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CNS and MS relaxants

What are some signs and symptoms of Parkinson's? Usually an insideous onset with the development of resting tremors, bradykinesia/akinesia, flat affect, rigidity, and postural instability. It usually affects people over the age of 50
What are some other changes associated with Parkinson's? Depression and other emotional changes, difficulty in swallowing, chewing, and speaking, urinary problems and constipation, sleep disruptions
Facts and pathophysiology of Parkinson's Dopamine producing neurons die causing a decrease in dopamine and a relative imbalance to other NT. Causes are unkown but could be from repeated trauma, exposure to toxins or a virus, and have a predisposition. It is similar to autoimmune disorders.
Sinemet combination of L-dopa(levadopa)+carbadopa (can’t be broken down in periphery) which is a replacement for dopamine
Levadopa a precursor to dopamine since it does not get absorbed directly through the blood brain barrier
Carbadopa allows you to utilize the existing dopamine better by keeping the enzymes in the CNS from metabolizing NT
Anticholenergic drugs attempts to balance the neurotransmitters because a decrease in dopamine is like having too much Ach so we try to block it with these meds. They are believed to help with symptoms in the early stages
Name 2 drugs used in combination or prior to Sinemet and are dopamine agonists Mirapex and Requip
MAO-B inhitors inhibits enzymatic activity on dopamine in the synamptic cleft
Symmetrel antiviral med often used in early stages or mild forms when other symptoms are worse than the tremors but they don’t know why it works
Co enzyme Q10 considered vitamin like and endogenoush and given in megadosis it can stimulate mitochondria in dopamine producing cells
Adverse drug reactions of Sinemet 1. Dyskinesia where you have dynamic and involuntary movements "athetoid movements" 2. periods of "wearing off" where it is like you are off the medications. there can be a sudden change within seconds to minutes.
Positive effects of Sinemet Increase in movement velocity but still have trouble with a burst of activity and a decrease in tremor and rigidity
Negative effects of Sinemet Decrease in LE tone, decrease reaction time, increased falls, GI symptoms leading to thinness, hypotention, anxiety psychosis, hallucinations, paranoia, and confusion
Name 2 immunosuppressants for MS Methotrexate and Novandone
Name 3 immunomodulators for MS 1.Avonex- IM injection 1/wk 2.Rebif- subcutaneous injection 3x/wk 3.Betaseron- subcutaneous injection every other day
Copaxone acts as a myelin decoy and avoids flu like symptoms but has to be given every day
Gilenya First oral drug for MS 66% decrease in number of flares
Tysabri there is a mandatory registration if you are on this drug because there is a chance of developing Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML)
Name 2 drugs for treatment of Alzheimer's Exelon and Aricep
Created by: badkins6
Popular Pharmacology sets




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