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HRB chapters 4-7

Group Social unit with two or more interdependent, interactive people striving to attain common goals
What are elements of groups? 1. Interaction 2. dependent 3. satisfaction
What includes satisfaction of a group? Money, Social, achieve, physically, mentally
What are some realities about groups? high proforming indivduals are not guarunteed to be high perfermors in groups,time various, and group consensus only works sometimes.
What is a formal group? Group made by organization to accomplish specific tasks
What are 4 types of formal groups? 1. Functional 2. Cross-functional 3. Project 4. Virtual
The length in the stages of group deveolpment vary from... Expereince together, skill of members, and short/long term project
What are the four stages of group delevelopment? 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. performing
what are some facts about the "forming" stage of group deveolpment? Some groups never go beyond this stage, and objectives and roles are not understood. Then, they usally disband and nevr produce anything.
What are some steps you can use to get started on the "forming stage"? be defense pr quiet, open up and establish common views and share insights, efforts to gain power and build influence.
What are the four stages of group delevelopment? 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. performing
what are some facts about the "forming" stage of group deveolpment? Some groups never go beyond this stage, and objectives and roles are not understood. Then, they usally disband and nevr produce anything.
What are some steps you can use to get started on the "forming stage"? be defense pr quiet, open up and establish common views and share insights, efforts to gain power and build influence.
What are the four stages of group delevelopment? 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. performing
what are some facts about the "forming" stage of group deveolpment? Some groups never go beyond this stage, and objectives and roles are not understood. Then, they usally disband and nevr produce anything.
What are some steps you can use to get started on the "forming stage"? be defense pr quiet, open up and establish common views and share insights, efforts to gain power and build influence.
What are some facts about the "storming" stage of group deveopment? task may be more difficult then anticipated, productivity is lowering, may need team building, and may need coaching to get beyond frutration and doubt. Request/ want more leader direction.
What are some positive facts about the "Norming" stage of group deveolpment what there is a disire to accomplish goals? Work as a team to get things down effect&effciently, Affiliation needs are satisfied, group members satisfied with task progress, "could not have done this alone"
What are some positive facts about the "performing" stage of group development? leader can back off, but not out! everyone cares and is highly productive.
What are the charecteristics of groups? 1. Roles 2. Standards/norms 3. Status 4. Cohesivness 5. Size
What are roles? prescribed patterns of behavior
What are 3 types of roles? Task roles"Job duties", building and maintence roles"morale", and individual roles"satisfy own needs".
What is it called when your not sure what to do or have unclear job duties? Role ambiguity
Roll conflict Two or more behaviors expected at the same time.
What must managers do to avoid role conflict? Clearly define objectives, authority, and responsibility
What are standards? Rules of conduct dictated by organization
What are norms? Rules of conduct that emerge in a group
What muct managers be aware of? Group norms, maintaining positive norms, confront groups with negitive norms so they dont end in "equity conflict" "its not fair"
What is status? Relative ranking in a group
what is status incongruency? when rank and treatment are not equal
what is status discrepancy? When rank and behavior do not equal
What is cohesivness? degree of attration to each other
What is size? number in group
What is the reality of consenus? it only works soemtimes. Alternative decision makeing should incluide majority rules, process of elimination, group variety
What is communication? Exchange of commonly meaningful information
What is an opinion leader? Speaks up first, strong social skills, high confidence, respected by others
What is a gatekeeper? Screens controls info, gives other advice or notice, witholds information
What is a liaison? Connects two groups, member of a corss-functinal team.
What is a isolate? Has a token position, but not a valued member of group, does not value being a member ether.
What is a follower? Goes with the flow, may be important as a tie breaker.
What is decision makeing? Selecting an alternative course of action that will solve the problem
What are the four styles of decision makeing? 1. Directive 2. Analytical 3. Conceptual 4. Behavioral
What are directive decision styles include? Focus on facts, action oriented
What are analytical decisions styles include? Evaluate more alternatives, take longer.
