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Actions and Effects
Actions and Effects of Bladder Points
Question | Answer |
A+E of BL 1 | MP eye dz, expel wind, clear heat: blurred vision, night blindness |
A+E of BL 7 | IP for *nose*, nasal congestion, sinisitus; GB for pain or paralysis of the face, dizziness, vertigo, HA; GP for neck pain, neck lumps |
A+E of BL 10 | clear wind, ben sensory organs: MP for stiff neck pain, occipital HA. GP for eyes, ears, nose and throat; Release exterior (wind-cold) |
Special Jobs of BL 10 | Sea of Qi pt |
A+E of BL 11 | Benefits the bone: good for bone or joint problems; Releases exterior and expel wind: good for Lung problems- cough, fever, HA, throat pain, wheezing, asthma |
Special Jobs of BL 11 | Hui Meeting pt of Bone |
Special Jobs of BL 13 | Back Shu of Lung |
A+E of BL 12 | secondary back shu of LG, Release the exterior and expels wind for early stage cold and flu; GP for neck stiffness and pain, chest and back pain; Treats skin problems-hives, itching, acne on shoulder or upper back *common cold* |
A+E of BL 13 | MP for all Lung Problems; Tonify Lung QI and Yin, Helps with the lung descending and disseminating fluids; Lung controls skin -GP for skin disorders: Lung is connected to grief *cough* |
Special Jobs of BL 15 | Heart Back Shu |
A+E of BL 15 | MP for all heart, blood, circulatory problems: excess or deficiency. MP for all spirit problems; Clear heart fire and heat- heat in blood or phlegm fire affecting the heart: IP for night sweats from Heart Yin def. |
Special Jobs of BL 17 | Diaphragm Back Shu; Hui MP of Blood |
A+E of BL 17 | *all blood disorders*: Regulates blood: def, excess, heat spleen def. Benefits the diaphragm-relaxes diaphragm to restore deep breathing. GP to vommitting, hiccup. MP for blood stasis caused stomach cancer |
Special Jobs of BL 18 | MP for liver organ pathology *chron/acute Hep*; MP for damp heat in liver; MP for abdo masses from blood stasis; MP for eye problems: pain, itching, dryness; GP for QI stagnation emotions |
Special Jobs of BL 19 | Gall Bladder Back Shu |
A+E of BL 19 | MP for Damp Heat in Lv and GB for hepatitis, gall stones, flank pain, bitter taste in mouth. Helps with those that have problems making decisions. GP for eye disorders |
A+E of BL 20 | MP for all spleen problems-qi, yang def, sinking qi, dampness, holding blood in; MP for diabetes; IP for anorexia; GP to dispel dampness |
Special Jobs of BL 20 | Back Shu of Spleen |
special job of BL 21 | Stomach Back Shu |
A+E of BL 21 | MP for all ST problems. Good for food stag., rebellious Qi; MP for dissolving accumulations and lumps in abdo |
special job of BL 23 | Kidney Back shu |
A+E of BL 23 | MP for *tonifying KD* yang; MP for tonification in chronic diseases: GP for all urinary problems; for male and female sexual problems; helps KD grasp LU Qi; KD water quells heart fire; KD yin helps nourish LV yin; GP for chronic ear diseases, *LBP* |
special job of BL 25 | Large intestine back shu |
A+E of BL 25 | MP for all intestinal problmes; MP for acute and chron LBP |
special job of BL 27 | Small Intestine Back Shu |
A+E of BL 27 | Assists SI separate pure from inpure. Most often used for damp heat urinary problems |
A+E of BL 31 | IP for Gyn disorders with menstrual problems, infertility, prolapse, impotence, spermatorrhea; For cold weak LBP |
A+E of BL 32 | urinary prob. back pain during labor |
