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Phar52 Drugs Set 0

Class, Category, Indications, Cautions

Antiemetics: Drug indications 1. Control nausea 2. Prevent vomiting
Block CTZ receptors: Drug categories 1. antidopaminergic (block dopamine) 2. 5HT3 antagonists (block serotonin)
Blocking CTZ best for: Best for drug-induced N/V (PONV & CINV)
Block nerve pathways from the inner ear: Drug categories 1. antihistamines 2. anticholinergics
Block nerve pathways best for: Best for Vertigo
Antidopaminergic Antiemetics MOA: Blocks dopamine receptors in CTZ which inhibits vomiting reflex
Antidopaminergic Antiemetics Indication: Drug-induced N/V: PONV & CINV
Antidopaminergic Antiemetics Routes: "Nurses Prerogative" 1. PO 2. IM 3. PR
Antidopaminergic Antiemetics Side-Effects: 1. sedation 2. EPS (Extra-Pyramidal)
Phenothiazine: chemical group 1 prochlorperazine = Compazine
Phenothiazine: chemical group 2 thiethylperazine = Torecan
Phenothiazine: chemical group 3 triflupromazine = Vesprin
Phenothiazine: chemical group 4 chlorpromazine = Thorazine
chlorpromazine = Thorazine: additional indication: Drug category Antipsychotic (major tranquilizer)
Phenothiazine: chemical group promethazine = Phenergan
promethazine = Phenergan: additional indication: Drug category (1) Anxiolytic (minor tranquilizer)
promethazine = Phenergan: additional indication: Drug category (2) Antihistamine
NON-Phenothiazine: chemical group metoclopramide = Reglan
metoclopramide = Reglan: additional indication: Drug category Prokinetic (speed up GI intestinal transit)
metoclopramide = Reglan: Tx: DZ indication Gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying seen in diabetic patients)
Antihistamine Antiemetics: Drug indication N/V 2nd degree Vertigo
Antihistamine Antiemetics: Side-Effects 1. sedation 2. May Cause Drowsiness Do not drive
Antihistamine Antiemetics: (anticholinergic) Side-Effects 1. constipation 2. urine retention 3. dry mouth
Antihistamine Antiemetics: Drug name 1 dimenhydrinate = Dramamine (OTC)
Antihistamine Antiemetics: Drug name 2 cyclizine = Marezine (OTC)
Antihistamine Antiemetics: Drug name 3 meclizine = Bonine (OTC chewable tablets)
Antihistamine Antiemetics: Drug name 4 meclizine = Antivert (Rx only)
Antihistamine Antiemetics: Drug name 5 hydroxyzine = Vistaril (Rx only)
hydroxyzine = Vistaril: Primary indication Treat anxiety (Anxiolytic)
hydroxyzine = Atarax: Primary indication Treat anxiety (Anxiolytic)
Antihistamine Antiemetics: Drug name 6 trimethobenzamide = Tigan (Rx only)
trimethobenzamide = Tigan: Dosage form 1. PO 2. IM
trimethobenzamide = Tigan: MOA Weak antihistamine (unclear MOA)
trimethobenzamide = Tigan: Drug indication 1. PONV 2. NOT Vertigo
Anticholinergic Antiemetic: Drug name scopolamine = Transderm-Scop (Rx only)
scopolamine = Transderm-Scop: Drug indication 1. Vertigo 2. PONV
scopolamine = Transderm-Scop: Dosage form 1. Patch (Transderm-Scop): 3-day duration of action 2. Injectable: Used w/pre-op medication
scopolamine = Transderm-Scop: Patch directions 1. Apply 1 patch behind ear 2. Change every 72 hours
scopolamine = Transderm-Scop: Side-Effects 1. sedation 2. Antihistaminic 3. Anticholinergic 4. May see rebound vertigo after removal of patch
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: MOA 1. Block 5-HT3 (serotonin) receptors in CTZ which inhibits vomiting reflex 2. No effect on dopamine > no EPS
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Indication 1. PONV 2. CINV
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Special note Rx drug form of these drugs are the most powerful Antiemetics
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Sig label 1. Single doses may be enough 2. Pre-treat at least 30 minutes before chemo theraphy
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Drug name 1 ondansetron = Zofran (ODT)
ondansetron = Zofran: Caution Causes diarrhea in 40% of patients
