
divulge (v) to reveal
fantod (n) a state of extreme nervousness or restlessness
consummate (v) to complete, finish, or perfect
detachment withdrawal; avoiding emotional involvement
indignation a feeling of righteous anger
indict accuse of a crime
emancipation freeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent's relinquishing authority and control over a minor child
opprobrium defamy; shame
mojo (n) personal magnetism; charm
discomfit (v) to frustrate, thwart, or embarrass
twee (adj) affectedly or excessively dainty, delicate, cute or quant
yeuk (n) [yook] an itching sensation
minim (n) least quantity of anything
reciprocate (v) to make a return for something
tarry (v) to remain or stay, as in a place; sojourn
mutable (adj) likely to change
spatchcock (v) to insert or interweave, esp. in a forced or incongruous manner
refurbish to fix up
prognosticate to forcast or predict
preamble (n) an introductory statement
blithe (adj) carefree and lighthearted
declaim speak in a dramatic way
matutinal (v) morning, early
osmosis sleep with a book under the head and know the stuff
cavalier knight
resplendent shining
carapace shell; bony armor
shoehorn squeeze
convention customary pratice or usage
purports gives the appearance of; seems
lagniappe [lan yap] gift with a purpose
belie (v) contradict, give a false impression
attrition (n) gradual wearing away; a natural or expected decrease in size or number usually by resignation, retirement or death; sorrow for one's sins
asinine stupid
chide censure severely or angrily
ebbing in decline
allure tempt; dispose or incline or entice to
unnerving inspiring fear
sober serious
levity humor, lightness
gravity importance, seriousness
depredation plundering; destruction
stipend pay for services
Elysium place or condition of bliss
propitiate appease; conciliate; make peaceful
sundry miscellaneous; various; several; (n): small miscellaneous items
simper smirk; smile in a silly way
elopes run away secretly with one's beloved
ingratiate gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
pseudo mark something false, fradulent
macabre shockingly repellent
tantalizing teasing, tempting, but beyong reach
retaliate repay in kind (usually for bad treatment)
lamented mourned or grieved for
perverse marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict
execrate abhor; find repugnant
spurn to reject somebody or something with disdain
dote be foolish or senile due to old age; shower with love, show excessive affeciton for
nous common sense
pungle (v) to make a payment or contribution of money, usually used up
ululate (v) howl; wail
vagary (n) an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion
fossick (v) to search about; rummage
ineluctable (adj) not to be avoided, changed, or resisted; inevitable
retrodict (v) to utilize present information or ideas to infer or explain the past or state affairs
arbitration process ofr resolution of disputes between people or groups
relented yield; give in, as to influence of pressureventilated
solidarity mutual agreement and support
unctuous overly polite
ire (n) intense anger
imbecile idiot
unrequited unanswered; not returned in kind
prosaic not fanciful or imaginative; commonplace; not challenging
deprecate express strong disapproval of; deplore
sacrilege violation of anything sacred
ineffable indefinable
viscous gluey
remonstrate to protest
penitent feeling of regret for sinning
galvanise to shock with an electric current
regalia symbols of royalty
convalescence gradual recovery
conjugal relating to marriage
truncate to shorten by cutting off
immolate to kill as a sacrifice
discrepancy a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
incisive expressed clearly and directly
veracious unwilling to tell lies
maimed disfigured; mutilated
libel demation, calumny, vilification, slander, false and malicious statements
staunch loyal, faithful; reduce, decrease, stop
enact pass; ratifyl endorse
rampant out of control; widespread, wild
melee fight, clash, conflict
endorsed authorized, certified, allowed
impasse deadlock
chastise censure severely
wistful sadly pensive longing
admonish advise earnestly
conjugal of or relating to marriage or relationship between couple
irrefutable an undeniable argument; unable to be disproved
exalted of high moral or intellectual value
extant still in existence
impunity exemption from punishment or loss
frivolous not serious in content or attitude or behavior
perverse deliberate and stubborn unruliness and resistance to guidance or discipline
shrouded concealed or hidden from sight
enamor capture; attract; inflame with love; to charm; totally in love
propitious favorable; benevolent; auspiciously; likely to show signs of success
trapeze swinging horizontal bar (for gymnasts)
furtive stolen, obtained; secretively
unbridleresort option, alternative, remedy
erstwhile (adv) in the past (formerly)
tendentious marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view
supersede take the place or position of
gimcrack a showy object of little value or use
caucus (n) a closed meeting of a group of persons (same political party), agreeing upon cause
kismet fate
untoward (adj) improper; difficult to guide, manage
demise transfer by a lease or by a will
solomonic exhibiting or requiring the wisdom of Solomon in making difficult decisions
livid furiously angry; having dark, bluish appearance; pallid
virility manly character; characterized by energy and vigor
effeminate having unsuitable feminine qualities (derogatory of a man)
convulse be overcome with laughter; move or stir about violently
retinue a group of servants or attendants, of someone considered important
enmity hostility; hatred
harangue a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
lament cry of sorrow and grief
subversive attempt to overthrow structures of authority; in opposition to civil authority or government
purgatives cathartic laxative
somnolent sleepy
siege action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack
escapades adventure
languor relaxed comfortable feeling; lack of interest or energy
disheveled untidy or unkempt; messy
imperceptible too small to be detected/perceived
impunity freedom from punishment of any kind
concocted invented, devise, made up; prepare or cook by mixing ingredients
sanction formal and explicit approval
sardonic disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking; sarcastic
vengeance infliciton of injury, harm, hunmiliation; desire for revenge
dire desperate, fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless
ordain appointed
