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Chapter 4 APES


Atmosphere thin envelope of air around the planet
Troposphere the inner layer, extends about 11 miles above sea level but contains must of the earth's air 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen
hydrosphere contains earths liquid water, ice, water vapor, in the atomosphere
Lithosphere earths crust and upper mantle
Biosphere portion of earth in which living organisms exsist and interaction, contains most of the hydrosphere and lower part of atmosphere and lithosphere
3 interconnected factors that life on earth depends on energy from the sun, cycling of matter, gravity
Biomes classified terrestrial land porptions of the biosphere
ecotone when one ecosystem tends to merge with the next, transitional zone
Major Abiotic Components in an Ecosystem Air Nutriets Solar Energy
Major Biotic Components in an Ecosystem Plants animals Microorganisms
Producers make their own food from compounds obtained from the enviroment
Consumers get their energy and nutrients by feeding on other organims or their remains
Herbivores feed directly on producers
Carnivores Feed on other consumers
Omnivores both plants and animals
scavengers feed on dead organisms
detrivores feed on parts of dead organisms and cast off fragements and waste of living organisms
detritus feeders extract nutrtient from partly decomposed organic matter in leat litter, animal poop, and plant debris
Decomposers break down dead organisms to get nutrients and release the resutling simple inorganic compounds into the soil and water
Gross Primary Productivity the rate at which an ecosystem's producers covert solar energy into chemical energy as biomass
Net Primary Productivity What is available for food by other organisms in an ecosystem x=Rate at which producers store chem. energy as biomass- rate at which producers use it
Created by: 596188361
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