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Drug name 2 granisetron = Kytril
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Drug name 3 granisetron = Sancuso transdermal
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Drug name 4 dolasetron = Anzemet
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Drug name 5 palonosetron = Aloxi (Parenteral dosage form only)
alosetron = Lotronex: Indication Treat diarrhea in IBS
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists: Drug name 6 alosetron = Lotronex
alosetron = Lotronex: Special note 1 Restricted prescribing (severe diarrhea-predominant IBS)
alosetron = Lotronex: Special note 2 The Prescribing Program for Lotronex was implemented to help reduce risks of serious GI adverse events. Only physicians who have enrolled in based on their understanding of the benefits and risks should prescribe Lotronex
alosetron = Lotronex: Risk caution Ischemic Colitis (fatal)
Antiemetics (miscellaneous): Drug category 1 cannabinoids (THC derivatives: Derived from "marijuana")
cannabinoids (THC derivatives): Drug name 1 nabilone = Cesamet (C-II drug)
cannabinoids (THC derivatives): Drug name 2 dronabinol = Marinol (C-III drug) Storage: Refrigerator
cannabinoids (THC derivatives): Drug indication 1. 2nd line Tx for CINV 2. dronabinol also FDA approved as appetite stimulant for AIDS
cannabinoids (THC derivatives): Side-Effects 1. Changes mood (euphoria, disinhibition) 2. drowsiness 3. "munchies" > increased appetite 4. postural hypotension
Antiemetics (miscellaneous): Drug name 2 aprepitant = Emend
aprepitant = Emend: MOA Block Substance P receptors in brain
Substance P Neuropeptide involved in: 1. nausea 2. pain perception 3. mood
aprepitant = Emend: Indication 1. Adjunctive Tx for CINV 2. Approved for acute & delayed emesis
aprepitant = Emend: Dosing 1 Rx Dosing: The recommended dose of Emend is 125 mg orally 1 hour prior to chemotherapy treatment (Day 1) and 80 mg orally once daily in the morning on Days 2 & 3
aprepitant = Emend: Dosing 2 1. Give w/5-HT3 antagonists + steroid 2. Dosing: PO QD x 3 d
aprepitant = Emend: Special note Emend = fosaprepitant dimeglumine for Injection (115 mg) is a prodrug of aprepitant & may be substituted for oral Emend (125 mg), 30 minutes prior to chemotherapy, on Day 1 only of the CINV regimen as an IV infusion administered over 15 minutes
Drugs that cause emesis: MOA Clear out the stomach & upper GI tract
Emetic Therapy: Indication 1. poisoning 2. drug overdose
Emetic Therapy: Caution Patient must be conscious to use an emetic
Emetic Therapy: Drug 1 IPECAC (syrup)
IPECAC (syrup): Dosage form 30 mL bottle (BTC)
IPECAC (syrup): MOA 1. gastric irritant (local effect) 2. plus stimulate the CTZ (systemic effect) 3. causes vomiting in 15-20 minutes
IPECAC (syrup): Doses 1. Adult: 30 mL PO 2. 1-12 yr: 15 mL PO 3. <1 yr: 10 mL PO (given in ER) Give dose with lots of water
IPECAC abuse: Caution risk Cardiomyopathy (cardio-=heart + myo-=muscle + opathy-=disease)
Antispasmodics: Indication Rx only (Intestines/Rectum: motility disorders)
Antispasmodics: MOA Block ACh receptors (anticholinergic)
Antispasmodics: Therapeutic Effect 1. Decrease secretions 2. Relax smooth muscle
Antispasmodics: Side-Effect 1. dry mouth (cotton mouth) 2. dry eyes (leads to tearing) 3. urinary retention 4. constipation
Antispasmodics: Drug 1 belladonna alkaloids (anticholinergic) 1. atropine 2. scopolamine 3. hyoscyamine 4. w/phenobarbital in Donnatal
hyoscyamine = Levsin: Drug category Antispasmodic (belladonna alkaloids: anticholinergic)
Antispasmodics: Drug 2 propantheline = ProBanthine (synthetic anticholinergic)
Antispasmodics: Drug 3 dicyclomine = Bentyl (synthetic)
dicyclomine = Bentyl: Special note 1. direct acting 2. fewer anticholinergic side-effects
Antispasmodics: Drug 4 chlordiazepoxide = Librax
chlordiazepoxide = Librax: Indication relief of anxiety & tension (tranquilizer)
