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Manpower Block I
Manpower Apprentice Course Block I Study Guide
Question | Answer |
Name the three phases of brainstorming | Generation / Clarification / Evaluation |
Describe the Generation phase of brainstorming. | 1-clearly state the topic and write it down 2-all members silently generate some ideas 3-record all ideas w/ each person presenting one idea at a time continue this phase until all ideas have been exhasted |
Describe the Clarification phase of brainstorming. | 1-give group enough time to review each idea 2-eliminate duplications 3-clarify ideas 4-write down additional ideas that are generated |
Describe the Evaluation phase of brainstorming. | review and discuss the list to eliminate idea that irrelevant to the topic |
Name the three types of Brainstorming. | Structured / Free-form / Silent |
What is the advantages of Structured Brainstorming? | Everyone has an equal chance to participate |
What is the advantages of Free-form Brainstorming? | Spontaneous, creative, relaxed atmosphere, easy to build on others' ideas |
What is the advantages of Silent Brainstorming? | Ideas can be more sensitive, provides anonymity, can be used in large groups |
What is the disadvantages of Structured Brainstorming? | Loss of spontaneity, fewer ideas may be generated |
What is the disadvantages of Free-form Brainstorming? | Can be dominated by strong idndividuals, spontaneity can cause a loss of ideas |
What is the disadvantages of Silent Brainstorming? | Loss of group effort and building on ideas, time consuming, difficult to clarify ideas |
When using brainstorming techniques, what should be emphasis be on? | quanity, not quality |
Which form of braining storming encouraged everyone to contribute ideas as they come to mind? | Free Forming |
Which type of braining storming is more effetive when used in combination with other brainstorming techniques? | Silent Brainingstorming |
Which type of brainingstorming techniques allows everyone to have an equal chance to participate. | Structured Brainstorming |
Allocates manpower resourse to major commands (MAJCOMs), field operating agencies (FOAs), and direct reporting units (DRUs) is a funtinal responsibility of who? | HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization |
Exercises administarative contrl of all Air Force units and approves organizational changes and variances is a funtinal responsibility of who? | HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization |
Established policies and procedures used by funtional managers, MAJCOMs, FOAs, and DRUs to determine manpower requirements. | HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization |
Approves manpower standards and variances as delegated by the Chief of Staff of the air Force (CSAF) | HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization |
Approves officer and enlisted grade allocations. | HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization |
Validates colonal positions. | HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization |
Provides final grade factors to MAJCOMs, FOAs and DRUs. | HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization |
Manage manpower resourse allocated to their commands by HQ USAF in support of approved missions and levels of service. | MAJCOM, FOA, DRU Chiefs of Manpower and Organization |
Participate in Air Force-wide manpower management studies, and perform mission and funtional studies uniques to the command. | MAJCOM, FOA, DRU Chiefs of Manpower and Organization |
Annually review all changes to Air Force Manpower Standards (AFMSs) in conjuction with MAJCOM funtionsl managers. | MAJCOM, FOA, DRU Chiefs of Manpower and Organization |
Performs studies that apply to more than on MAJCOM or for organizations without management engineering capability | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Annually reviews and processes all changes to AFMSs received from MAJCOMs, FOAs, and DRUs. | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Gives technical guidance and support to functional offices of primary responsibility (ORRs), MAJCOMS, FOAs, DRUs | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Publishes all manpower standards (AFMS, new name CMS) | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Service as the point of contact for all Air Force management engineering procedural matters. | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Develops Management Engineering Programs (MEP) tools | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Provides implementation training on the latest MEP tools | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Develops and maintains standard, wartime, and special military man-hour availability factors (MAFs) | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Defines and describes data system requirements to support the grade allocation process | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Prepares final grade factors for command allocations | Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA) |
Determines and prioritizes core processes consistent with available resources and approved levels of service; validates and defends their manpower requirements. | Funtional Manager (HQ USAF or MAJCOM) |
What are the four (4) Core Competencies of the Manpower career field. | Requirements determination, program allocation and control,orgainizational structure, performance management |
Chairs the manpower standards development team that is facilitated by the representative of AFMA or the MAJCOM Manpower | Funtional Manager (HQ USAF or MAJCOM) |
