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French phrases 9
Simple French phrases
Question | Answer |
Quand je suis arrivé, j'ai vu les fleurs. | When I arrived, I saw the flowers. |
Samedi, il a vu sa mère, a parlé au médicin et a trouvé un chat. | Saturday he saw his mother, talked to the doctor, and found a cat. and found a cat. |
Oui, j'ai mangé cinq fois hier. | Yes, I did eat five times yesterday. |
Nous avons visité Paris plusieurs fois. | We've visited Paris several times. |
Si nous étudiions, nous serions plus intelligents. | If we studied, (then) we would be smarter. |
Je voudrais une pomme. | I would like an apple. |
Je voudrais aller avec vous. | I would like to go with you. |
J'aimerais bien le voir ! | I would really like to see it! |
J'aimerais y aller, mais je dois travailler | I would like to go, but I have to work. |
Quand j'étais petit, nous allions à la plage chaque semaine. | When I was young, we used to go to the beach every week. |
L'année dernière, je travaillais avec mon père. | I worked with my father last year. |
Il était midi et il faisait beau. | It was noon and the weather was nice. |
Quand il avait 5 ans, il avait toujours faim. | When he was five, he was always hungry. |
Je faisais la queue parce que j'avais besoin de billets. | I stood in line because I needed tickets. |
Il espérait te voir avant ton départ. | He was hoping to see you before you left. |
J'étais au marché et j'ai acheté des pommes. | I was at the market and I bought some apples. |
Il était à la banque quand il l'a trouvé. | He was at the bank when he found it. |
Ah ! Si j'étais riche ! | Oh, if only I were rich! |
Si nous sortions ce soir ? | How about going out tonight? |
Si j'avais de l'argent, j'irais avec toi. | If I had some money, I would go with you. |
S'il voulait venir, il trouverait le moyen. | If he wanted to come, he would find a way. |
J'étais en train de faire la vaisselle. | I was (in the process of) doing the dishes. |
Il venait d'arriver. | He had just arrived. |
Fermez la porte. | Close the door. |
Mangeons maintenant. | Let's eat now. |
Ayez la bonté de m'attendre. | Please wait for me. |
Veuillez m'excuser. | Please excuse me. |
Ne parle pas ! | Don't speak! |
N'oublions pas les livres. | Let's not forget the books. |
N'ayez jamais peur. | Never be afraid. |
Finis ! | Finish! |
Ne finis pas ! | Don't finish! |
Ne le finis pas ! | Don't finish it! |
Lisez ! | Read! |
Ne lisez pas ! | Don't read! |
Ne le lisez pas ! | Don't read it! |
Ne me le lisez pas ! | Don't read it to me! |
Finis-le ! | Finish it! |
Allons-y ! | Let's go! |
Mangez-les ! | Eat them! |
Donne-lui-en ! | Give him some! |