clindinium = Librax: Indication synthetic anticholinergic
Antispasmodics: Drug 5 clindinium = Librax
Antispasmodics: Tx Constipation-predominant IBS
Antispasmodics: (constipation-predominant IBS) Drug 1 tegaserod = Zelnorm (Rx only)
tegaserod = Zelnorm 1. 5-HT4 agonist 2. stimulates peristalsis 3. limited availability through manufacturer only due to risk of MI, CVA, angina
tegaserod = Zelnorm: Risks 1. MI (heart attack) 2. CVA (stroke) 3. angina
tegaserod = Zelnorm: Indication 1. IBS 2. Chronic idiopathic constipation 3. In 2002, originally only FDA approved for females only 4. In 2004, FDA approved for both males & females
tegaserod = Zelnorm: Off-label uses 1. gastroparesis 2. GERD
tegaserod = Zelnorm: Cautions 1. servere diarrhea 2. dehydration 3. dypotension
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: Tx: 1. Control diarrhea 2. Control inflammation 3. Repair / remove damaged tissues 4. Provide adequate nutrition
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 1. Control diarrhea: Drug category Antidiarrheals
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 1. Control diarrhea: MOA 1. Anti-peristaltic 2. Anticholinergic: narcotic derivatives (opiates) slows down GI tract to induce constipation 3. directly relax GI smooth muscle which decreases motility to allow more water absorption to reduce cramping & pain
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: Drug category A Antiinflammatory drugs
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: Drug type hydrocortisone = Solu-Cortef(steroid)
hydrocortisone = Solu-Cortef (steroid): Indication Systemic / rectal for mild to moderate inflammation
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: Drug category B 5-AminoSalicylic Acid derivatives (5-ASA)
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: 5-ASA: Drug A 1. mesalamine = Asacol 2. mesalamine = Pentasa 3. mesalamine = Rowasa 4. mesalamine = Lialda
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: 5-ASA: Drug B olsalazine = Dipentum
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: 5-ASA: Drug C balsalazide = Colazal
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: 5-ASA: Drug D salfasalazine = Azulfidine
salfasalazine = Azulfidine: MOA breaks down to sulfapyridine + mesalamine > active metabolite
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: Drug category C Monoclonal Antibody
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 2. Control inflammation: Monoclonal Antibody: Drug A infliximab = Remicade
infliximab = Remicade: MOA neutralizes TNF to decrease chronic inflammation
infliximab = Remicade: additional indication Rheumatoid Arthritis
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 3. Repair/remove damaged tissue: Surgical procedure A Hemi-colectomy (hemi-=half)
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 3. Repair/remove damaged tissue: Surgical procedure B Anastomosis
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 3. Repair/remove damaged tissue: Surgical procedure C Colostomy
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 3. Repair/remove damaged tissue: Surgical procedure D ileostomy
Inflammatory Bowel DZ: 4. Provide adequate nutrition: 1. Practice of feeding a person w/o using the GI tract 2. TNA: CHO, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals = in water
Antiperistaltic Antidiarrheals: Drug 1 diphenoxylate (opiate)/atropine (anticholinergic) = Lomotil (C-V)
Anticholinergics: MOA decrease peristalsis
atropine = Lomotil: Indication 1. prevents patient from talking enough diphenoxylate to cause euphoria 2. Less risk of addiction (C-V)
Antiperistaltic Antidiarrheals: Drug 2 paragoric = camphorated tincture of opium (C-III drug in CA)
paragoric = camphorated tincture of opium (C-III drug in CA): Caution Do Not confuse w/opium tincture (C-II)
Antiperistaltic Antidiarrheals: Drug 3 loperamide = Imodium (OTC)