Reviews functional accuracy and recommends approval of manpower standards and variances. | Funtional Manager (HQ USAF or MAJCOM) |
Notifies local labor unions, through the servicing civil personnel office, of MEP studies at all affected locations. | Funtional Manager (HQ USAF or MAJCOM) |
Verifies and validated local process. | Installation (base-level) Manpower Office |
Assists functional managers with process improvements | Installation (base-level) Manpower Office |
Audits the accuracy of workload data submitted by functional OPRs. | Installation (base-level) Manpower Office |
Coordinates all manpower changes with appropriate local OPRs. | Installation (base-level) Manpower Office |
Functions as liaison to MAJCOM Manpower management staffs (communicates directly) | Installation (base-level) Manpower Office |
Manpower Standards is part of what core competence? | Requirments Determination |
A-76 commercial activities and competitive sourcing and privatization studies is part of what core competence? | Requirments Determination |
Wartime manpower requirements and utilization is part of what core competence? | Requirments Determination |
Logistic Composite Model (LCOM) is part of what core competence? | Requirments Determination |
Process reengineering and continues process improvement initiatives is part of what core competence? | Requirments Determination |
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System (PPBE) is part of what core competence? | Program Allocation and Control |
Future Year Defense Plan (FYDP) is part of what core competence? | Program Allocation and Control |
Manpower resources, military grades and ceilings is part of what core competence? | Program Allocation and Control |
Air Force organization is part of what core competence? | Organization Structure |
Activates, redesignations, objectives, and reorganizations is part of what core competence? | Organization Structure |
Air Force Strategic Planning is part of what core competence? | Performance Management |
Management consulting services is part of what core competence? | Performance Management |
productivity programs is part of what core competence? | Performance Management |
IDEA Program is part of what core competence? | Performance Management |
Awards is part of what core competence? | Performance Management |
Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) Survey is part of what core competence? | Performance Management |
3S331 Manpower Apprentice | Performs at the learning level and assist other analysts with Manpower tasks. Must complete Manpower 3 level course. |
3S351 Manpower Journeyman | Performs (with spot checks) funtions within the Manpower career field. Must complete 6-18 months OJT and 5 lvl CDS. |
3S371 Manpower Craftsman | Experience in the perfromance and supervision of the funtions within the Manpower career field. Must also complete 7 level CDC |
3S391-Manpower Superintendent | Manages projects timelines, works issues for the 3, 5, 7 ,level performing work, and ensuringthe resources required to complete their projects in a timely manner. Performs at a management level. |
AFSC 38F4 | Fully qualified, Staff Level, above the wing level |
AFSC 38F3 | Fully qualified, wing level or below |
AFSC 38F1 | Not fully qualified, but must complete Force Support Officer Course. |
What is the primary difference between a Manpower Apprentice and Journeyman? | Experience |
What is the primary difference between a Manpower Journeyman abd Craftsman? Journeyman normally | perform; Craftsman normally perform and supervise. |
What is the primary difference between a Manpower Craftsman and Superintendent is that Craftsman normally | Supervise; Supertendents normally manage. |
True or False, both 38F3 and 38F4 require 18 months of expererience? | True |
State the five (5) principles of Air Force Organization. | Emphasis on Wartime Tasks / Functional Grouping / lean Organizational Structures / Skip-Echelon Structure / Standard Level |
What are the key points of "Emphasis on Wartime Tasks"? | Orgs must be structured to accomplish wartime tasks without reorganizing |
What are the key points of "Funtional Grouping"? | Orgs must have a natural division of work that clearly defines where responsibilities begin and end. Must have a clear purpose, goal, and scope with one individual in charge. |
What are the key points of "Lean Organization"? | Orgs must encourage rapid decision making, so they should be flat structures. |
What are the key points of "Skip-Echelon Structure"? | MAJCOMS, wings, and squadrons possess the full range of Staff functions needed to perform required tasks. NAFs and Groups do not. |
What are the key points of "Standard Level"? | The AF uses standard levels to describe organizations. Orgs are established at the lowest level required to successfully accomplish the primary mission. |
State the ten (10) levels of Air Force Organization. | HQ USAF / MAJCOMs / NAFs / Wings / Groups / Squardrons / Flights / Centers / Laboratory / Region |
What are the two major entities of the Air Force? | Secretarty of the Air Force (SECAF) Military / Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) civilian |
A Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) is | a subdivision of the AF, directly subordinate to the CSAF (military side. A DRU performs a mission that does not fit into any MAJCOM |
A Field Operating Agency (FOA) is | a subdivision of the AF, directly subordinate to a HQ USAF funtional manager. A FOA performs field activities beyond the scope of any of the major commands. |
