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rhodes 3a

local anesthetics

Definition of a local anesthetics Drugs that block conduction in nerve tissue
What happens when the AP decreases? It causes neuron to go quiet
What can you manipulate with drugs? receptor action
What three post-synaptic receptors is research directed at? NP (neuroreceptor peptide), NMDA, AMPA
What are the three noci receptors Acid, Injury, heat
The nerve ending bears opioid receptors, what can they do? Inhibit action potential generation.
what two channels are instumental in AP propagation Na+ and K+ channels
Name a few properties of an ideal local anesthetic non-irritating, causes no perm. damage, low syst. toxicity, works topically and injection, short latency, good doa, h2o soluble, stable in solution
name 2 chemical classes for local anesthetics esters, amides
What's a suffix for local anethetics? "caine"
name 3 esters and their doa PROCAINE (novocaine) - short; BENZOCAINE - Medium; TETRACAINE - long
most local anesthetics are (chemically) what with pKa's around what number? weak bases - pKa 8-9
Although usually a pingpong match bt ionized and nonionized; what is the predominant form and what's the pH? Ionized (7.4)
The ionized form is most active where? Receptor site
Why's the nonionized form important? for penetratoin fo biological membranes
What kind of bonds are best for binding? Ionic bonds at receptor site
What can be added to the injection to decrease the onset of action time? Bicarbonate
Systemic absorption is infl by 4 things: Dose, site of inj., tissue blood flow, coadmin. of vasoconstrictors
Blood levels are dependent on what? Site of injection
Name 5 sites of injection from highest blood levels (absorbtion site) to lowest Intercostal>caudal>epidural>bracial>sciatic
Is the highest or lowest blood levels more basic? The highest
Adding bicarb will do what? Make it into more ionized form.
What happens when the drug's too ionized? tissue acidosis
Would you want to manipulate drugs that had more or less absorbtion? Less
PNEUMONIC: I.C.E.B.S intercostal, caudal, epidural, bracial, sciatic
The MOA of local anesthetics: which neurons are affected first, which second? small, unmyelinated>myelinated
What's the critical length? 2-3 nodes of ranvier
why the critical length? by blocking <3, the AP will continue to skip along
what's affected more, resting neurons or rapidly firing? rapidly firing
Fiber type A has 4 subunits: 1. what are they 2. function 3. neuron diameter 4. sensitivity to block Alpha {lrg, +}:proprioception & motor - Beta {lrg, ++}: Touch, pressure - Gamma {lrg, ++}: Mscle spindles - Delta {lrg, +++}: Pain, temp
Fiber type B: 1. Function, diameter, sensitivity to block? 1. Preganglionic autonomic 2. small 3. ++++
Name the two categories of fiber type C 2. diameter 3. sensitivity to block Doral root: pain {very small, ++++}; Sympathetic: postganglionic {very small, ++++}
Name the 3 MOA of Local Anesthetics: 1. Conduction blockade of nerve cells (volt sens. Na+ channels) 2. Incr. threshold for electrical stimuli 3. Decrease AP amplitude & rate
ADVERSE EFFECTS: CNS - name 2 early signs, name 4 other things that could happen EARLY: circumoral and tongue numbness/metallic tast - STIMULATION then depression - restlessness, tremors, convulsions (premed w/ benzo can prevent this)
What's GABA have to do with it? When things get out of control, GABA's there (it's the breaking mechanism)
4 CVS adverse effects are? depression of the myocardium - arrhythmias - arteriolor dilation {decr in sym., incr in parasym} (except cocaine causes constriction - bupivacaine - asso. w/ cardia arrest/death laboring women
Are there more allergic reactions in esters or amides? esters
Hematological: When you give large doses of PRILOCAINE, what happens and what can you give to fix it? Increases metabolite toluidine which converts hg to methemoglobin (oxidized) - it can't carry O2 the same way. FIX: methylene blue or Vit C
Name 7 types of block surface (eye, nose, throat) - Infiltration ({wounds/burns} dir into tissue - pH driven) - block (nerve trunks {paravertebral} - spinal (subaracnoid/CSF) - epidural (epi space below L2) - caudal (epi space) - bier block (IV regional)
Created by: kelbj819
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