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"Nosotros No" Vocab
Question | Answer |
Tintinear | to ring |
Las campanillas | little bells |
Un milagro | miracle |
Predicho | predicted |
Los altavoces | speakers |
Destacar | to stand out |
Descomponerse | decompose |
Acabar con | put an end to something |
La senectud | old age (senile) |
El desfallecimiento | to become weak |
Surtir | to produce; to provide |
Traspasar | complete; to move forward |
Aprestarse | to prepare yourself |
Los cohetes | rockets |
Las ampolletas | test tubes; vials |
Los terrestres | earthlings |
La semilla | seed |
Los dueños | owners |
Fecundos | fertile |
El panuelo | handkerchief |
Ondear | to wave flag/ scarf |
Marginado | outcasts |
Los Conejos | rabbits; bunnies! |
Los verdugos | excecutioners |
Derramar | to pour; to spill |
El desprecio | scourn |
La certeza | certainity; sure knowledge |
El más allá | heaven |
Carcomer | gnaw |
El alma | soul |
Los renacuajos | tadpoles |
Sospechar | to suspect |
El rescate | rescue |
La cacería | the hunt |