loperamide = Imodium (OTC): MOA direct effect to relax smooth muscle
loperamide = Imodium (OTC): Indication acute and/or chronic diarrhea
AGE=Acute GastroEnteritis Tx: 1. Anti-Emetics 2. Anti-Diarrheals
Traveler's Diarrhea=dysentery (amebic) Tx Drug category 1: amebecide
Traveler's Diarrhea=dysentery (amebic): amebecide: Drug 1 metronidazole = Flagyl
metronidazole = Flagyl: Caution 1. Do Not Drink Alcoholic Beverage when taking this medication 2. Alcohol intolerance 3. "disulfiram=Antabuse effect"
Traveler's Diarrhea=dysentery (amebic) Tx Drug category 2: Adsorbent Anti-Diarrheals
Adsorbent Anti-Diarrheals: MOA 1. ADsorb (stick to) micro-organisms 2. Trap microbes in intestine 3. Diarrhea washes microbes out
Adsorbent Anti-Diarrheals: Special note Diarrhea will stop when the microbes & toxins leave the body
Traveler's Diarrhea: Adsorbent Anti-Diarrheals: Drug 1 bismuth subsalicylate BSS = Pepto-Bismol, Kaopectate (OTC)
Tritec & Helidac 1. contain bismuth 2. will absorb H. pylori
Adsorbent substances (other): 1. kaolin-pectin 2. attapulgite=Diasorb, Kaopectate Maximum Strength
Food Poisoning Tx: requires both (antiperistaltic & adsorbent)
antiperistaltic: Indication reduces pain
adsorbent: Indication slows diarrhea but does not stop it
Mixtures w/paregoric (controlled substances): Drug name bismuth + paregoric
Antidiarrheals (miscellaneous): Drug category 1 Lactobacillus acidophilus
Antidiarrheals (miscellaneous): Lactobacillus acidophilus: Drug 1 Lactinex tablets / granules (OTC refrigerated)
Antidiarrheals (miscellaneous): Lactobacillus acidophilus: Drug 2 Probiotica chewable tablets
Antidiarrheals (miscellaneous): Lactobacillus acidophilus: Drug 3 Culturelle capsules
Antidiarrheals (miscellaneous): Drug name 1 calcium polycarbophil = Equalactin (OTC)
calcium polycarbophil = Equalactin: MOA 1. "equalizes intestinal water" a. absorbs water in intestine & swalls to form a bulky stool b. fewer bowel movements c. reduced abdominal pain
calcium polycarbophil = Equalactin: Caution 1. calcium salt leads to chelation of drugs which binds & reduces absorption 2. Dehydration occurs where patient still loses water, yet stools do not look as "watery"
Antidiarrheals (miscellaneous): Drug name 2 doxycycline = Vibramycin (Rx only)
doxycycline = Vibramycin: MOA tetracycline antibiotic (TCN)
doxycycline = Vibramycin: Indication prevent Traveler's Diarrhea
doxycycline = Vibramycin: Caution 1. Photosensitivity 2. You should avoid prolonged or excessive exposure to direct and/or artificial sunlight while taking this medication
Antidiarrheals (miscellaneous): Drug name 3 rifaximin = Xifaxan (Rx only)
rifaximin = Xifaxan 1. non-systemic antibiotic 2. not absorbed: local effect
rifaximin = Xifaxan Tx: Indication Traveler's Diarrhea
rifaximin = Xifaxan Tx: Off-Label IBS
Laxatives: Indication constipation
Stool Softeners: Indication constipation
Laxative: Type 1 stimulant (irritant)
Laxative: Type 2 saline cathartics
Laxative: Type 3 bulk-forming
Laxative: Type 4 lubricant
Laxative: Type 5 hyper-osmotic
Laxative: Type 1 Stimulant (irritant): MOA increase peristalsis w/direct effect on smooth muscle
Laxative: Type 1 Stimulant (irritant): Indication 1. occasional constipation 2. Spinal cord injury patients (routine use) 3. "Prep" (clean out lower GI tract) a. before X-rays, procedures or surgery b. administered as a single dose
Laxative: Type 1 Stimulant (irritant): Cautions 1. increase muscle contraction leading to cramping pain 2. chronic use may cause dependence
Laxative: Type 1 Stimulant (irritant): Drug 1 bisacodyl = Dulcolax (OTC)
bisacodyl = Dulcolax: MOA 1. acts on large intestine 2. onset: PR: 15-30 minutes 3. onset: PO: 6-12 hours
bisacodyl = Dulcolax: Other indication Often used in combination w/other prep kits eg: Halflytely
Laxative: Type 1 Stimulant (irritant): Drug 2 castor oil (OTC) Available as flovored oil or emulsion
castor oil: MOA 1. acts in small intestine > produces very watery stool 2. onset: <=3 hours
