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Hyperlipidemia tx

UVa med pharmacology block 3

Statins HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors - tx hyperlipidemia - lowers intracellular cholesterol levels, induces SREBP, incr LDLR expression-> incr LDL clearance from blood lowers LDL 18-55%, TG 7-30%, incr HDL 5-15% dose dependent reduction, should take in evening
What are side effects of statin therapy? myopathy (rhabdomyolysis) occurs in <.1%, incr @ high dose drugs that block CYP450s or glucuronidation (pharkinetics) or other anti-lipid drugs (phardynamics), niacin increases to 3% gemfibrozil 5%, combinations can be worse abnormal liver function (<1%
What statins do we need to know Atorvastatin - lipitor Simvastatin - zocor/generic Pravastatin - pravachol/generic Rosuvaststin - crestor Fluvastatin - lescol Lovastatin - mevacor/generic
Nicotinic acid - niacin B vitamin - tx hyperlipidemia - decr lipolysis in adipose->less FA for TG synthesis->decr VLDL synth->less LDL - increases HDL lowers TG 20-50%, LDL 5-25%, incr HDL 15-30% only 1/2 px's tolerate drug long term due to side fx
what are side effects of niacin? GI: epigastric distress, hepatotoxic Skin: flushing, itching, rash, acanthosis nigrans other: hyperuricemia, arrhythmia, glucose intolerance (insulin res px's), amblyopia CI's: chronic liver dx, severe gout, diabetes, peptic ulcer dx
What are CI's of statin therapy? active or chronic liver disease. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, nursing mothers
Ezetimibe Cholesterol absorption inhibitor - inhibs NPC1L1-> blocks cholest transport into enterocytes, reduces cholest content of chylomicrons lowers LDL 18% used in combination w/statins
what are side effects of Ezetimibe? muscle weakness and increase in liver enzymes (when in combination w/statins) cyclosporine and fenofribrate increase levels, bile acid binding resins decrease absorption CI's: active/chronic liver dx, preggers, nursing mothers
What are the relative potencies of different statins? rosuvastatin> atorvastatin> simvastatin> pravastatin> lovastatin
Colsevelam sequestrant - insoluble +charged resin - tx hyperlipidemia - decrs bile acid cycling by 85%->decrs FXR activity/incrs CYP7a expression->incr bile salt & up reg's LDL-R - lowers LDL 15-30%, modest HDL incr used w/statins or alone when LDL alone very high
What are side effects of bile acid binding resins (colsevelam)? GI discomfort - constipation, flatulance, nausea, diarrhea, epigastric fullness interferes w/absorption of lipid soluble drugs - digoxin, warfarin, thiazides, beta-blockers, etc. (take drugs 1-4hrs before resin) causes rise in TG's CI's: px's w/high TG
Gemfibrozil/Fenofibrate fibrates - tx high TG's, hyperlipidemia- activate PPARalpha-RXR->incr FA oxidation->decr TG levels->decr VLDL - also incr lipoprotein lipase express TG decr 20-50%, LDL 5-20%, HDL incr 10-20% Gem increases Statin side fx, feno does not
what are side effects of fibrates (Gemfibrozil/fenofibrate)? increase chance of cholesterol gallstones due to super saturated bile mild myopathy - resolves w/discontinuation (severe in px's w/chronic renal dx), can cause leukopenia CI's: preggers or nursing, severe renal dx, severe hepatic dx
Omega 3 Fatty acids tx hyperTG (>500) - mech not well def'd - agonist of PPARalpha (similar to fibrates), may inhib TG synthesis TG decr 50%, HDL incr 9%, large doses 4g/day CI'd in fish allergies, tx may raise LDL
Created by: sam.mrosenfeld
Popular Pharmacology sets




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