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Bethanechol stimulates muscarinic receptors. Used for urinary retention, GERD, gastric atony. AE: hypotension.
Atropine used for preanesthetic drug, bradycardia, muscarinic poisoning. AE: CNS excitation, toxicity- hallucinations, coma, delirium, R arrest, death.
Neostigmine used for Alzheimer's, myasthenia gravis. AE: bradycardia, SOB.
Tubocurarine used for Muscle relaxation during surgery, mechanical ventilation.
Epinephrine Used for MI, asthma, and anaphylactic shock. AE: hypertensive crisis, angina
Regitine used for essential hypertension, raynaud's disease.
Beta blockers-Iol x 5 used for HTN, angina, MI, dysrhythmias. AE: heart failure, bradycardia.
Levodopa promotes synthesis of dopamine. AE: dyskinesias, malignant melanoma.
Dilantin inhibits Na channels, suppressing action potentials, to control seizure activity. AE: gingival hyperplasia, teratogenic, nystagmus.
ASA used for inflammation, fever, pain. AE: GI, ulcer, Reyes syndrome, salicylism.
Celebrex inhibits COX 2, used for osteoarthritis and RA. AE: dyspepsia, abdominal pain.
Tylenol pain, fever. AE: hepatotoxicity
Ergostat used for ongoing migraine attack, it alters receptor activity, allowing vasoconstriction. AE: N/V. Toxicity called ergotism leads to gangrene.
Imitrex ongoing migraine attack. AE: coronary vasospasm.
Imitrex ongoing migraine attack. AE: coronary vasospasm.
Propranolol reduce frequency of migraine.
Lidocaine usually given with vasoconstrictor, need to aspirate injection to avoid systemic circulation.
Halothane used for anesthesia. AE: R. depression, hypotension.
Pentothal induces anesthesia. AE: cardiovascular and R. depression.
Morphine used for analgesia. AE: R. depression, tolerance, physical dependence.
Talwin, Nubain, Stadel less powerful than morphine, can cause immediate withdrawal reaction, needs to be added slowly and morphine decreased slowly. AE: R. depression.
Narcan Used for opioid overdose, R depression.
Tofranil reduce neuropathic pain. AE: anticholinergic effects, hypotension.
Thorazine (low potency) used for schizophrenia, BPAD. AE: EPS
Haldol (high potency) used for schizophrenia, tourettes syndrome. AE: EPS, NMS, anticholinergic effects.
Clozaril dopamine and serotonin block, clozaril regestery need to have WBC done to get more meds rlt agranulocytosis. Used for schizophrenia, levodopa induced psychosis.
Tofranil block norepi and serotonin, for depression. AE: anticholinergic effects, orthostatic hypotension.
Wellbutrin depression and stop smoking aid. Anticholinergic effects.
Lithium neuromodulator, used for manic and depressive phases of BPAD, narrow safety range. AE: teratogenic, renal toxicity, polyuria.
Tegretol BPAD anticonvulsants, Na channel blockade. AE: leukopenia, hepatotoxicity
Valium potentiates GABA, for anxiety, insomnia, SZ disorder, ETOH wid. AE: CNS and R. Depression.
BuSpar affects serotonin receptors, used for anxiety. AE: dizziness, nervousness, HA, N.
Adderall promotes release of norepi, dopamine, and serotonin. Used for ADHD, narcolepsy, obesity. AlE: physical dependence, dysrhythmias.
Captopril (ace inhibitor) Used for HTN, MI, heart failure. AlE: first dose phenomenon, renal failure.
Cozaar (ARB) HTN, heart failure. AlE: dizziness, fetal injury.
Verapamil (CCB) angina, HTN, dysrhthmias, migraine. AlE: partial or complete AV block.
Nifedipine (Dihydropridines) HTN, angina. AlE: reflex tachycardia.
Apresoline (vasodilators) HTN, heart failure, hypertensive crisis. AlE: reflex tachycardia, SLE syndrome- Lupus.
nitroglycerin angina. AlE: ortho static hypotension, reflex tachycardia
digoxin (inotropic) heartfailure. AlE: cardiotoxicity. Toxicitv risk increases with hypokalemia
quinidine ventricular dysrhythmias. AlE: cinchonism, av block, asystole.
cordarone ventricular dysrhythmias. AlE: pulmonary toxicity, optic neuropathy
Lovastatin Iowers LDL and raises HDL. AlE: hepatotoxicity, fetal malformation
questran High LDL. AlE: constipation
niacin reduces LDL and raises HDL. AlE: itching, flushing, hepatotoxicity
lopid reduces high levels of triglycerides. AE: hepatotoxicity.
heparin suppresses coagulation. AE: hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia
warfarin coagulation suppression by vit. K, VENOUS. AE: hemorrhage, teratogenesis.
ASA suppresses coagulation, ARTERIAL. AE: increased bleeding.
Streptase AE: bleeding, antibody production, hypotension
ferrous sulfate Deficiency Anemia drugs AE: GI
Nascobal Vitamin B 12 deficiency, will reverse anemia. AE: hypokalemia
Folate Folic Acid Deficiency,is an essential factor in DNA synthesis, used for alcoholism and megaloblastic anemia.
Erythropoietin Hematopoietic Growth Factors, stimulates RBC's, used for anemia's, AE: HTN.
Neumega increases platelet production. AE: fluid retention, cardia dysrhythmias
Insulin used for diabetes, ketoacidosis, hyperkalemia. AE: hypoglycemia, allergic reactions
Orinase (Oral Hypoglycemics) realease insulin from pancreas. AE: antabuse reaction, hypoglycemia
Synthroid used for hypothyroidism. AE: thyrotoxicosis, hyperthermia, tachycardia.