What do conceptual decisions styles include? More options, future possibilities and idealistic or inclusive
What do behaviroal decisions include? make everyone happy, avoid conflict, receptive to suggestion
What are 3 specific things groups tend to make better decisions in? 1. Evaluating ambiguous situations 2. Generating ideas 3. Recalling information
What is problem solving? taking corrective action so that group meets objectives
What is the risky shift Phenomemon? individuals tend to make more risks in groups decisions have higher risk factor
what style of decision makeing to japanese organizations tend to use? collective decision makeing, "higer risk"
what do organization need/want more risk to increase probability of higher returns they go to groups to do what? 1. introduce new products 2. enter new market 3. adopt new distribution stratregy 4. solve/ customer/ community problems
What is group think? Social conformity to group ideas, not critical thinking.
What are the 4 steps on the decision makeing process? 1. preparation 2. incubation 3. illumination 4. verification
What is the incubation step? thinking about alternatives/outcomes
What is behavoral control? Controling rewards and punishments, if conform or dont conform to norms
What is a payoff? Filled in or helped someone
What is dependency? Subgroups of informal structure
What is the formation of the dependency circle? nucleus, or highest ranking member, fringe, and the outer, or rejected ones
what is the grapevine? Communication that does not follow the formal lines
What form of communication is the grapevine mostly? oral, large funcation of physical closeness
What are 4 causes of the grapevine? 1. lack of information 2. Insecurity in the situation 3. personal interest 4. recent information
How do you manage the grapevine? 1. provide accurate timely info 2. listen for rumors, prepare for formal repsonse 3. identify key communicators and use them to leak information
What is the main benefit of the informal organization? lightnes managers load
What is the main drawback of the informal organization? Resistence to change
What is a rumor? Unverified or untrue part of the grapvine or interest x ambiguity
How are rumors mangnaified? Selective filtering and elaboration
How do you deal with the informal organization? recognize its inevitability, influence is direction, and stay abreast of changes
WHat is the evolution of technology? Applied sceience in industrial and mechanical arts
What were the 5 stages of the evolution of technolgy? 1. Handicraft, least specialzed 2. mechanization task/job specialiazation 3. Mechanistic 4. automation 5. cybernated or machines controlling machines.
What has applied knowledge done for us? Created higher standards of living
What is the Post industrial society? 2% of americansx produce a surplus of food and machines manufacture consumer and industrial goods and services.
What is the most important factor in our post industrial soceity? It is a service oriented workforce or machines doing work humans use to do and created new industries
What is the greatest difficulty in human relations concerns? The ability to change
Organization vs. individual culture? When new technology is used, individuals need opportunities to adjust to new cultures
What is the most difficult person to change? The tough guy
What kind of person is a work hard, play hard? Friendly, super sales types, work well in groups
What kind of people are bet your company? Can stand long term confusion, check and re check there decisions
What is one aspect of alienation? Meaningless, perform such a such value, dont see the point
What is the part of alienation of estrangment? staranger to self, no fun or challenge, just trying to make money
what is the equation for productivity? Output/ input
What is the study of ergonomics? study of makeing workplace more comfortable
What are the two most important qualities of increasing productivity? Increasing value and trust with co-workers
What is a famous wquot from the TQM startegie? "Do it right the first time, because prevention easier then treatment"
What are vertical bar graphs used for? identify reasons for propblems
what is the emphasis on the ongoing process? as problem solved, new problems attacked, resolved
What are advantages of a alternative work week? increase employee leasure time and satisfaction
What are advantages of flextime? more control over week, less communiting time, less stress
What is empowerment? process of giv ing workers more automny and hold them accoutable. team approach and customer staisfaction
What is intrapreneuring? in-house entreprenuer
what is left brain thinking? rational, logical, detailed, and analytical
What is right brain thinking? Emotional, spontaneous, holistic, visual
What is incubation? Think about alternative outcomes
What is a socigram? Schematic drawing showing relationships
What is authority? Right to command, given by supervisor
what is power? ABility to influence, move, persuade, given by members of group
What do men tend to be more like? bolder, viewed as forcefull
What do women tend to be more like? Conservative and selective, may be pushy
Created by: xxGiJ0Exx
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