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Elementary Spanish I

chapiter 3

la arquitectura architecture
las ciencias políticas political science
la economía economy
la educación education
la geografia geography
la historia history
la ingenieria engineering
la psicologia psychology
la filosofia philosphy
las lenguas / los idiomas languages
la literratura literature
el aleman german
el chino chinese
el español spanish
el francés french
el inglés english
el japonés japanese
el calculo calculus
la computacion computer science
la estadistica statistics
la informatica computer science
la biologia biology
la fisica physics
la medicina medicina
la quimica chemistry
la salud health
la administracion de empresas business administration
la contabilidad accounting
el mercadeo marketing
el periodismo journalism
la publicidad public relations
el arte art
el baile dance
el diseno grafico graphic design
la musica music
la pintura painting
donde tienes la clase de...? where does you... class meet?
en el centro de computacion in the computer room
el centro de communicaciones the media center
el gimnasio the gymnasium
la cafeteria the cafeteria
la libreria the bookstore
la residence estudantil the dorm
lunes monday
martes tuesday
miercoles wednesday
jueves thursday
viernes friday
sabado saturday
domingo sunday
mira el reloj para decir la hora... look at the clock to tell what time...
qhe hora es? what time is it?
es la una. it's one o'clock
son las dos. it's two o'clock.
son las...y cuarto. it's... fifteen.
son las... y media. it's... thirty.
son las... menos cuarto. it's a quarter to...
faltan quince para las... it's a quarter to...
tarde late
temprano early
a que hora es las clase de espanol? at what time is spanish class?
es a la / a las... it's at...
de la manana in the morning
de la tarde in the afternoon
de la noche in the evening
es mediodia it's noon
es medianoche it's midnight
por la manana during the morning
por la tarde during the afternoon
por la noche during the evening
que dia es hoy? what day is today?
hoy es martes trienta today is tuesday the 30th
a que fecha estamos? what is todays date?
es el trienta de octubre it's the 30th of october
es el primero de noviembre it's the first of november
cuando es el dia de las Madres? when is mother's day?
es el doce de mayo it's may 12th
el dia the day
la semana the week
el fin de semana the weekend
el mes the month
el ano the year
todos los dias entresemana every day during the week / on weekdays
ayer yesterday
hoy today
manana tomorrow
como? how?
cual / cuales? what / which ones?
cuando? when?
cuanto / cuanta? how much?
cuantos / cuantas? how many?
de quien es? whose is this?
de quienes son? whose are these?
donde? where?
por que? why?
que? what / which?
quien / quienes who?
abrir to open
aprender to learn
asistir a to attend
beber to drink
comer to eat
compartir to share
comprender to understand
correr to run
creer en to believe in
deber should / ought
dejar de to stop [doing something]
describir to describe
descubrir to discover
escribir to write
imprimir to print
ir to go
ir a to be going to [do something]
leer to read
recibir to recieve
transmitir to broadcast
vender to sell
vivir to live
mi[s] my
tu[s] your [fam.]
su[s] your [sing. / pl.=his, her, their]
nuestro[a] / nuestros [as] our
vuestro[a] / vuestros[as] your [pl. / fam.]
al [a el] to the
del [de el] from the / of the
porque because
encontrar to find
preferir to prefer
pedir to ask for
cerrar:: E --> IE to close
comenzar(a):: E --> IE to begin (to)
empezar(a):: E --> IE o begin (to)
entender:: E --> IE to understand
pensar de:: E --> IE to think (of), have an opinion about
pensar en:: E --> IE to think about, to consider
perder:: E --> IE to lose
querer:: E --> IE to want, to love
sentir:: E --> IE to feel
contar:: O --> UE to tell, to relate; to count
dormir:: O --> UE to sleep
encontrar:: O --> UE to find
jugar:: O [u] --> UE to play
poder:: O --> UE to be able to
sonar:: O --> UE to ring, to go off (phone alarm clock, etc.)
sonar (con):: O --> UE to dream (about)
volver:: O --> UE to return
pedir:: E --> I to ask for something
repetir:: E --> I to repeat
servir:: E --> I to serve
Created by: traviicase87
Popular Spanish sets




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