A+E of BL 33 | GP for LBP, constipation, urination |
A+E of BL 36 | MP for pain in buttock, sacrum and leg pain; GP for hemorroids or sciatic |
Special Job of BL 39 | Lower He Sea of TW |
A+E of BL 39 | Regulates water ways: incontinence or retention of urine; edema; dysuria; GP for leg and calf pain |
Special Job of BL 40 | He Sea/Earth Pt of BL channel |
A+E of BL 40 | *MP for LBP*, sprains, strains, spasm; MP for sciatica, knee problems; MP for cearing and draining heat for heat stroke or summerheat; MP for damp heat of skin. GP for coma, stroke, seizures; GP for abdominal pain for heat in ST; Regulates fluids for ur |
A+E of BL 43 | MP for tonifying weakness and def for exhaustion, fatigue; MP for lung and UW def; Strengthens heart and calms spirit |
BL 43 is level with what back shu | Pericardium Back Shu |
Special Job of BL 52 | Outer back shu of Kidney |
A+E of BL 52 | Tonifies KD and reinforcing BL 23; strenthens jing, yin, yang. GP for edema in LW; GP for LBP |
A+E of BL 57; between 2 gastrocnemius bellies | MP for *hemorrhoids* from excess or def.: MP for *calf cramps*; IP for upper and LBP |
What back shu is BL 52 level with? | KD back Shu |
A+E of BL 58 | BP for chronic LBP, *sciatic*, neck stiffness; occipital HA due to exterior wind; GP for nosebleeds, stuffy nose; Calms the spirit, bi synd, *rheumatoid art* |
A+E of BL 60; JIng River PT | *aspirin* MP for taiyang HA, stiff neck, occipital HZ, eye pain. MP for chronic LBP. For any type of pain around the foot or ankle. Produces Labour |
Special EV Job of BL 62 | Master Pt of Yang Qiao coupled with SI 3 |
A+E of BL 62 | int & ext wind *epilepsy* HA, back ache |
A+E of BL 65; Shu Stream/Wood pt sedation pt | *any HA* For mania, Depression HA, stiff neck, LBP, Leg pain |
A+E of BL 67 | *For breech postion with moxa*; also for heat in eyes, feet, for HA, nosebleed |
which pt is the most important bladder pt for the nose? | BL 7 |
which pt is the MP for stiff neck and shoulders? | BL 10 |
which pt is the MP for occipital HA | BL 10 |
which pt is the MP for any bone or joint problem? | BL 11 |
which pt is the MP for releasing the exterior? | BL 12 |
which pt is the MP for expelling exterior wind? | BL 12 |
which pt is the GP for expelling wind from skin rashes? | BL 12 |
which pt is the MP for cough, asthma and wheezing? | BL 13 |
which pt is the MP for palpitations, angina, heart pain? | BL 15 |
which pt is the MP for anxiety, stress, poor memory, insomnia? | BL 15 |
Which pt is the MP for taiyang HA? | BL 60 the Jing River |
Which pt is the MP for chonic LBP? | BL 60 the JIng River |
Which pt is the MP for calf cramps? | BL 57 |
Which pt is the MP for tonifying weakness and deficiency, for fatigue? | BL 43 |
Which pt is the MP for acute LBP? | BL 40 He Sea |
Which pt is the MP for clearnign and expeling wind dampness adn summerheat? | BL 40 HE Sea |
Which pt is good at regulating the water ways for edema? | BL 39, The TW lower He SEa |
Which pt is good for treating retention of urine, dysuria, edema? | BL 39, The TW lower He SEa PT |
Which pt is an IP for GYN disorders including dysmennorhea and prolapse? | BL 31 (1st liao) |
Which pt is the MP for damp heat urinary disorders? | BL 27, SI Back Shu |
ub 2 | sinus allergies, sinus ha, hayfever |
UB 30 | morbid leukorrhea |
gb 35 | hemorrhoids, clear damp heat |
UB 44 | outer back she of HT, unbinds chest, shen dist, emotions |