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Word Roots PAR-POST
Word roots PAR-POST
Question | Answer |
PAR | equal (par, disparity) |
PARA | next to, beside (parallel, parody) |
PAS/PAT/PATH | feeling, suffering, disease (apathy, compassion) |
PATER/PATR | father, support (patron, patriarch) |
PAU/PO/POV/PU | few, little, poor (poor, poverty) |
PED | child, education (pediatrician, encyclopedia) |
PED/POD | foot (pedal, pedestrian) |
PEN/PUN | to pay, to compensate (penalty, punitive) |
PEND/PENS | to hang, to weigh, to pay (depend, pensive) |
PER | completely, wrong (persistent, perjury) |
PERI | around (perimeter, peripheral) |
PET/PIT | to go, to seek, to strive (appetite, compete) |
PHIL | love (philosophy, philanthropy) |
PHONE | sound (telephone, symphony) |
PLAC | to please (placid, placate) |
PLE | to fill (complete, complement) |
PLEX/PLIC/PLY | to fold, to twist, to tangle, to bend (complex, comply) |
PON/POS/POUND | to put, to place (component, dispose) |
PORT | to carry (import, portable) |
POST | after (posterior, posterity) |
•FIN | end (final, define) |
•FLAG/FLAM | to burn (flame, flagrant) |
•FLECT/FLEX | to bend (deflect, flexible) |
•FLICT | to strike (afflict, inflict) |
•FLU, FLUX | to flow (fluid, influx) |
•FORE | before (foresight, foreshadow) |
•FORT | chance (fortune, fortuitous) |
•FRA/FRAC/FRAG/FRING | to break (fracture, fragile) |
•FRUIT/FRUG | fruit, produce (fruitful, frugal) |
•FUND/FOUND | bottom (foundation, founder) |
•FUS | to pour (transfusion, diffuse) |
•GEN | birth, creation, race, kind (generous, indigenous) |
•GN/GNO | know (recognize, cognitive) |
•GRAND | big (grand, grandiose) |
•GRAT | pleasing (grateful, gratuity) |
•GRAV/GRIEV | heavy, serious (grave, grievous) |
•GREG | hard (segregation, gregarious) |
•GRESS/GRAD | to step (progress, gradual) |
•HER/HES | to stick (coherent, cohesive) |
•(H)ETERO | different (heterosexual, heterogeneous) |
•(H)OM | same (homogeneous, anomaly) |
•HYPER | over, excessive (hyperactive, hyperbole) |
•HYPO | under, beneath, less than (hypochondriac, hypocritical) |
•ID | one's own (idiom, idiosyncrasy) |
•IM/IN | not, without (inactive, impartial) |
•IM/IN/EM/EN | in, into (embrace, influx) |
•INFRA | beneath (infrastructure, infrared) |
•INTER | between, among (interstate, interim) |
•INTRA | within (intrastate, intravenous) |
•JECT | to throw, to throw down (inject, trajectory) |
•JOIN/JUNCT | to meet, to join (junction, joint) |
•JUR | to swear (jury, perjury) |
•LECT/LEG | to select, to choose (collect, elegant) |
•LEV | life, light, rise (elevator, lever) |
•LOC/LOG/LOQU | word, speech (dialogue, eloquent) |
•LUC/LUM/LUS | light (illuminate, lucid) |
•LUD/LUS | to play (illusion, ludicrous) |
•LUT/LUG/LUV | to wash (dilute, deluge) |
•MAG/MAJ/MAX | big (magnify, major) |
•MAL/MALE | bad, ill, evil, wrong (malfunction, malevolent) |
•MAN | hand (manual, manufacture) |
•MATER/MATR | woman, mother (matrimony, maternity) |
•MIN | small (minute, diminish) |
•MIN | to project, to hang over (imminent, prominent) |
•MIS/MIT | to send (transmit, emissary) |
•MISC | mixed (miscellaneous, promiscuous) |
•MON/MONIT | to warn (monitor, summons) |
•MORPH | shape (amorphous, metamorphosis) |
•MORT | death (immortal, morgue) |
•MUT | change (mutation, immutable) |
•NAM/NOM/NOUN/ NOWN/NYM | rule, order (astronomy, autonomy) |
•NAT/NAS/NAI | to be born (natural, naïve) |
•NEC/NIC/NOC/NOX | harm, death (obnoxious, necromancy) |
•NOM/NYM/NOUN/ NOWN | name (synonym, noun) |
•NOV/NEO/NOU | new (novice, novel) |
•NOUNC/NUNC | to announce (announce, pronounce) |
•OB/OC/OF/OP | toward, to (against, completely, over obese, obtuse) |
•OMNI | all (omnipresent, omnipotent) |
•PAC/PEAC | peace (peace, pacify) |
•PAN | all, everywhere (panorama, pantheon) |