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Antiinfective agets

Nursing Pharm UTA

Empiric therapy Treat someone with antibiotics not knowing what is going on until we get the results from the lab
when to do Prophylactic therapy Only with clear indication to do it, 1 hour before surgery, stop within 24 hours if no infection.
bactericidal drugs Direct kill bacteria. Good for high fever patients.INMUNOCOMPROMISED PEOPLE
Bacteriostatic drugs Freeze bacteria, Arrest infectious agent, Gives body time to create antibodies
Broad spectrum drugs Treats multiple organisms, Superinfection more likely, used when organism is unknown,
superinfection more likely clostridium dificile. -causes AAPC, AAD Candida albicans
Narrow spectrum treat limited number of organisms Used when organism is identified by culture superinfection is less likely.
Factors affecting outcome of antiinfective drugs Microbial resistance to antibiotics. renal status side effects of antibx
Microbial resistance to antibx can be due to inapropiate use failure to complete therapy Animals that are grown with atibx
side effects of antibx Allergic reactions: very common b/c animal products Superinfections Nephrotoxicity: renal and liver impairment leading to decreased clearance of the drug. This can also result from giving too much of the drug.
Beta Lactam Anti Penicillin Mechanism of action **all beta lactam break down beta lactam ring CIDAL!!! inhibit transpeptidase- makes cross bridges ruptured cell wall EXCRETED RENALLY!
Beta Lactam Anti Penicillin Uses Combo pen- used for resistant microorganisms Penicillin+beta lactamase inh.
Beta Lactam Anti Penicillin Side effects **all beta lactam Superinfections: AAPC, AAD, Candidal inf. Nephrotoxicity Thrombophlebitis False positive urine glucose- mimics glucose on urine strip
Beta Lactam Anti Penicillin Extras Penicillin G- 4 types IM-milky white Parenteral/IV-clear ** NEVER GIVE MILKY WHITE IV= CARDIAC ARREST IM=thick, rub between hands, give in hip or buttock give slowly! Burns!
Cephalosporins Uses Staph (not MRSA) MRSA has beta lactamase=resist Gram + and - MOST USED
Cephalosporins Side effects Fewer allergic reactions than PCN 10% chance of anaphylaxis if allergic to PCN
Cephalosporins Extras 4 generations 1st 2nd NS gram + less +, more - no CSF no CSF 3rd 4th few +, excellent - great - excellent CSF no CSF
AAPC antibiotic associated pseudomonas colitis *NS- narrow spectrum
AAD antibiotic associated diarrhea
Fluoroquinolones (quinolones) Mechanism of action interrupt coiling of DNA, bacteria cannot replicate CIDAL
Fluoroquinolones (quinolones) Uses GU Lung and upper resp Bone Skin Anthrax
Fluoroquinolones (quinolones) Side effects blood sugar fluctuates in diab. cartilage and tendon damage confusion in eld. photosensitivity renal problems
Fluoroquinolones (quinolones) Interactions Antacids, calcium, iron, magnesium, BAS- decrease
Fluoroquinolones (quinolones) Extras Long half lives, only once a day PO and IV available monitor for signs of tendon pain and inf.->call prov. monitor blood sugar in diabetics monitor renal status limited sunlight monitor elderly, sundowners syndrome-> confused at night
Macrolides Mechanism of action inhibit protein syn., bacteria doesn’t make protein or abnormal protein High dose- cidal Low dose- static (immune sys. Takes over)
Macrolides Uses STDs, AIDS related pneumonia, bronchitis, Chlamydia, Legionnaire's (drug of choice) **use if allergic to PCN
Macrolides side effects severe diarrhea- not infectious HEPATOTOXICITY
Macrolides Interactions Erythromycin- CYP 450 inhibitor! *leads to toxicity from other drugs
Macrolides extras No milk, no antacids monitor ALTs assess GI Zithromax: give on empty stomach takes days to feel better, stays in system *monitor IV=thrombophlebitis
Clindamycin Mechanism of action inhibits protein syn. Static or Cidal
Clindamycin Uses Excellent anaerobic coverage Diabetic wounds anaerobic pneum. intraabdominal inf.
Clindamycin Side effects AAPC stomatitis Diarrhea
Clindamycin Interactions Antidiarrheals
Clindamycin Extras Centered around opportunistic inf. Do not give antidiarrheal- diarrhea gets rid of bacteria Watch for blood and mucus in BM, monitor dehydration Prevent AAPC
Vancomycin Mechanism of action produces abnormal proteins-> proteins go to cell wall-> ab. cell wall CIDAL
Vancomycin Uses Narrow spectrum- Gram + Staph and Strep MRSA (IV) Penicillin allergic Topically- AAPC (PO)
Vancomycin Side effects Red man syn. (IV) Chest pain, SOB, dizziness, flushing, tachycardia, vasodilation-hista mediated Nephrotoxicity Ototoxicity- not permanent
Vancomycin Interactions Ototoxic and Nephrotoxic drugs
Vancomycin Extras If allergic to Flagyl or liver problems, give oral Vanco (LOCAL ONLY) Only used for infectious dis. and endocarditis Assess renal, hearing, adm. slow, monitor drug level
Zyvox uses super resistant organisms MRSA, VRSA, VRE allergic to Vancomiacin
Zyvox Interactions Lithium and anti- depressant= serotonin syn.
Zyvox extras have to provide validation to pharmacist Zyvox: 100% bioavailable, oral or IV
Synercid Uses super resistant organisms MRSA, VRSA, VRE allergic to Vanco
Synercid Extras 2 drugs IV only
tetracyclines mechanism of action inhibits protein syn. Static-human imm. takes over
tetracyclines Uses Broad spectrum STDs Helicobactor pylori Acne-topical Skin infections Anthrax
tetracyclines Side effects Superinfection Diarrhea Candida Stain teeth (4mth to 8yrs) Photosensitivity
tetracyclines Drug intercations BAS Iron Antacids Calcium *decrease abs. anti Contraceptives- less eff. w/anti
tetracyclines Extras Use sunlight protection Alternate birth control Assess for superinfection Avoid taking expired drug causes renal damage-attacks renal tubule-may go away if treated!
Aminoglycosides Mechanism of action inhibit protein syn. make abn. Proteins for cell wall=CIDAL
Aminoglycosides Uses Narrow spectrum Gram - only Serious inf.-alone or w/other anti (IV) Local (ear/eye) top!
Aminoglycosides side effects Ototoxicity- cochlear (ringing) vestibular (balance) Nephrotoxicity Weakness and paralysis-not common-inh. Ach from binding nicotinic M
Aminoglycosides Interactions Ototoxic: Loop Vanco Nephro: PCN Cephalo Vanco
Aminoglycosides Extras Narrow therapeutic index Trough tells toxicity! Not absorbed orally! Excreted renally Long half life- stays in ear and renal tubule Assess hearing and balance Monitor renal, therapeutic lev Monitor after anesthesia Do not mix with penicillin=
Sulfonamides Mechanism of action Prevent folic acid synthesis
Sulfonamides Uses Gram + and - E.Coli Flu, Klebsiella, Proteus, MSSA, MRSA, AIDS
Sulfonamides Side effects Skin rashes and itch Steven-Johnson! Photosensitivity Diarrhea Crystalluria
Sulfonamides Extras Autoimmune-attacks mucus membranes! (SJ syn) Drink water to prevent stones
Flagyl Uses Protozoal inf. Anaerobic C.Diff
Flagyl extras DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL Hypotension, severe N,V,D *48 hrs after last dose disulfuram-like reaction
Created by: EArteaga
Popular Pharmacology sets




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