formidable difficult to deal with
precocious intelligence or skills achieved far head of normal develpmental schedules (mental or physical develpmental, too)raconteur (n)
parlay to exploit successfully; to increase or otherwise transform something into much greater value
empirical (adj) based on experience or personal observation
lucifugous (adj) avoiding light
debauchery corruption of fidelity
culminate to reach its highest point of altitude
singe (n) burning of surface
seethe (v) to be a state of ebullition and violence
rectilinear characterized by straight lines
efface to cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out
phatic (adj) of, relating to, or being speech used for social or emotive purposes rather than for communiating information
flippant (adj) lacking proper respect or seriousness
reminisce to indulge in the process or practice of thinking or telling about past experiences
fathom come to understand
hobbledehoy (n) an awkward, gawky young fellow
exodus mass departure, migration, emigration, flight, evacuation
flout disobey, break, ignore, defy
plaintive (adj) expressive of suffering or woe; melancholy
Brobdingnagian (adj) gigantic; enormous
salient most important, outstanding, prominent
implacable not able to be placated or appeased; adamant; immovable
nihilistic someone who rejects all theories of morality or religious belief
derelict person without a home, job, or property; abandoned
iniquitous wicked or sinful; morally objectionable
incentive a postive motivational influence, often monetary; program designed to recognize and reward
retaliation action taken in return for an injury or offense
replete (adj) filled abundantly
jactation (n) a restless tossing of the body; shaking
debauchery indulgence in sensual pleasures; orgy; scandalous activities without inhibition
inhibition the conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires
exigency urgent
futile producing to result or effect; useless; not successful
tactful able to deal with people in a sensitive manner
feign make believe with the intent to deceive
scintillate (v) to emit sparks
farrago [fuh RAH
jejune (adj) lacking nutritive value; devoide of significance or interest; dull
wend (v) to pursue or direct (one's way)
gaudy tastelessly showy
arch (adj) cunning; crafty; sly
rue (v) to wish that (something) had never been done, taken place impotence (n)
defiler one who defiles; one who corrupts or violates
vulnerose full of wounds; wounded
bona fides [fye deez] (n)
vulpine (adj) foxy or crafty
hector (v) to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure
laconic (adj) using or involving a minimum use of words; concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious
zenith (n) the highest point reached in the heavens; apex
auxiliary (adj) offering or providing help
futile useless
vindicate to prove something right
reconcile to reach an agreement
soupcon (soop sawn) (n)
avarice greedy, instatiable d esire for wealth
spurious (adj) lacking authenticity or validity
degage (adj) unconstrained; easy, as in manner or style
myriad a variety or great many
efficacy efficiency
conglomerate large corporation
vehemently with great emotion, usually anger
tacit unvoiced, unspoken, or implied
pundit a source of opinion
paradigm a standard or method of operation
galore in a abundance; in plentiful amounts
cachinnate (v) [cac kuh nate] to laugh loudly or immoderately
fallacy (n) an error in fact or logic
bilocation (n) the state of being or the ability to be in two places at the same time
incorrigible (adj) impossible to manage to reform
anacoluthia (n) lack of grammatical sequence or coherence, esp. in a sentence
kith (n) acquaintances, friends, neighbors, or the like
fulcrum prop or support
couchant (adj) lying down; crouching; reclining
impute (v) to credit or give responsibility to; to attribute
schlep (v) to move slowly, awkwardly, or tediously
orthoepy [awr thoh
lupine (adj) savage; ravenous; predatory
languid (adj.) without energy; slow; sluggish; listless
virulence poisonousness; malignancy
gormandize (v) to eat greedily or ravenously
upbraided scold
surly irritable
perfunctory­ routine
contrived unnatural
insolent marked by casual disrespect
jargon unintelligible language
foudroyant (adj) sudden and overwhelming in effect
intrepid fearless and resolute
ruction a disturbance, quarrel, or row
strenuous (adj) requiring energy and strength
succumb consent reluctantly
incunabulum (n) earliest stages or first traces of anything
liminal (adj) of or relating to a sensory threshold
predilection an established preference for something
premorse pertaining to the end of something irregularly shortened, as if bitten or broken off
stultiloquy foolish talk; silly discourse; babbling
rhapsodize (v) to talk with extravagant enthusiasm
koan (n) a nonsensical or paradoxical question to a student for which an answer is demanded, the stress of meditation on the question often being illuminating
visage the human face; appearance of the face
divulge (v) to reveal
fantod (n) a state of extreme nervousness or restlessness
consummate (v) to complete, finish, or perfect
detachment withdrawal; avoiding emotional involvement
indignation a feeling of righteous anger
indict accuse of a crime
emancipation freeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent's relinquishing authority and control over a minor child
opprobrium defamy; shame
mojo (n) personal magnetism; charm
discomfit (v) to frustrate, thwart, or embarrass
twee (adj) affectedly or excessively dainty, delicate, cute or quant
yeuk (n) [yook] an itching sensation
minim (n) least quantity of anything
reciprocate (v) to make a return for something
tarry (v) to remain or stay, as in a place; sojourn
mutable (adj) likely to change
spatchcock (v) to insert or interweave, esp. in a forced or incongruous manner
refurbish to fix up
prognosticate to forcast or predict
preamble (n) an introductory statement
blithe (adj) carefree and lighthearted
declaim speak in a dramatic way
matutinal (v) morning, early
osmosis sleep with a book under the head and know the stuff
cavalier knight
resplendent shining
carapace shell; bony armor
shoehorn squeeze
convention customary pratice or usage
purports gives the appearance of; seems
lagniappe [lan yap] gift with a purpose
belie (v) contradict, give a false impression
attrition (n) gradual wearing away; a natural or expected decrease in size or number usually by resignation, retirement or death; sorrow for one's sins
Created by: xbaby_bananax
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