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pharmacology 1st A

First Semester

Cocaine Inhibition of Uptake 1 so more NA remains in the synaptic cleft. Has abuse potential. Causes tachycardia, hypertension and arrythmias. Intermediate duration.
Bupivocaine Used in nerve block spinal anesthesia and epidural anesthesia. Used during delivery since it causes less of a motor blockade. Can be cardiotoxic but the S isomer is less so.
Ropivacaine Used in nerve block spinal anesthesia. Not cardiotoxic. Only the S isomer is used. Amide of longer duration.
Articaine Used for infiltration and nerve block anesthesia.
Lidocaine Amide of intermediate duration. Good penetration, used on surfaces. Can be used alone (5%) or with adrenaline(0.001%).
Prilocaine Amide of intermediate duration.. Can cause methemoglobinemia.
Mepivacaine Amide of intermediate duration. Longer acting used in nerve block and spinal anesthesia. Not used during pregnancy due to potential harm to fetus.
Procaine Local anesthetic. Esters. Allergic reactions are frequent. Used as surface anesthetic since it has poor penetration and rapid metabolism.
Tetracine Local anesthetic. Esters. Good penetration and slow metabolism leading to a higher toxicity. Used in spinal anesthesia, nerve block and surface anesthesia. Given with vasoconstrictor.
Pentholamine non selective al[pha antagonist. Rarely used but acts as a dilator. Can cause hypotension, flushing, tachycardia nasal conjestion and impotence.
Phenoxybenzamine Irreversible a antagonist and uptake 1 inhibitor. Used in the treatment of phaeochromocytoma. Drug is covalently bound to the receptor.
Dihydroergotamine alpha receptor antagonist and partial 5HT agonist. Obsolete treatment for migraines but causes less vomiting than ergotamine.
Urapidil akpha receptor antagonist and 5HT1A agonist.
Prazosin apha 1 antagonist. Used in the treatment of hypertension. Absorbed orally and metabolized by the liver. Can cause hypotension, flushing, tachycardia, nasal congestion and impotence.
Terazosin, Doxazosin like prazosin.
Carvedilol alpha and beta antagonist. Used in the treatment of heart failiure. Can initially exacerbate heart failure or cause renal failure.
Lebetalol Used to treat hypertension during pregnancy. Is absorbed orally and conjugated in the liver. May cause postural hypertension and bronchoconstriction.
Propranolol Non selective beta antagonist. for hypertension, arrythmias, anxiety tremors and glaucoma. 90% protein bound with extensive 1st pass loss. Can cause bronchoconstriction, cardiac failure cold legs arms, fatigue, depression and hypoglycemia.
Pindolol Non selective beta antagonist. Partial b agonist activity used in the treatment of angina pectoris and hypertension. Also has anti-arrythmic effect and inhibits 5HT1A receptors.
Timolol like propranolol but for glaucoma. May cause bronchospasm.
Oxyprenolol Partial b antagonist activity used in the treatment of angina pectoris and hypertension. Lipophillic and can therefore cross the BBB. Should not be given to asthmatics since it can cause airway failure.
Esmolol Selective B1 antagonist. Rapid onset. for tachycardia during surgery or in act SVT
Metoprolol Used to treat hypertension. Short half-life and moderately lipophillic.
Atenolol Selective B1 antagnonist. Hydrophillic does not cross BBB. Excreted via breast milk and kidney. Freely crosses the placenta.
Bisoprolol B1 antagnonist. More selective than metoprolol, atenolol and bisoprolol. Stronger antihypertensive than propanolol. Inhibits rennin secretion by 65% and tachycardia by 35%.
Adrenaline Adtenergic Receptor Agonist given during an asthmatic attack, anaphylactic shock or cardiac arrest. Can be used in conjunction with local anesthetics. IM or IV.side effects: tachycardia, dysrythmias, vasoconstriction and hypertension.
Noradrenaline a/b agonist metabolized by MAO and COMT. Can cause hypertension, vasoconstriction, tachycardia and ventricular dysrythmias.
Dopamine moderate a/b agonist which also acts on dopamine(D) receptors. Slight increase in systolic BP but decrease in diastolic BP. D1 receptors responsible for vasodilation in the kidney therefore maintain the perfusion of the kidney in shock conditions.
Dobutamine Selective b1 agonist used in the treatment of cardiogenic shock. Given IV, may cause dysrythmias.
Salbutamol b2 agonist used to treat premature labor and asthma. Given orally and by aerosol.
Salmetrol Long acting b2 agonist administered by aerosol. Used to treat asthma.
Formetrol Long acting b2 agonist administered by aerosol. Used to treat asthma. More potent than salmeterol due to decreased lipophillicity.
Terbutaline b2 agonist used to delay parturition and in the treatment of asthma. Given orally and by aerosol.
Ephedrine Mixed indirect sypathomimetic and direct b agonist.
Henylephrine a1 agonist used as a decongestant and metabolized by MAO. Can cause hypertension or reflex bradycardia.
Oxymetazoline non-selective a agonist used as a decongestant. Can cause hypertension and reflex bradycardia.
Xylometazoline a agonist used as a decongestant.
Clonidine a2 partial agonist used in the treatment of migranes and hypertension. Well absorbed orally. Causes drowsiness, orthostatic hypotension, edema and weight gain.
Guanfacine a2 agonist used as an antihypertensive which can act on the CNS. Can cause dry mouth, sedation and constipation. Can also be used against ADHD and PTSD.
Guanabenz a2 agonist used to treat hypertension. Can cause dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, headache and weakness.
Moxonidine. Rimenidine Antihypertensive acting on the CNS that binds I1 and a2 receptors but binds I1 (imidazoline) with greater affinity.
Naphazoline a agonist used in eye drops to prevent the swelling of the conjunctiva. Do not use with MAOi-s or phenylephrine.
Ergotamine anti-migrane drug which stimulates a1 and 5HT1 receptors. Poorly absorbed and given aerosol or as a suppository. Can cause vasoconstriction, nausea, vomiting and uterine contraction.
Created by: ketchup
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