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Leadership Fin 4

Appreciative inquiry (AI) A problem-solving method that encourages us to look at problems in a different way; instead of focusing on what is broken, we focus on what is working and figure out how to expand that success
Brainstorming A creative-thinking technique involving the identification of as many different ideas as possible during a certain time frame; can be done by one person but is used most often in a group setting
Intuitive problem solving A problem-solving method that relies on "gut" feelings and flashes of insight
Mind mapping A form of brainstorming that organizes ideas and information graphically, using shapes, pictures, and words
Problem An issue that needs a solution
Problem-solving The process of finding solutions to obstacles or problems
Reverse brainstorming A problem-solving tool used to generate ideas and possible solutions; instead of identifying ways to solve a problem, identifying ways to make the problem worse
Accountability The condition of having to answer for or be liable for your actions
Attitude The way a person looks at life
Brainstorm Use a creative-thinking technique involving the identification of as many different ideas as possible during a certain time frame
Compromise A settlement of differences in which each side makes a concession
Constructive criticism Evaluative information designed to help someone improve
Feedback Evaluative information given to you about the things you say and do
Flexibility The ability to adapt to changes as they occur
Innovation Something new, such as a new product, strategy, or process
Nonjudgmental Accepting people and ideas without being critical
Nonverbal communication Communication that uses body language instead of words or to support words
Open-minded The ability to see different views and perceptions
Reflection Taking time to think and talk about an important issue
13. Teamwork Cooperative effort of two or more people; working together to reach a common goal
Acknowledgement response Simple verbal utterances or words and nonverbal cues used by a listener to communicate understanding to a speaker
Active listening Using nonverbal cues, paraphrasing, questioning, and other techniques to let a speaker know that a message has been heard and understood
Empathize Putting yourself in another person's place
Environmental distraction An aspect of the setting that diverts the listener's attention away from the speaker's message, such as poor lighting, noise, or uncomfortable seating
Internal distraction A concern or worry on the part of the listener that takes away from his/her ability to attend to the speaker's message, such as hunger or thirst, a personal problem, or poor health
Nonverbal Communication that involves the use of gestures or facial expressions, rather than the use of words
Over-listening Listening so hard to the words and details in a message that the main message is lost
Paraphrasing Restating a message in other words in order to confirm or clarify its meaning; does not involve judgment or evaluation
Questioning Using straightforward, non-judgmental questions to clarify or to get more information
Back-up plan Alternate way to carry out a project
Communication skills Ability to express yourself clearly and simply
Deadline Date or time when something must be done
Evaluate Examine or review carefully to determine value or importance
Feedback Evaluative information given to you about the things you say and do
Goal An objective or want that you plan to fulfill
Group People working individually under the guidance of an assigned leader to achieve pre-established goals
Guidelines Recommended procedures to follow
Interpret To explain
Leadership skills The ability to guide or direct the actions of others
Motivate Prompt another person to take some kind of action
Negotiation The process of one party reaching an agreement with another party to meet specific needs or wants; the process of persuading or influencing someone to take a certain course of action in order to achieve a desired outcome
Objectives Goals to be reached
Organizational skills The ability to take ideas and bring each component together in an orderly way to achieve goals
Project Any type of undertaking, or task, that has a distinct beginning and end
Project management The process of planning, scheduling, and monitoring the progress of a project to achieve a specific goal
Project manager Person responsible for overseeing all the activities that are part of a project
Resources Items that are needed to complete a project
Schedules Plans that list the order of activities and completion times; timetables
Skill The ability to perform a task that is developed through knowledge, training, and practice
Supervise Oversee and direct the activities Of others
Time management The process of controlling events in order to accomplish priorities; how people use the 24 hours in their day
Body language Gestures, facial expression, or any other form of communicating without words; often called "silent language"
Communication An exchange of information in which the words and gestures are understood in the same way by both the speaker and the listener
Communication barriers Problems that interfere with the effective exchange of information
Concise Containing the appropriate amount of information in as few words as possible
Concrete communication Communication that is accurate, specific, and easy to visualize
Gestures Movements of the body or limbs that express or emphasize an idea, sentiment, or attitude
Grapevine An oral communication method in which information is passed around but not formally announced or verified .
Information overload Communication that is too much and/or comes too fast to process at one time
Jargon Specialized language known only to a certain group of people
Nonverbal communication Communication th~t uses body language instead of words or to support words
Verbal communication Communication that involves the use of words
Constructive criticism A type of negative feedback that provides evaluative information designed to help someone improve
Criticism A response that indicates disapproval
Defensive Having a negative attitude toward criticism or suggestions
Destructive criticism A type of negative feedback that provides evaluative information but is given in a manner that hurts the message receiver's self-esteem
Evaluative information The conclusions people reach after they examine something carefully
External feedback Evaluative information that comes from sources outside yourself
Feedback Evaluative information given to you about the things you say and do; a response to a certain behavior or attitude
Internal feedback Evaluative information that comes from within yourself
Negative feedback Criticism or disapproval
Positive feedback Praise or approval
Self-control Restraint of your feelings, words, and actions•
Self-esteem The way a person feels about him/herself at any given time
Abstract Theories or words that describe things that are not objects and may have different meanings to different people, such as hope or happiness
Aspiration A dream; an ambition
Goal An objective that you want or plan to fulfill
Idea A formulated thought resulting from a representation of a concept within the mind
Input Contribution of information
Mission statement A brief summary of what a business owner wants a business to be doing
Resources Items that can be used to produce goods and services
Vision The future you desire to create
Created by: BusMgmt
Popular Management sets




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