PTU used for graves disease, and thyrotoxic crisis. AlE: agranulocytosis, hypothyroidism
vasopressin used for diabetes insipidus. AE: H20 intoxication, angina
hydrocortisone (adrenal disorders) used for replacement therapy, addisons disease.
Albuterol used for ongoing asthma attack. A/E: tachycardia, tremor, angina, hypokalemia
Beclovent, Vanceril (Inhaled Glucocorticoids) prophylaxis for chronic asthma. A/E: candidas infection, dysphonia
Prednisone (Oral Glucocorticoids) prophylaxis of asthma. A/E: adrenal suppression, PUO (peptic ulcer disease), osteoporosis, hyperglycemia.
Cromolyn (mast cell stabilizers) use prior to allergy exposure, safest antiasthmatic.
Theo-dur(bronchodilation) maintenance for chronic asthma. AE: GI, insomnia, restlessness, toxicity= cardiorespritory collapse.
Atrovent used for chronic asthma. AE: dry mouth/throat, increased lOP, throat irritation
Zyflo (Leukotriene Modifiers) used for asthma. AE: hepatotoxicity with reversible hepatitis
Benadryl prophylaxis for allergic rhinitis. AE: anticholinergic effects, sedation
Beconase (Intranasal Glucocorticoids) used for allergic rhinitis. AE: drying of nasal mucosa, burning and itching r/t vehicle
Nasalcrom used for allergic rhinitis. AE: minimal
Pepto-bismol Suppression of H. pylori,disrupts cell wall. AE: pink color can mask GI bleed
Tagamet used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, GERD, zollinger-Ellison syndrome. AE: (NS effects, antiandrogenic effects.
Prilosec used for ulcers, GERD, Z-E syndrome. AE: GI, HA
Carafate used for duodenal ulcers. AE: constipation.
MOM stimulates bowel. AE: constipation, dehydration, renal dysfunction r/t increased MG and K and HTN and Heart Failure r/t increased Na.
Fiberall Bulk Forming Laxatives- mimic dietary fiber, increasing mass. AE: esophageal and intestinal obstruction, needs to be taken with a glass of water
Colace, surfak Surfactant Laxative- decreases surface tension. minimal adverse effects
Dulcolax Stimulant Laxatives- stimulates intestinal motility. minimal adverse effects
Reglan Prokinetic Drugs- suppresses emesis by blocking dopamine and serotonin receptors.AE: sedation, diarrhea, EPS.
Zofran used for chemotherapy induced emesis. AE: dizziness, GI
Lomotil, immodium Anti-diarrheal Drugs- decreases intestinal motility.minimal adverse effects
Penicillin G used for pneumonia, and syphilis- among other things. AE: neurotoxicity, allergic reactions.
Cephalosporins disrupts cell wall, all generations have adverse of bleeding, thrombophlebitis. 1st Gen: Ancef, Duricef, Keflex 2nd Gen: Cefaclor, Cefoxitin 3rd Gen: Rocephin- can cross blood brain barrier to treat meningitis. 4th Gen: Cefepime-can also cross BBB
lrnipenern given with cilistatin d/t enzyme that breaks down imipenem. AE: GI, hypersensitivity.
Vancomycin used in patients allergic to penicillin. AE: ototoxicity, red man syndrome, thrombophlebitis.
Tetracycline, doxycycline BPSI'S- inhibit protein synthesis, AE: suprainfection, tooth discoloration, hepato and renal toxicity
Gentamycin Aminoglycosides- alters protein synthesis, AE: ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
Sulfisoxazole, sulfamethoxazole Sulfonamides- disrupts folic acid synthesis, - AE: hemolytic anemia, renal damage, kernicterus
TMP-SMZ Folic Acid Suppressor- inhibits folic Acid synthesis, AE: rash, GI
Macrobid UTI Drugs- damages bacterial DNA, AE: GI, hematological, pulmonary
Cipro Fluoroquinolones- inhibits DNA replication, AE: candida infections, GI
Hagyl AE: HA, GI, antabuse reactions
cytoxan Cytotoxic Agents- react with Cell DNA,AE: bone marrow depression, anemia, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic cystitis.
Mustargen Mustard alkylating agent- contains nitrogen-HOT!!!!! AE:BMD, GI
Methotrexate aka Folex folic acid productin also used for RA. AE: BMD, stomatis, pulmonary fibrosis.
Purinethol AE: BMD, hepatic dysfunction
Dactinomycin Antitumor Antibiotics AE: BMD, GI, diarrhea
Vincristine Vinca Alkaloids- blocks mitosis AE: peripheral neuropathy, little BMD
Taxol AE: hypersensitivity reactions, BMD, peripheral neuropathy
Topotecan AE: BMD
Nolvadex Antiestrogens- blocks estrogen receptor. used for breast cancer, AE: endometrial cancer, menopausal symptoms.
Lupton, Zoladex suppresses production of androgens by testes (testosterone) chemical casteration, AE: loss of libido, impotence, menopausal symptoms.
Interferon Immunostimulants- increases immune response and decreases cell proliferation AE: flu-like symptoms, GI
Lasix Loop Diuretics- block reabsorption of Na and CI. used for edema, HTN, severe renal impairment. AlE: ototoxicity, hypokalemia, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances.
HCTZ Thiazides- increases secretion of Na, CI, K, and H20. used for essential hypertension, diabetes insipidus, and edema. AlE: same as lasix but no ototoxicity.
Spironolactone Potassium sparing Diuretic- Blocks action of Aldosterone- increasing excretion of Na and retention of K. AE: hyperkalemia, N/V
Mannitol Osmotic Diuretics- creates an osmotic forcewithin the nephron. used to decrease lOP, ICP. AE: edema, can precipitate CHF and pulmonary edema
Created by: klopez4
Popular Pharmacology sets




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