Laxative: Type 1 Stimulant (irritant): Drug 3 senna = Senokot, X-Prep, Ex-Lax (OTC)
senna = Senokot, X-Prep, Ex-Lax "sennosides" = natural vegetable laxative
senna = Senokot, X-Prep, Ex-Lax: MOA 1. acts on large intestine 2. onset: ~6 hours
Caster oil: Caution 1. Castor oil acts more quickly than other laxatives, so do not take at bedtime 2. To avoid the bad taste of castor oil, chill it in the refrigerator & mix it w/cold orange juice just before drinking 3. should not be used routinely for constipation
Laxative: Type 2 Saline Cathartics: MOA 1. pulls H2O into intestinal lumen 2. stretches smooth muscle walls 3. reflex peristalsis 4. patient must have good fluid intake to work
Laxative: Type 2 Saline Cathartics: Drug type 1 Magnesium Salts (OTC) Caution: Renal patients
Magnesium salt: Drug 1 magnesium hydroxide = Milk of Magnesia (MOM)
magnesium hydroxide = Milk of Magnesia 1. laxative dose: 30 mL 2. onset: ~8 hours (give dose hs) 3. may be mixed w/mineral oil to form an emulsion
Magnesium salt: Drug 2 magnesium sulfate = "Epsom Salts"
magnesium sulfate = "Epsom Salts" 1. MgSO4 2. Hospital Use: a. Tx drug OD: 50% PO solution b. onset: 3-6 hours c. IV additive: Mg++ supplement
Magnesium salt: Drug 3 magnesium citrate aka Citrate of Magnesia
magnesium citrate aka Citrate of Magnesia 1. Dose: 10 oz x 1 2. Chill to improve flavor
Laxative: Type 2 Saline Cathartics: Drug type 2 Phosphate Salts
Phosphate Salt: Drug 1 sodium phosphates = Visicol, OsmoPrep tablets (Rx only) Bowel Prep
sodium phosphates = Visicol: Dose 1. 20 tabs PM before colonoscopy 2. 20 tabs AM of colonoscopy
sodium phosphates = OsmoPrep: Dose 1. PM take 4 tabs q15 min x 5 doses 2. AM take 4 tabs q14 min x 3 doses 3. Total Dose = 32 tablets total
sodium phosphates: Special note Take with ginger ale to clear residue
Phosphate Salt: Drug 2 Fleet's Phospho-Soda / Fleet's enema (OTC)
Fleet's Phospho-Soda / Fleet's enema 1. Sodium Phosphates also 2. Fleet's Phospho-soda recalled due to "Acute Phosphate Nephropathy"
Laxative: Type 3 Bulk-Forming Laxatives (Fiber)
Laxative: Type 3 Bulk-Forming: MOA 1. non-digestible fibers 2. Fibers absorb H2O > softens stool & distend intestine > reflex peristalsis 3. Best choice for routine use 4. No dependence
Laxative: Type 3 Bulk-Forming: Onset 1 - 3 days of use
Laxative: Type 3 Bulk-Forming: Caution Take w/ a lot of water to prevent bowel obstruction
Laxative: Type 3 Bulk-Forming: Other indications 1. Soften stool by increasing H2O content 2. OTC diet control: FiberTrim
Bulk-forming Laxatives: Drug 1 psyllium = Metamucil, Konsyl
Bulk-forming Laxatives: Drug 2 methylcellulose = Citrucel (less bloating)
Bulk-forming Laxatives: Drug 3 calcium polycarbophil = Equalactin, Phillips Fibercaps, Fibercon
Bulk-forming Laxatives: Drug 4 guar gum = Benefiber (clear / not gritty)
guar gum = Benefiber: Key Points Medication should be taken w/plenty of water 1. drink lots of fluid 2. common side-effect: "Gas" 3. good for patients w/ low fiber diets, after-child birth, elderly, IBS, pregnancy 4. superior to other meds as "stool softener"
Laxative: Type 4 Lubricant Laxative: MOA 1. "emollient" effect 2. softens & lubricates stool
Lubricant Laxative: Drug 1 mineral oil (OTC)
mineral oil: Dose 15 - 45 cc
mineral oil: Caution 1. Do not use routinely 2. may decrease absorption of fat-soluble drugs & vitamins (ADEK) 3. Do not take w/ stool softeners (eg: docusate) 4. may absorb mineral oil > risk of lipoid pneumonia
Laxative: Type 5 Hyper-Osmotic Laxatives: MOA 1. pulls H2O into intestinal contents a. softens stool b. reflex peristalsis 2. local irritant / stimulant effect
Laxative: Type 5 Hyper-Osmotic Laxatives: Route PR as suppository / enema
Laxative: Type 5 Hyper-Osmotic Laxatives: Drug 1 glycerin (OTC suppository) Caution: adult & pediatric sizes Onset: 30 minutes
Laxative: Type 5 Hyper-Osmotic Laxatives: Drug 2 sorbitol (enema) Dose: 120 mL of 25-30% solution
