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Drugs 4 Respiratory

drugs for bronchoconstrictive disorders, antihistamines, decongestants,antitussi

bronchodilators- action cause smooth muscle in walls to relax (opening up from outsite)
anti-inflammatory agents- action decrease inflammation on INSIDE of bronchioles
types of bronchodilators adrendergics (albuteral/proventil, ventolin and salmeterol/serrevent), xanthines (theophyline/aerolate,bronkodyl, theochron, elixophyllin, theodur)
types of anti-inflammatory agents corticosteroids (beclomethasone), leukotriene inhibitors (montelukast/singular), mast cell stabilizers (cromolyn/intal), immunosuppressant monoclona antibody (omalizumab/xolair)
Actions of sympathomimetics 1. stimulate beta 2 in bronchi and bronchioles-> increase production of cyclic AMP -> bronchodilation-> increased air flow. 2. stimulate beta-1 adrenergic receptors in heart -> increase HR, force of myocardial contraction and BP
Actions of xanthines mechanism of action unknown; increases cyclic AMP. Also inhibits pulmonary edema
Actions of anticholinergics block action of ACh in bronchial smooth muscle-> decreases intracellular GMP
Actions of corticosteroids 1. inhibit movement of fluid and protein into tissue 2. increase number and sensitivity of beta2 adrenergic receptors -> increases effectiveness of adrenergic agents
Actions of leukotriene inhibitors inhibit leukotreine-> bronchodilation, decreased inflammation, decreased mucus secretion and mucosal edema in respiratory tract
Actions of mast cell stabilizers stabilize mast cells and prevent release of bronchoconstrictive and inflammatory substances when mast cells are confronted with allergens and other substances
Actions of immunosuppressants binding to IgE....prevent release of substances in body that can rigger an allergic reaction and prevent the development of inflammation
1st generation antihistamines cause CNS depression because combine with peripheral and central H1 receptors (diphenhydramine/benadryl)
2nd generation antihistamines produce less sedation: cause less CNS depression because they are selective for peripheral H1 receptors and do not cross the BBB (loratadine/claritin)
Action of histamines 1.inhibit smooth muscle constriction. 2. decrease capillary permiability. 3. decrease salivation and tears. 4. compete with histamine for H1 receptors- inhibit vascular permeability, edema formation, bronchoconstriciton, and pruritis. CNS depression
What are decongestants? Drug that decreases swelling of nasal passages and thus allow drainage of clogged passages which decreases nasal congestion and drainage. (adrenergics)
Antitussives (narcotic is central acting, nonnarcotic is peripheral acting) decrease the intensity and frequency of coughing episodes. ACTIONS: Centrally acting suppress the cough center in the medulla oblongata. Peripherally acting decrease irritation of resp. tract by suppressing cough receptors in throat, trachea, lungs
Mucolytic Drugs administered to liquify mucus in respiratory tract. Mucomyst used to treat acetamnophen overdose to decrease extent of liver damage by altering hepatic metabolism of acetaminophen, PO
Expectorants quaifenesin: given PO to liquify secretions and allow for their easier removal
Popular Pharmacology sets




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