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Hypertension tx

UVa med pharmacology block 3

How do ACEis treat hypertension? block angiotensin II formation thus: decrease vasoconstriciton decrease sympathetic activity decrease aldosterone production increase natruersis
How many HTN drugs can be used concurrently? up to 3
How does hydralazine treat hypertension? direct vasodilation, but must use beta blocker to prevent baroreflex and diuretic to prevent edema
How do DHPs treat hypertension? How does verpamil do it? block smooth muscle Ca receptors preferentially b/c have a higher voltage potential - causes vasodilation verapamil targets both heart and VSM -> causes decreased cardiac contractility and HR as well as vasodilation
When should DHPs be avoided? dont' use short acting DHPs when someon has heart disease, as will cause rebound baroreflex, thus increase heart demand
What is hte prototypical ARB? losartan
How do B1antagonists treat hypertension? decrease heart contractlity / HR decreased renin release in kidney, and increase natriureisis
How does reserpine treat hypertension? Side effects? blocks storage of NE into synaptic vesciles used in combo w/ thiazides not really used but: diarrhea, depression, suicide....
What are the side effects of alpha 2 agonists? sedation rebound hypertension on withdrwal dry mouth impotence constipation some depression
How do ARBs treat hypertension? same as ACEis except no bradykinin formation thus, less vasodilation
What patients will have adverse effects of B2 blockers? those with abnormal SA or AV nodes those with PAD (vasoconstricts leg vessels)
How do alpha 2 agonists treat hypertension? inhibition of sympathetic nerve activity inbhits NE release from symphathetic terminals
How do a1 antagonists treat hypertension? Arteriolrar dilatation venous dilatation
How do thiazides reduce BP? acute: reduce plasma volume chronic: vasodilation b/c less total body Na -> Na/Ca exchanger not as active, thus less Ca intracellularly -> dilation
Why should spironolactone never be given w/ an ACEi? severe hyperK
What is the prototypical ACEI? captopril
If someone is non responsive to a drug, what should you do? try another class before giving additional drug but make sure you tried 3 times with this drug...
How does aspirin affect thiazie diuretics? decreases natriuretic effect
What are side effects of hydralazine? reflex tachycardia hypersensitivity reaction = lupus
What are the advantages of different generational ACEis? longer T1/2 differences in metabolic excretion
What are the drugs that are used for monotherapy of hypertension? Which are proven? *Thiazides ACE inhibittors ARBs *B antagonists a1 antagonists CC Blockers
What are the components of the baroreflex? arterial vesoconstriction venous constriciton increased HR and contractlity
What are the mechanisms of hypertension? increased BP needed to eliminate same amount of Na from body b/c of genetic defect or increased renal nerve activity (stress or loss of baroreceptor reflex) decreased vascular compliane and remodeling of heart and VSM
What are nonpharmocologic ways to reduce hypertension? salt restriction diet exercise weight loss reduce alcohol and smoking
What drug should alpha1 antagonists never be used with? DHPs b/c can cause tachycardia
Which is better for hypertension, DHPs or nonspecifics? DHPs
How does guanethidine used to treat hypertension? depletes noradrenergic nerve endings of NE almost never used....
How is blood pressure compensated for by the body in HTN treatment? fast response - baroreflex slow comp - reduced renal filtration causes increased sodium retention / Ang II
What are the side effects of alpha 1 antagonists? orthostatic hypertension fluid retention overtime
What is labetolol and what is it used for? blocks alpha and beta receptors used sometimes for essential hypertension, but mainly IV for emergency situations
When is someone w/ hypertension given loop diuretics? when have severe hypertension, or impaired renal function (GFR <30) if hypertensive emergincy , give IV treat refractory edema
Who shouldn't get ACEis? those w/ renal insufficiency pregnant women
What is the use of alpha methyl DOPA? prodrug convert to a-methyl NE that is selective a2 agonist safe for pregnancy however ,can cause hypersensitivity reactions
What drugs are alpha 1 blockers usually coadminstered with? thiazides and ACEi
What drugs are used for a hypertensie emergency? labetolol IV first IV nitroprusside - not too long though b/c CN accumulation IV nitroglycerine if eclampsia hydralazine IM or IV; MgSO4 for convulsions if pheochromocytoma phenotlamine or phenoxybenzamine
When does someone on a1 antagonists develop orthostatic hypertension? if on a diuretic or if this is the first time using it
Created by: sam.mrosenfeld
Popular Pharmacology sets




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