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Pharm exam 3 11/18

Veraparmil & Diltiazem limited usefulness, used tx of angina, HTN, & SVT (Prinzmetal’s angina) Short-term management of atrial fib; MOA:Inhibit slow-channel (Ca-dependent) pathways Depress phase 4 depolarization ↓ AV node conduction, ↓ force of contraction, ↓ HR
Digoxin Serum: Very narrow window-0.5–2 ng/mL NI: BP, Apical pulse 60 sec, Heart/breath sounds, Weight, I&O, EKG & labs: K, Na, Mg, Ca, renal/liver func tox: hr dys; H/A, fatigue, confusion, seizure; colored vision, halo vision, flickering lights; Anorexia, N/V
Lidocaine antidysrhythmic; class 1B Indication- Used for ventricular dysrhythmias only; PVC, V. tachycardia, V. fibrillation ADR- brady, dysrhythmias, hypotension, agitation, anxiety, seizure, metallic taste
Quinidine Sulfate Indication- Used for Afib, PAC, PVC, VT, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome ADR- Blurred vision; heartburn; stomach discomfort; N/V/D; allergic rxn; dark urine; dizzy; fainting; dysrhythmia; HA; hearing loss; mood changes; pale stools; tinnitus; jaundice
Procainamide antidysrhythmic; class 1A ADR- hypotension, rash, N/D, agranulocytosis, SLE-like syndrome
Adenosine Antidysrhythmic; class 1A Indication- ↓conduction through the AV node; Used to convert SVT NI- half life>10s; fast IV push ADR- asystole (few seconds)*; bradyc, Vfib; VT; Afib; complete heart block; bronchospasm; flushing; dyspnea; chest pressure; N/
Aminodarone antidysrhythmic Indication-Used for dysrhythmias that are difficult to treat Life-threatening VT or V fib, A fib —resistant to other drugs Classification- class 3
Inotropic Force or energy of muscular contractions
Chronotropic Rate of the heartbeat
Dromotrpic The conduction of electrical impulses
Prodrug Inactive in their administered form and must be metabolized in liver to become active & effective
Milrinone Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors Indiction- dysrhythmias (Ventricular); short term management of HF; ICU NI- Use an infusion pump; Monitor I&O, HR, RR BP, daily weights, etc.; Do not mix with dextrose ADR- ↓ BP, angina, hypokalemia, tremor, thrombocytopen
Nesiritide B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Indication- Arterial and venous dilatation and diuretic effect. Not 1st line of treatment. Used in ICUs Admin-
Inamrinone Indication- short term management of HF; ICU Classification- Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors MOA- Inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase → ↑ cAMP intracellular → positive inotropic response and vasodilation. Also ↑ calcium → ↑ force of contraction
1ST line tx for Congestive heart failure: ACE inhibitors
Normal, prehypertensive, HTN Normal- <120 & < 80 Prehypertension: 120- 139/80 - 89 Stage 1 hypertension: 140 – 159/90 - 99 Stage 2 hypertension: >160/100
Ace inhibitor Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors MOA- Alters Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System; ↓ angiotensin-converting enzyme- converts angiotensin I →angiotensin II *Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor by acting on receptors within blood vessels
Alpha Blockers doxazosin (Cardura) (most common used) & terazosin (Hytrin) – for BPH, prazosin (Minipress), tamsulosin (Flomax) MOA- Block the a1-adrenergic receptors → art. & venous vasodilation → ↓ PVR & pulmonary venous pressure and ↑ cardiac output
AntiHTN can be given when pregnant? Methyldopa (Aldomet)
Loop Diuretic MOA- Act directly on the ascending limb of the loop of Henle to inhibit Cl- & Na+ reabsorption NI – I/O; potassium >3 mEq/L; monitor serum K levels; monitor for hyperglycemia, daily weight, labs, change pos slowly
Thiazide: Indication HTN (one of the most prescribed group of drugs for this); Edematous states; Idiopathic hypercalciuria; Diabetes insipidus; Heart failure due to diastolic dysfunction; shouldn't be used if creatinine clearance>30- 50 mL/min (normal is 125 mL/min)
Spironolactone Work in collecting ducts and distal convoluted tubules Interfere w/ Na/K exchange; bind/block aldosterone receptors Block the reabsorption of Na/H2O usually induced by aldosterone Prevent K being pumped into the tubule→ no secretion;↑ excretion of Na/
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (CAI) ADR:Metabolic acidosis; Anorexia; Hematuria; Photosensitivity; Melena (blood in stool); Hypokalemia; Drowsiness; Paresthesias; Urticaria NI: I/O; potassium >3 mEq/L; monitor serum K levels/ for hyperglycemia, daily weight, labs, change pos slowly
Osmotic Diuretic: Work mostly in the proximal tubule & descending loop (entire nephron) Nonabsorbable solute → osmotic effect Pull water into renal tubules from surrounding tissues Inhibits tubular resorption of H2O & solutes → ↑ diuresis; vasodilation → ↑ renal bl. flo
Anticoagulation Purpose:To prevent arterial and venous clot formation/establish thrombus/embolus; Doesn't lyse existing clots;Inhibit the action or formation of clotting factors Contraind: Thrombocytopenia/ bleeding; Warfarin–preg; LMWH – w/ indwelling epidural catheter
Coumadin: Drug levels: Monitored PTT {1.5 – 2.5} & INR {2 – 3 ½} Antidote: Vitamin K important Nursing Admin:
Lovenox: Drug lvl: adjust when creatinine< 30 mL/min Antidote: Protamine sulfate Admin:Given SQ & rotate injection sites; More predictable anticoagulant response; Doesn't require frequent laboratory monitoring; Used as a bridge therapy b/n warfarin and surgery
Heparin: Drug levels:Type 1 HIT: < 1000,000/mm3 or 50% below baseline value Antidote: Protamine sulfate Admin: don't massage/aspirate, lab values
Thrombolytic Therapy prevent bruising, bleeding, or tissue injury Monitor for bleeding from gums, mucous membranes, nose, injection sites Observe for signs of internal bleeding
Antithrombolyic ADR:Monitor for signs of excessive bleeding Bleeding of gums while brushing teeth, unexplained nosebleeds, heavier menstrual bleeding, bloody or tarry stools, bloody urine or sputum, vomiting blood; N/V and abdominal pain/cramps; Thrombocytopenia
What herbal therapy should be avoided w/ anticoagulants? Capsicum pepper, Garlic, Ginger, Gingko, Ginseng, Feverfew
Nitroglycerine (NTG)- ADR HA - ↓ in intensity & frequency w/ continued use Tachycardia, postural hypotension If vasodilate too rapidly → reflex tachy; Large shift of blood volume → stimulate baroreceptors→ compensate w/ ↑ HR Contact dermatitis; Remove for 8 hrs at night.
