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Pharm FINAL to know3

Pharm FINAL to know 3

Laxative for hepatic coma Lactulose; hyperosmotic
Lubricant laxatives- ADR ↓ the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins ADR- Skin rashes; Decreased absorption of vitamins; electrolyte imbalance
Opioids- Narcotics ADR-Diuresis, miosis, convulsions, N/V and respiratory depression, ↓ b/p, constipation, urinary retention, skin flushing, sweating, urticaria & pruritus Tx- OD- Narcan or Revex
Opioid withdrawal- Peak period: 1 to 3 days; Duration: 5 to 7 days Tx- Naltrexone, clonidine (Catapres) substitution, methadone substitution
Alcohol Withdrawal MILD-BP > 150/90 Pulse >110 beats/minute; Temp> 100° F; Insomnia; Tremors; Agitation MODERATE- BP 150/100-200/140 Pulse 110 -140 Temp100° -101° F SEVERE BP -150/100-200/ 140 Pulse 110-140 Temp 100°-101° F
Alcohol Tx Benzodiazepines are the treatment of choice- Diazepam (Valium), (Ativan) (Librium); also used- Antabuse, Acamprosate (newest tx)
Drug-drug interactions with NSAIDS aspirin↓ blood levels may ↓ effectiveness ↑ risk of bleeding with anticoagulants , thrombolytic agents , eptifibatide , tirofiban , cefotetan , cefoperazone , valproic acid , corticosteroids , clopidogrel , and ticlopidine
Drug Drug interactions with NSAIDs con't Probenecid↑ blood levels and may ↑ toxicity May ↑ risk of toxicity from methotrexate , antineoplastics , or radiation therapy Additive adverse GI side effects with aspirin , corticosteroids , alcohol , and other NSAIDs
Drug Drug interactions with NSAIDs con't 3 May ↑ serum levels and risk of toxicity from lithium ↑ risk of adverse renal effects with cyclosporine or chronic use of acetaminophen May ↓ response to ACE Inhibitors , angiotensin II antagonists, or furosemide
Drug Drug interactions with NSAIDs con't 4 May ↑ risk of hypoglycemia with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents Oral potassium supplements may ↑ GI adverse effects
salicylate intoxication adults tinnitus and hearing loss; Also vision loss, fever, lethargy, confusion, n/v. Severe: resp. depression and coma
salicylate intoxication Children hyperventilation → respiratory alkalosis; CNS effects (lethargy or excitability); Metabolic acidosis & seizures; Febrile, N/V
Salicylate Overdose - serum levels exceed 40 to 60 mg/dL Tx: d/c drug, gastric lavage w/ charcoal, F & E replacement , IV NaHCO3 (↓ met. Acidosis), supportive symptoms & possibly dialysis. NO antidote
Quinolones – ADR depression,restlessness, insomnia, convulsions-, thrush, ↑AST & ALT, flatulence, heartburn, dysphagia, colitiis Rash, pruritus, urticaria, flushing, photosensitivity, blurred vision, tinnitus, ***ruptured tendons & tendonitis
DOC for anxiety Benzodiazepines
drug classifications for preventing and treating ulcers Aluminum salts; Magnesium salts; Calcium salts; Sodium bicarbonate; Proton Pump Inhibitors, H2 Antagonists
MOA of ulcer tx drugs Block histamine at the (H2) receptors of parietal cells → ↓ production of H+ ions → ↓ production of HCl
Created by: ethompso08
Popular Pharmacology sets




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