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IOS 9 Exam 2


Etiology of Psoriasis Genetic factor PSORS 1 loci and exogenous triggers (wather, stress, infection, trauma, medication, (lithium, BB, antimalarials, ACE-i, NSAIDS, tetracyclines, and INF
Pathophysiology of psorisis 4 steps 1. Antigen processing by antigen presenting cells (macrophages) 2. Antigen presentation to naive T-cells 3. Movement of T-cells to skin 4. Reactivation of T-cells in the dermis release of cytokines TNF alpha
Result of pathogenic T-cell production and activation Psoriatic epidermal cell proliferation at a rate that is seven fold faster than normal epidermal (37.5 vs 300 hours)
Goals of psoriasis treatment Skin normalization, reduction or clearing or papules, plaques, scales, improve QOL, minimize SE of medications
Emollients are used Often used during therapy free periods to minimize skin dryness that may lead to early recurrence. They hydrate stratum coreumand minimize water loss
Side effects of emollients Folliculitis and allergic or irritant dermititis
Epidemiology of psoriasis 2-3% of pupulation, caucasians are predominate, Bimodal onset 20-30 or 50-60yo, is cyclical or continous presense of thickened, erythematous,scaling plaques
Signs of psorosis Sharply demarkated, erythematous papules and plaques (silvery white) with small papules and removal of scales exposes pink, erythamateous lesions (blled-Auspitz)
Psoriasis is rated by PASI and %BSA Mild PASI <12, Moderate 12-18 and Severe >18 severe is BSI >20%
Most common form of psoriasis is Plaque Psoriasis
Balneotherapy is A theraputic approach that consists of bathing in waters containing certain salts
Ultraviolet B Phototherapy- Used in compination with topicals and or systemic therapy (310-315 best)
Guttate Psoriasis Classically it follows and B-hemolytic infection of Strep infection. Looks like dots or pink papules
Putular psoriasis Pus like blisters (WBC), localized to the palms and soles most common in patient swho have withdrawn from corticosteroids
Erythrodermic psoriasis Exfoliation of sine scales often a severe pruitis (itch) and pain, BSA >90%, most common when systemic corticosteroids are withdrawn (life threatening)
Nail psoriasis More often finger>toe, 4 clicinal changes onchyolysis, pitting *, yellow coloring, oil spots
Psoriatic arthritis Commonly seen in patients with scalp or nail psoriasis, difficult to distingusih from RA
Topical 1st line Keratolytics, topical corticosteroids (high, medium, low), vitamin D analoges, Tazarotene)
Systemic 1st line Acitretin (not for femles and want baby-3 years)
Systemic 2nd line Methotrexate
3rd Line systemics Biologics (Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus, Mycophenolate, Infliximab, Etanercept, Alefacept, Efalizumab)
Phototherapy 2nd line Coal tar is applied to skin and UVA (more penetration) and UVB light are used. Methoxasalen used with UV therapy topically or orally- 20 treatments
Scalp psoriasis Does not respond to oil vechiles best with tar shampoo and corticosteroid or solution vehicle
Nail psoriasis FOr oncholysis a topical corticosteroid in a solution vehile maybe used under the nail. Possible systemic therapy
Genitalia psoriasis A low potency topical corticosteroid oinment is recommended. Topical calcipotriene maybe used
Palms and soles Thick areas require the highest potencycorticosteroid, methotrexate or acitretin may be needed
MOA of keratolytics Disruption in corneocytes to corneocyte cohesion in the abnormal horny layer of psoriatioc skin
Brands of keratolytics Salicylcylic acid (Kerlyt, Lupicare Psoriasis)
Topical Corticosteroids Appear to inhibit phospholipase A and subsequently reduce levels af arachidonic acid, PG and leukotrienes in the skin
Topical corticosteroids which are Vey high potency Desoximetasone
High potency Corticosteroids Triamcinolone acetonide
Medium potency Hydrocorticone butyrate
Low potency Desonide
Very low potency Dexamethasone, prednisolone, Methylprednisolone
Vitamine D analog brand Dovonex
Coal tar brands Balnetar, neutrogena T/Gel, Cutar
Anthralin brands Drithocreme, Dritho-scalp, Psoriatec
MOA of Vitamin D analog Anti-inflammatory shift toward Th2, decrease IL-8 and increase IL 10
MOA of tazarotene Topical retinoid that modulates keratinocyte proliferation and differation
Coal Tar MOA Stimulates transient epidermal hyperplasia followed by cytostatic effect with epidermal thinning
Anthralin MOA Antiproliferative activity on human keratinocytes inhibiting DNA
Brands of anthralin Drithocreme, Dritho-scalp, Psoriatec
MOA of Acitretic Soriatane is a retinoid analog that acts on retinoid receptors in keratinocyte nucleus to correct abnormal cell differentiation-contraindicated in alcoholics, pregnancy,lactating, renal function, monitor LFT, Lipids at baseline and Q 1-2, and blood gluc
Created by: liza001
Popular Pharmacology sets




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