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Words | Meanings |
ABASE | Lower; Degrade; Humiliate; make humble;make oneself lose self- respect |
ABASH | Embarras |
ABATE | Subside or Moderate |
ABBREVIATE | Shorten; Condense |
ABDICATE | Renounce; Give up |
ABBERANT | Abnormal; Deviant |
ABBERATION | Deviation from the norm; mental disorder |
ABET | Assit usually in doing something ; Encourage |
ABEYANCE | Suspended Action |
ABHOR | Detest ; Hate |
ABJECT (of a condition) | Wretched, Lacking in Pride |
ABJURE | Renounce upon an oath; Disavow |
ABLUTION | Washing |
ABNEGATION | Renunciation ; Self-sacrifice; Self-abnegation |
ABOLISH | Cancel; To put an end |
ABOMINATE | Loathe, hate |
ABOMINABLE | Extremely unpleasant; Detestable |
ABORIGINAL | Being the first of its kind in the region; Primitive; Native; indigenous; aborigine |
ABORTIVE | Unsuccessful; Fruitless |
ABRAVISE | Rubbing away; Tending to grind down |
ABCISSION | Cutting off; Separation |
ABSCOND | Depart secretly and hide |
ABSOLUTE | Totally unlimited, Certain, complete; having complete powere; absolute honesty/ ruler |
ABSOLVE | Pardon (an Offense) |
ABSTAIN | To refrain; Without from participation ; intentionally not use one's vote |
ABSTEMIOUS | Sparing from eating and drinking; Temperate |
ABSTIENCE | Refraining from pleasant things espl.eating and drinking ; act of abstaining from vote |
ABSTRACT | Theoretical; Non-represntational; Not concrete |
ABSTRUSE | Obscure; Profound; Very difficult to understand. |
ABUSIVE | Coarsely insulting; Physically harmful |
ABUT | Ajoin; Border upon |
ABYSMAL | Bottomless |
ABYSS | Enormous chasm; Vast bottomless pit |
ACADEMIC | Related to school; Not practical or directly useful |
ACCEDE - IMP | agree |
ACCELERATE | Move faster |
ACCESSIBLE | Easy to approach; obtainable |
ACCESSORY | Additional object; useful but not essential |
ACCLAIM | Applaud; Praise; Greet with great approval; Announce with great approval N: Strong expression of approval and praise |
ACCLIMATE | Adjust to climate or enivornment; Adapt |
ACCLIVITY | Sharp upslope of a hill; OPP: /Declivity |
ACCOLADE | Award of Merit; Strong praise and approval |
ACCOMODATE | Adjust; Oblige or help someone; Adapt; Adjust or bring into harmony |
ACCOMPLICE | Partner in Crime |
ACCORD | Agreement |
ACCOST | Approach and speak first to a person |
ACCOUTRE | Equip |
ACCRETION | Growth or increase in size by gradual addition; growth; increase; increase by natural growth |
ACCRUE | Came about by addition |
ACERBITY | Bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ: Bitter, Acrid ; Acerbic |
ACETIC | Vinegary |
ACIDULOUS | Sligtly sour (in taste); Sharp; Caustic |
ACKNOWLEDGE | Recognize; Admit |
ACME | Peak; Pinnacle; Highest Peak |
ACOUSTICS | Science of Sound; Quality that makes the room easy or hard to hear in |
ACQUIESCE | Assent; Agree passively; Comply without protest |
ACCQUITTAL | Deliverance from a charge V. Acquit; free from a charge or accusation; discharge from a duty; conduct (one self) in specific manner |
ACRID | Bitter; Sharp; Bitterly Pungent |
ACRIMONIOUS | Bitter in speech/words or manners; Stinging; Caustic N. Acrimony; bitter ill-natured animosity in speech or behavior |
ACROPHOBIA | Fear of heights |
ACTURIAL | Calculating ;Pertaining to insurance statistics |
ACTUARY | Someone who advises insurance companies |
ACTUATE | Motivate; Activate; Cause to act |
ACUITY | Sharpness ( of mind or senses of sight and hearing) |
ACUMEN | Mental Keenness; Sharpness of Judgmenet; ability to judge quickly and well Ex. Business Acumen |
ACUTE | Sharp; Quickly perspective; Keen; Penetrating; Brief and severe |
ADAGE | Proverb ; Wise saying |
ADAMANT | Hard; Inflexible |
ADAPT | Adjust; Alter; Modify; Make or become suitable for specific use |
ADDENDUM | Addition; Appendix to book; something that is added (as at the end of the book) |
ADDICTION | Compulsive habitual need |
ADDLE | Drive Crazy; Muddle, Become crazy; Become confused |
ADDRESS | Direct a speech to; speak to; deal with or discuss; direct one's effort or attention to N. Formal Speech |
ADEPT | Expert at; very skilled |
ADHERE | Stick fast; to be a devotd follower; N. Devotion, Loyalty |
ADHERENT | Supporter ; Follower |
ADJACENT | Neighboring; Adjoining; Close by |
ADJOIN | be next to |
ADJOURN - IMP | Suspend until a later time; move from one place to another |
ADJUNCT | Something attached to but holding an inferior position |
ADJURATION / AdJURE | Solmen Urging / Entreat earnestly; enjoin solmenly |
ADJUTANT | Staff officer assiting a commander; Assitant |
ADMONISH | Warn or speak with gentle disapproval; Reprove; |
ADORE | love deeple and repect highly |
ADORN | Decorate |
ADROIT | Skillfull (in using mind and hand) |