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Good SAT Vocab

Good vocab words to study for SAT

expedite to hasten, speed up
exhaustive thorough, complete, comprehensive
expendable not needed after being used, disposable
expenditure expense
extraneous irrelevant, extra
facilitate to make easier
fanatic one who is extremely devoted to a cause or idea
fertile productive or fruitful
flagrant obviously bad, outrageously noticable
fraudulent using deceit or trickery
fruitful productive, successful
fundamental essential, basic, original
futile hopeless, ineffective, useless
grave serious
gullible easily cheated or deceived
heed to listen to, to give careful attention to
hideous disgusting, foul, revolting
hilarity a state of merriment or high enjoyment
hypothetical theoretical, for the sake of argument
immune exempt, resistant to disease
inadvertent accidental
incessant never ending
incoherent without logical connection
inevitable unavoidable, bound to happen
infer conclude from evidence, deduce
innate inborn, inherited
innocuous inoffensive, harmless
innovate to try something new
ironic unexpected, using words to say opposite of what is meant
irrational not based on reason
jovial characterized by a joyous humor
lenient gently tolerant, permissive
marred damaged, injured, imperfect
mobile movable, adaptable
neutral unbiased, not taking sides
novel new, unusual
opaque not transparent
orthodox standard, commonly accepted
peripheral on the edge, external
phenomenon an observable fact or occurrence, an extraordinary person or thing
pivotal important, crucial
preclude to prevent, to make impossible
predecessor one who previously held a position, one who came before
predicament an unpleasantly difficult or dangerous situation
premature happening before the proper time
premeditated planned or considered in advance
provocative exciting, attracting attention, irritating
rejuvenate to restore to a youthful appearance
relevant important, applicable
remorse deep and painful regret
renounce to give up
repudiate to refuse to have anything to do, disown
scrutinize to examine very closely
solemn serious, grave, gloomy
solicit to ask for, to seek, to extract
solitude the state of being alone, isolation
specify to mention or name explicitly
stanza a section of a poem
subtle not obvious
summary a concise statement of main points
summon call together
tentative not fully worked out or developed
trivial of little importance or significance
Created by: taylordegraaf
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