Verapamil & Diltiazem- NI Obtain a thorough drug and medical history Measure baseline BP, P, I&O, and cardiac rhythm Measure serum potassium levels before initiating therapy During- monitor cardiac rhythm & all vitals limit caffeine
Digoxin- cont'd antidote- Digoxin Immune Fab (Digibind) indication- heart failure & control ventricular response to atrial fibrillation or flutter Drug-food- high fiber food
digoxin (drug-drug) antacid, diruetics, heart rythym meds, Epi, steroids, Ca channel blockers, beta blocker, antibiotic, cold meds, alprazolam (Xanax); cancer medications, clonidine; Ca supplements; amphotericin B; cholestyramine; guanabenz, guanfacine; indomethacin;
digoxin (drug-drug cont'd) isoproterenol; itraconazole; levothyroxine; methyldopa; metoclopramide; neomycin; rifampin; sulfasalazine
ACE inhibitors MOA cont'd causes ↓ aldosterone secretion from the adrenals → ↓ water & sodium reabsorption → ↑ bl volume, ↑ preload, & ↑ BP; prevents the breakdown of vasodilatation substance (bradykinin) → ↓ PVR & vasodilation → ↓ BP
ACE inhibitors Indication- Often used as first-line drugs for HF & HTN; slow progression of left ventricular hypertrophy after an MI (cardioprotective); Renal protective effects in patients with diabetes
Alpha blockers NI- Educate about lifestyle changes that may be needed; Weight loss, Stress management, Supervised exercise, Diet; Monitor WBC, K+ levels, Na+ levels, urinary protein levels; Monitor for therapeutic effects
loop diuretics ADR- Dizziness, HA, tinnitus, blurred vision, N/V/D, Agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, electrolyte disturbance, ototoxicity
Thiazide NI- I/O; potassium >3 mEq/L; monitor serum K levels; monitor for hyperglycemia, daily weight, labs, change pos slowly Drug-drug interaction- Corticosteroids; Lithium; Digoxin; Diazoxide; NSAIDS; Oral hypoglycemia
Spironolactone NI- I/O; potassium >3 mEq/L; monitor serum K levels; monitor for hyperglycemia, daily weight, labs, change pos slowly ADR- Dizziness, headache; Cramps, n/v/d; urinary frequency, weakness, **hyperkalemia**
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (CAI) block the action of carbonic anhydrase, thus preventing the exchange of H+ ions with sodium & water distally to glomerulus; ↓ H+ ion concentration in renal tubules → ↑ excretion of bicarb, Na, H2O & K; Resorption of H2O is ↓ & urine volume is ↑
osmotic diuretic NI: Intravenous infusion only. Filter is required; May crystallize when exposed to low temperatures (keep in warm area)
Thrombolytic Therapy- ADR bleeding- Internal, Intracranial, Superficial; N/V, hypotension, anaphylactic reactions; Cardiac dysrhythmias
Nitroglycerine (NTG)- MOA Cause vasodilation due to relaxation of smooth muscles → ↓ myocardial O2 demand; Potent dilator on coronary arteries; Prevents & tx angina; Alleviate coronary artery spasms
Nitroglycerine (NTG)- NI Sublingual NTG: Never to chew or swallow, burning sensation - potent Capsules or ER meds – no crush or alteration Aerosol (sprays) – do not shake canister; Avoid inhaling or swallowing until drug is dispersed; Avoid ETOH,saunas, excessive exertions
Nitroglycerine (NTG)- NI Keep a fresh supply of NTG on hand; potency is lost in about 3-6 months; Topical/ TD forms– site rotation/remove old med Occlusive covering. Used clean, non-hairy and nonirritating skin. Apply same time each day. Not below the knees or elbows.
Nitroglycerine (NTG)- NI Constipation is a common problem; instruct patients to take in adequate fluids and eat high-fiber foods Store in an airtight, dark glass bottle with a metal cap and no cotton filler to preserve potency. Avoid moisture, light, heat and air.
Created by: ethompso08
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