Mix: Sorbitol w/Kayexalate (K+ binding resin) 1. Give PR to Tx hyperkalemia 2. Kayexalate will pull K+ from blood & trap it in intestine 3. K+ levels in blood decrease 4. Sorbitol helps eliminate resin & the bound K+ from GI tract
Laxative: Type 5 Hyper-Osmotic Laxatives: Drug 3 polyethylene glycol = PEG, Miralax (OTC)
polyethylene glycol = PEG, Miralax: Indication occasional constipation
polyethylene glycol = PEG, Miralax: MOA 1. osmotic action only on the stool 2. given PO for 2 weeks maximum
polyethylene glycol = PEG, Miralax: Onset 2 - 4 days of routine use
polyethylene glycol = PEG, Miralax: Cautions 1. mix in at least 8 oz of water 2. Urticaria allergies AX
Laxative: Type 5 Hyper-Osmotic Laxatives: Drug 4 polyethylene glycol = PEG (electrolyte solution) GoLytely, CoLyte (Rx only)
polyethylene glycol = PEG (electrolyte solution) GoLytely, CoLyte (Rx only): Indication "bowel evacuant"
polyethylene glycol = PEG (electrolyte solution) GoLytely, CoLyte (Rx only): MOA PEG: osmotic laxative > diarrhea + electrolytes (replenish loss)
polyethylene glycol = PEG (electrolyte solution) GoLytely, CoLyte (Rx only): Dose 1. powder for reconstitution 2. Dose: 1 gallon of solution 3. drink 8 oz Q 10 min until gone
polyethylene glycol = PEG (electrolyte solution) GoLytely, CoLyte (Rx only): Onset 1. 30 - 60 minutes of first dose 2. complete cleansing within 4 hours
polyethylene glycol = PEG (electrolyte solution) GoLytely, CoLyte (Rx only): Special note Bad Taste: Salty-sweet taste that cannot be masked by glavoring packets available for most solutions. Recommended to chill in refrigerator before use often the evening before colonoscopy. Also, best to drink quickly, not sip, taste makes you gag
Laxative: Type 5 Hyper-Osmotic Laxatives: Drug 5 Low-volume PEG = MoviPrep, Halflytely (Rx only)
Low-volume PEG = MoviPrep consists of 1 liter solution of PEG which is repeated a few hours later
Low-volume PEG = Halflytely involves taking bisocodyl tablets followed by 2 liters of PEG solution
Laxative: Type 5 Hyper-Osmotic Laxatives: Low-volume PEG = MoviPrep, Halflytely: Main disadvantage Main disadvantage over other generic (4 liter) PEG solutions: Price = Too expensive
Laxatives (miscellaneous): Drug 1 lubiprostone = Amitiza
lubiprostone = Amitiza: Indication Treat chronic idiopathic constipation
lubiprostone = Amitiza: MOA 1. increases intestinal fluid secretion 2. increases peristalsis
lubiprostone = Amitiza: Dose PO BID with food to decrease N/V
lubiprostone = Amitiza: Caution 1. 2 different strengths available w/different indications 2. 24mcg > Tx of chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) 3. 8mcg > Tx of IBS-C in females > 18 yr
Laxatives (miscellaneous): Drug 2 methylnaltrexone = Relistor
methylnaltrexone = Relistor: Indication Treat constipation due to opioids
methylnaltrexone = Relistor: MOA 1. opioid antagonist that block opioid 2. effects gut w/o blocking analgesic effects in CNS
methylnaltrexone = Relistor: Caution only for palliative care patients who are not getting relief from laxatives
methylnaltrexone = Relistor: Dose 1. SQ QOD 2. Inform patients it usually works within 4 hours 3. Most side-effects are mild eg: nausea, diarrhea, dizziness
Stool Softeners: MOA surfactants increases H2O in stool
Stool Softeners: Indication 1. patients who should avoid straining: a. s/p MI b. post-op c. post-partum
Stool Softeners: Onset 1. 1 - 2 days of routine use 2. Requires good fluid intake to be effective
Stool Softeners: Drug type Docusate Salts (OTC all)
Docusate Salts: Drug 1 docusate sodium = Colace, DSS
docusate sodium = Colace: Dose 50 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg
docusate sodium = Colace: Off-label use remove ear wax
Docusate Salts: Drug 2 docusate calcium = Surfak
docusate calcium = Surfak: Dose 240 mg
Created by: kyleburnes
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