A MAJCOM Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) is | A MAJCOM DRU works directly for the MAJCOM commander and performs a mission that doesn't fit into any of the MAJCOMs primary subordinate units. |
A MAJCOM Field Operating Agency (FOA) is | A MAJCOM FOA reports directly to the MAJCOM funtional manager and performs specialized field activities beyond the scope of any og the MAJCOM primary subordinates units. |
Name the three (3) types of Wings. | Operational Wing/ Air Base Wing / Specialized Mission Wing |
Name the two (2) types of Groups. | Dependent Group / Independent Group |
Name the three (3) types of Flights. | Numbered flight / Alpha Flight / Funtional Flight |
Define the organizational term Constitute. | Provide the legal authority for a new unit. |
Define the organizational term Disband. | Withdraw the legal authority for a unit. |
Define the organizational term Reconstitute. | Renew legal authority for a disbanded unit. |
Define the organizational term Activate. | Bring into existence a constituted unit. |
Define the organizational term Inactivate. | Ends the exsistance of a unit. |
Define the organizational term Designate. | Give an official name (or a number and name) to a a unit. |
Define the organizational term Redisgnate. | Change the name or number of a unit. |
Define the organizational term Consolidate. | Combine two or more organizations by merging their lineages in to a single org. |
Define the organizational term Assign. | Plase a unit with an exsisting military org. |
Define the organizational term Attach. | {;aces a unit or part of a unit, with a ilitary org other than its parent org. |
Name the three (3) organizational entities. | Establishments / units / non-units |
Define Establishment. | An establishment is automatically created when a parent unit (group-level or above) is activated. |
Define Unit. | A unit is a military oranization constituted by directives issued by HQ USAF. It is either named or numbered. |
Define Non-Unit. | A non-unit is an organization entity that is not constituted by HQ USAF as a unit. (they do not have a DAF/A1M letter associated with them. |
Name the seven (7) types of units. | Active / in active /Disbanded / Parent / Attached / Detached /Primary Subordinate |
Name the six (6) types of non-units. | Named activity / Detachment / Operating Location (OL) / Squadron Section / Air Force Element / Provisional Unit |
HQ USAF/A1M publishes DAF/A1M letters to establish what actions? | Constitute / reconstitute / disband / consolidated / activated / inactivated / redesignate / assign / reassign |
True or False MAJCOMs and their subordinate units (through their MO office) must have a HQ USAF/A1M approval to activate, inactivate or redesignate a unit? | True |
What is the first OCR question? | What is the proposed actions |
What is the second OCR question? | Why is the action needed? |
What is the third OCR question? | What is the structure of the new organization? |
What is the forth OCR question? | How does the structure compare with the standard structure and nomenclature? Justify differences |
What is the fifth OCR question? | Are standard data code/data element changes requiring HQ USAF/A1MO action required? If so, explain. |
What is the sixth OCR question? | What are the potential impact on other organizations? |
What is the seventh OCR question? | What is the impact of the organization request on the unit history? |
What is the eighth OCR question? | What is the cost of the request in terms of dollars and resouces? |
What is the nineth OCR question? | If proposing a major unit change, what other similar units in the command are affected? |
Statistics is defined as? | a scientific approach to collect, analyze, and interpret data. |
Descriptive Statistics is defined as? | the process of using numbers or graphs to summarize or describe characteristics of a population. |
Population describes…? | all the individuals, items, events, etc., which possess some identifying characteristic. |
Parameter describes…? | a numerical characteristic of an entire population. |
Sample describes…? | a subject of a population. |
Sampling describes…? | the process of collecting samples and using sample data to estimate the characteristics of a population. |
Random Sampling describes…? | the process of selecting samples from a population so that all population members have the same probability of being selected for the sample. |
Statistic is defined as? | a numerical characteristic of a sample. |
Inference is defined as? | a generalization about an entire population based on sample data analyzed with inferential statistics |
Inferential Statistics is defined as? | the process of using numbers to make an inference about a population from a sample |
What are the three (3) Measures of Central Tendency? | the Arithmetic Mean / The Median (Md) / The Mode (Mo) / The Midrange (Mr) |
What are the two (2) Measures of Dispersion? | Standard deviation / coefficient of variation |
The Standard Deviation measures? | how much we can expect a given value to differ from the mean of its distribution |
What does the Coefficient of Variation measure? | it is a relative measure of dispersion: it measures variation about the mean as a percentage, free from any unit of measure. |
The UMD is an output product of what system? | Manpower Programming and Execution System (MPES) |
The UMD is generally organized by? | organization structure code (OSC) or functional account code (FAC) |