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rhodes 3b

opioid analgesics and antagonists

What's a "true" narcotic? having a tendance to induce narcosis/hypnosis
How do you get an opiate? plant alkaloid (or synthetic modification) from Opium Poppy
There are four chemical classes of Opioids: Natural "ine", Semi-synthetic {ET phone home}, Synthetic "phine, phene, fent, nyl, nil" and SYNTHETIC ANTAGONISTS
2 Natural analgesics codeine, morphine
other NATURAL medication used for vasospasm papaverine
other NATURAL medication that's the precursor for development of many other opioids thebaine
4 semi-synthetic analgesics hydrocodone (vicodin); hydromorphone (dilaudid); oxycodone (Percodan, percocet); oxymorphone (numorphan)
1 OTHER semi-synthetic drug Heroin (diacetylmorphine)
8 Synthetic analgesics (that end in "phine or phene") and 4 that end in "fent, nyl or nil" BUTORPHANOL (stadol); bupremorphine (buprenex); levorphanol (levo-dromoran); MEPERIDINE; METHADONE; nalbuphine (nubain); PENTAZOCINE (talwin); PROPOXYPHENE (darvon); Fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, remifentanil
3 other synthetic drugs: diphenoxylate; loperamide; dextromethorphan
3 synthetic antagonists nalmefene (revex); naloxone (narcan); naltrexone (revia)
What's alvimopan (Entereg)? a miu opioid antagonist that's used after bowel surgery (opioid receptor blacker)
What's methylnaltrexone (Relistor) treats constipation or ileus caused by opioids
What't pain? distressing feeling: burning, aching, throbbing, sharp, dull
What are the 5 receptors involved? Opioid, GABA, NMDA, tachykinin and bradykinin
Pain receptors: Where are most of them and where's the arousal center skin; brain (RAS)
Name the three opioid peptides: Endorphins, Enkephalins, Dynormphins
There are 3 opioid receptor subtypes: name the first one, it's function and it endogenous opioid peptide affinity (Mu)EUPHORIA & DEPENDENCE, spinal analgesia, sedation, inhib of resps, slowed GI - Endorphins > enkephalins > dynorphins
The second one, it's function and it's endogenous opioid peptide affinity DELTA: spinal analgesia, modulation of hormone and NT release - Enkephalins >
The third one, it's function and it's endogenous opioid peptide affinity KAPPA: spinal analgesia, psychotomimetic effects, slowed gi transit - Dynorphins >> endorphins > enkephalins
When are endogenous substances released? In response to or in anticipation to pain
The precursors that give rise to Opioid peptides are made where? the Pituitary
Most opioid analgesics have a DOA of how long? 2-6 hours
Many opioids have effects on which receptor? Mu
Which opioid has effects on MU, DELTA and KAPPA? Sufentanil
Which receptors does morphine effect? Most Mu but also Kappa
Which drug has a high affinity to Kappa receptor? Butorphanol
Which other drug has a pretty stong affinity to Kappa receptor? Nalbuphine (also is Mu antagonist)
Overall, how is the oral potency of opioids and why is it that way? Oral potency is low d/t first pass effect
What is the mechanism of excretion? Metabolism: glucoronidation (more h2o soluble)
PHARM EFFECTS OF OPIOIDS: CNS a. Analgesia b. Euphoria c. Sedation d. Respiratory depression a. better effects on dull, aching pain; b. sense of well being (1st time = great, every subsequent dose is trying to catch up to 1st dose effect) - c. morphine>meperidine>fentanyl - d. medulla; adicts usually don't present w/this d/t tolerance
CNS effects cont: e. cough suppres. f. miosis g. emesis h. trunk rigidity e. codeine, dextromet. f. hallmark sign of opiate toxicity NO TOLERANCE g. activates CTZ chemo triggers (medulla) h. reversed by NM blocker
Opioid effects on GI tract: Constipation (no tolerance)
Opioid effects on CVS: All opioids cause: muscarinic bradycardia
Which drug causes a paradoxical, antimuscarinic tacycardia? Meperidine
There are three degrees of tolerance that may develop to some of the effects of the opioids; name them and give a few examples HIGH: Analgesia, euphoria, mental clouding, sedation, resp depress, n/v, cough suppression - MODERATE: Bradycardia - MINIMAL: Miosis, constipation, convulsions
Hospice patients may develop what degree of tolerance? Minimal or none
SOME SPECIFIC AGENTS: What is a precursor that is metabolized to morphine and has antitussive effects? Codeine
What's Darvon used in combo with? Aspirin and acetaminophen
Tell a little about Talwin and Talwin N Talwin - IV also: Talwin N is oral form which gets metabolized 1st pass effect - not effective if crushed up into IV form d/t it's quaternary form - IV drug users try to crush opioid tablets and try to use IV (this specific drug they're unable)
What's Heroin metabolized to? Morphine
What are the triad of symptoms in acute opioid toxicity? Pinpoint pupils, resp depression, pul edema, coma
What are some other symptoms of toxicity? hypotension, icp, constipation, urinary retention, itching(more common w/ natural opioids rather than synthetics)
What's the treatment for Opiate toxicity? Opioid antagonist (narcan, etc)
Narcotic abuse and treatment: what three things can be done? 1. transf to an oral prescription w/ gradual dose reduction (methadone, buprenorphine + nalaxone= subonone 2. Clonidine (A2 agonist) - decreases w/d response but not cravings 3. electrostimulation techniques
Created by: kelbj819
Popular Pharmacology sets




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