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QB: Medical Terms

Medical Terms

A condition where the ventricles of the heart convulse and twitch rapidly and without coordination, possibly leading to the loss of pulse. Ventricular Fibrillation
A sudden loss of heartbeat and cardiac function, resulting in the loss of blood circulation. It is usually caused by ventricular fibrillation. Cardiac Arrest
An electrical device used to counteract ventricular fibrillation and restore normal heartbeat by administering a brief electric shock. Defibrillator
A portable electronic device that automatically recognizes when a patient is undergoing ventricular fibrillation and can then treat the patient using defibrillation. AED or Automated External Defibrillator
Rapid heart rate. Tachycardia
Yellowish discoloration of the whites of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Occurs as a symptom of various diseases. Jaundice
The coughing up of bloody sputum from the throat or lungs. Hemoptysis
Rapid breathing. Tachypnea
Irregularity in the force or rhythm of heartbeat. Arrhythmia
Difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath. Dyspnea
A visual defect where distant objects are blurred. Also known as nearsightedness. Myopia
The largest and strongest bone in the human body. It is the leg bone located between the pelvis and knee. Femur
Abnormally large discharges of blood from blood vessels; excessive bleeding. Hemorrhage
The process by which blood and blood cells are formed in the body. Hematopoiesis
An instrument used to detect and diagnose heart abnormalities. It generates a record of the electrical currents of heart muscle activity by measuring electrical potentials on the body surface. EKG or Electrocardiograph
An abnormal growth of tissue caused by the uncontrolled and rapid multiplication of cells. Tumor
An emergency procedure in which cardiac massage, artificial respiration, and drugs are used to maintain the circulation of blood. Often employed after cardiac arrest. CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Condition where there is a decrease of oxygen and an increase of carbon dioxide. Synonymous with suffocation. Asphyxia
The act of reviving a person's life functions or consciousness after apparent death. Resuscitation
The process which causes bleeding to stop. This usually involves changing blood from a liquid to solid state in a surgical procedure. The opposite of hemorrhage. Hemostasis
The long-term host of the pathogen for an infectious disease. These hosts usually do not get the disease carried by the pathogen. Natural Host/Natural Reservoir/Nidus
The spreading of a disease (especially cancer) to another part of the body, mainly through usage of blood vessels or lymphatics. Metastasis
A localized and infected or diseased patch of skin or mucous membrane (as on the lining of the stomach) leading to the localized death of cells in the infected area. Ulcer
Decrease in blood supply to a part of the body that is caused by an obstruction or constriction of blood vessels. Ischemia
Death of a cell or group of cells due to injury, disease, or another pathologic state. Necrosis
An abnormal patch of skin or bodily tissue due to infection or disease. Lesion
A person trained and certified to give emergency care to victims of trauma or acute illness before or during the transportation of the victim to a health care facility. Emergency Medical Technician/EMT
Instrument that records the electrical activity of the brain by measuring the electrical potentials on the scalp. Electroencephalograph or EEG
Slow breathing. Bradypnea
Bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes. Results from lack of good blood oxygenation. Cyanosis
Severe kidney malfunction. Renal Failure
Condition where waste normally discharged in urine is retained in the bloodstream. Toxic condition; usually results from kidney disease. Uremia/Azotemia
Condition where the atria of the heart contract in an irregular rhythm. Most common major form of arrhythmia. If not treated, it can allow blood clots to form. Atrial Fibrillation
Slow heart rate. Bradycardia
Blood pressure that is abnormally low. Hypotension
Condition where there is an excessively high concentration of potassium in the bloodstream. Hyperkalaemia
Rapid, involuntary, back-and-forth swinging of the eyeball. Nystagmus
A sound, such as a buzzing or ringing, in the ears, that occurs without external cause. Tinnitus
Created by: Felicis
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